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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Petronas: No Arbitration on Kepodang

Petronas Carigali finally opened a vote related to the compensation issue in the gas transportation agreement contract with PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) in Kepodang Field Blok Muriah. 

     Manono Setiawan, Manager of Corporal Affairs & Administration, Petronas Carigali, said that Petronas has not received any information related to PGN's move to sue Petronas for arbitration because it has not paid ship or pay liability of US $ 32 million. According to Andiono, Petronas has followed the agreement in the gas transportation agreement.

Muriah Block - Petronas

"We have not received any official notification from PGN for arbitration and certainly we always follow what is in the agreement," said Andiono

However, he did not confirm the amount of ship or pay obligations paid by Petronas to PGN.

"In principle we follow what is in the agreement," he explained.
As is known, PGN until now still still not get compensation and Petronas due to the majestic conditions in Kepodang Field. The total compensation that should have been paid in accordance with the mechanism of ship or pay contracts reached approximately US $ 32 million. 

     Director of PGