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Friday, June 8, 2018

Pertamina Seeks PTPN Assets

PT Pertamina (Persero) is eyeing the land belonging to PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) XI and XII in Tuban, East Java For the construction of Tuban refinery. Previously, the Tuban refinery will use the land owned by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) in Tanjung Awar-awar Tuban and several hectares of Iahan owned by local residents. However, the process of using KLHK materials has not been resolved yet.

Nicke Widyawati

Pertamina Managing Director Nicke Widyawati said PTPN land transactions will be faster and easier compared to land owned by KLHK and residents. In addition to the Iahan problem, the company hopes that the new grass root refinery (GRR) project in Tuban can enter the national strategic project (PSN) in order to facilitate the execution process of residents.

Pertamina's Pertamina, Pertamina, Petrochemical and Petrochemical Director Heru Setiawan said the company is looking for alternative land for the Tuban refinery. One alternative is using land owned by PTPN XI and XII.

"This is not final yet, we are still in the process of continuous discussion," Heru said in a hearing with Commission VII of the House of Representatives of PTPN XI and XII, including land in the port, about 800 hectare Heru said Pertamina is likely will acquire the second PTPN I. "Only the details are still in the discussion phase."

He confirmed that the land constraints in the construction of the Tuban refinery that is still not completed will not disrupt the company's plan and target in completion of the project. Tuban GRR is targeted to be completed by 2024. The new refinery will have an oil fuel production capacity of around 300 barrels per day (bpd). Pertamina relies on partners in working on new refinery projects.

However, Pertamina's position is not always the majority in new refinery projects. Nicke acknowledged, Pertamina shares are not the majority in the project Bontang refinery. In contrast, Pertamina will keep the majority part of the Tuban refinery project because the petrochemical business potential around the refinery is considerable. Nicke Widyawati said the company will keep the majority share in GRR Tuban. Currently, Pertamina shares 55%, while Rosneft 45%.

"We are still looking for the majority ahead because we see the domestic petrochemical market is quite good," said Nicke.


In addition to the new refinery, Pertamina also revitalized (refinery development master plan / RDMP) of existing refineries, such as Balikpapan Refinery. The auction process of Balikpapan refinery is targeted to be completed in October 2018. Heru Setiawan said, currently still in the process of bidding for engineering design and construction (EPC) of Balikpapan Refinery. According to him, there are four consortiums involved in the auction.

"Of the four consortiums, there are those consisting of contractors and mixes with State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN)," he said. Heru said, Balikpapan refinery investment could reach about US $ 4 billion. "Yes it can be up to US $ 4 billion for revitalization investment Balikpapan Refinery."

In addition, the construction of the Balikpapan Refinery is also in the process of approving the asset company. The revitalization of Balikpapan refinery will increase the production capacity of 100,000 bph and it is targeted to be completed by 2021. The revitalization of the Cilacap refinery has entered the calculation of the value of the refinery assets and is awaiting the approval of the Ministry of SOEs. Production of Cilacap Refinery will increase 50.000 bpd.

Revitalization of Balongan Refinery in preparation for strategic review for petrochemical business comprehensively. Balongan Refinery production can increase 140,000-225,000 bpd. The revitalization of Cilacap and Balongan refineries is expected to be completed. in 2023. Revitalization of Dumai Refinery is still the selection stage of partners. Production of Dumai Refinery will rise to around 130,000 bpd. The Dumai Refinery RDMP is targeted to be completed by 2024.

In addition to Tuban Refinery, the government will also build another new refinery, Bontang Refinery. Currently, Pertamina has prepared the land for Bontang Refinery. In addition, the project has entered the study of infrastructure utilization and supply of raw materials from PT Badak NGL. Bontang Factory production is estimated at 300,000 bph and is targeted to be completed by 2025.


While waiting for the revitalization process and construction of a new refinery, Pertamina still needs EURO IV quality imports to meet KLHK requirements targeted to begin in September 2018, but has started in some areas since the Asian Games in August 2018. Director General of Oil and Gas , Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Djoko Siswanto said Pertamina still needs import of Euro IV fuels about 180,000 kiloliters.

"Later, in the process of following the provisions of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Gaikindo was ready to supply quality gasoline EURO IV but if in terms of supply of fuel EURO IV is ready," he said.

Nicke Widyawati said the company has started to produce EURO IV even though in a number that is not too much. However, after the Blue Sky Project Cilacap refinery can be completed will increase the production of standard fuel EURO IV. Senior Vice President of Integrated Supply Chain (ISC) Pertamina Toto Nugroho said Balongan refinery can produce EuroM IV fuel so Pertamina imports only 70,000 barrels of oil per month.


Pertamina Mengincar Aset PTPN

PT Pertamina (Persero) mengincar lahan milik PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) XI dan XII di Tuban, Jawa Timur Untuk lokasi pembangunan Kilang Tuban. Sebelumnya, Kilang Tuban itu akan menggunakan lahan milik Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK) di Tanjung Awar-awar Tuban dan beberapa hektare Iahan milik warga sekitar. Namun, proses penggunaan Iahan KLHK itu masih belum bisa diselesaikan.

Pelaksana  Tugas Direktur Utama Pertamina Nicke Widyawati mengatakan, transaksi lahan milik PTPN akan lebih cepat dan mudah dibandingkan dengan lahan milik KLHK dan warga. Selain persoalan Iahan, perseroan berharap agar proyek kilang baru (grass root refinery/GRR] Tuban bisa masuk proyek strategis nasional (PSN) agar proses eksekusi Iahan warga bisa Iebih cepat.

Direktur Megaproyek, Pengolahan, dan Petrokimia Pertamina Heru Setiawan mengatakan, perseroan memang sedang mencari alternatif Iahan untuk Kilang Tuban. Salah satu alternatif, yaitu menggunakan lahan milik PTPN XI dan XII.

“Hanya ini belum final, kami masih proses diskusi lebih Ianjut," kata Heru dalam rapat dengar pendapat dengan Komisi VII Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat. Luas lahan PTPN XI dan XII itu, termasuk lahan yang di pelabuhan, sekitar 800 hektare. Heru mengatakan, Pertamina kemungkinan besar akan mengakuisisi Iahan kedua PTPN tersebut.  “Hanya detailnya memang masih dalam tahap diskusi."

Dia memastikan, kendala lahan dalam pembangunan Kilang Tuban yang masih belum rampung ini tidak akan menganggu rencana dan target perseroan dalam penyelesaian proyek tersebut. GRR Tuban ditargetkan rampung pada 2024. Kilang baru tersebut akan memiliki kapasitas produksi bahan bakar minyak (BBM) sekitar 300 barel per hari (bph). Pertamina mengandalkan mitra dalam mengerjakan proyek kilang baru. 

Namun, posisi Pertamina tidak selalu menjadi mayoritas dalam proyek kilang baru. Nicke mengakui, saham Pertamina tidak mayoritas dalam proyek Kilang Bontang. Sebaliknya, Pertamina akan tetap menjaga bagian mayoritas di dalam proyek Kilang Tuban karena potensi bisnis petrokimia di sekitar kilang cukup besar. Nicke Widyawati mengatakan, perseroan akan tetap menjaga bagian mayoritas di GRR Tuban. Saat ini, bagian Pertamina 55%, sedangkan Rosneft 45 %. 

“Kami tetap incar mayoritas ke depan karena melihat pasar petrokimia domestik cukup bagus,” kata Nicke.


Selain kilang baru, Pertamina juga merevitalisasi (refinery development master plan/ RDMP) kilang yang sudah ada, seperti Kilang Balikpapan. Proses lelang pengerjaan Kilang Balikpapan ditargetkan rampung pada Oktober 2018. Heru Setiawan mengatakan, saat ini masih dalam proses penawaran untuk pengerjaan desain teknik dan konstruksi (EPC) Kilang Balikpapan. Menurutnya, ada empat konsorsium yang terlibat dalam lelang tersebut. 

“Dari empat konsorsium itu ada yang terdiri dari kontraktor dan campuran dengan Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN),” ujarnya. Heru menyebutkan, investasi Kilang Balikpapan bisa mencapai sekitar US$ 4 miliar. “Ya bisa sampai US$4 miliar untuk investasi revitalisasi Kilang Balikpapan.”

Selain itu, proses pembangunan Kilang Balikpapan juga dalam proses untuk persetujuan perusahan aset. Revitalisasi Kilang Balikpapan akan menambah kapasitas produksi sebesar 100.000 bph dan ditargetkan bisa rampung pada 2021. Proses revitalisasi Kilang Cilacap sudah memasuki tahap penghitungan nilai aset kilang tersebut dan menunggu persetujuan Kementerian BUMN. Produksi Kilang Cilacap akan bertambah 50.000 bph.

Revitalisasi Kilang Balongan dalam persiapan kajian strategis untuk bisnis petrokimia secara komprehensif. Produksi Kilang Balongan bisa bertambah 140.000-225.000 bph. Revitalisasi Kilang Cilacap dan Balongan itu diperkirakan bisa rampung. pada 2023. Revitalisasi Kilang Dumai masih tahap seleksi mitra. Produksi Kilang Dumai akan naik menjadi sekitar 130.000 bph. RDMP Kilang Dumai ditargetkan selesai pada 2024.

Selain Kilang Tuban, pemerintah juga akan membangun kilang baru lainnya, yaitu Kilang Bontang. Saat ini, Pertamina sudah menyiapkan lahan untuk Kilang Bontang. Selain itu, proyek itu sudah masuk kajian pemanfaatan infrastruktur dan pasokan bahan baku dari PT Badak NGL. Produksi Kilang Bontang diperkirakan sebesar 300.000 bph dan ditargetkan rampung pada 2025.


Sambil menunggu proses revitalisasi dan pembangunan kilang baru, Pertamina masih membutuhkan impor BBM berkualitas EURO IV untuk memenuhi ketentuan KLHK yang ditargetkan mulai dilakukan pada September 2018, tetapi sudah mulai dilakukan di beberapa kawasan sejak Asian Games, yakni pada Agustus 2018. Dirjen Minyak dan Gas Bumi, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Djoko Siswanto mengatakan, Pertamina masih membutuhkan impor BBM Euro IV sekitar 180.000 kiloliter.

"Nanti, dalam proses mengikuti ketentuan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan, Gaikindo pun siap memasok bensin berkualitas EURO IV tetapi jika dari segi suplai BBM EURO IV sudah siap," ujarnya.

Nicke Widyawati mengatakan, perseroan sudah mulai memproduksi EURO IV walaupun dalam jumlah yang tidak terlalu banyak. Namun, setelah Proyek Langit Biru Kilang Cilacap bisa rampung akan menambah produksi BBM standar EURO IV. Senior Vice President Integrated Supply Chain (ISC) Pertamina Toto Nugroho mengatakan, Kilang Balongan sudah bisa memproduksi BBM Euro IV sehingga Pertamina hanya mengimpor BBM berkualitas itu sebanyak 70.000 barel per bulan.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Thursday, May 24, 2018

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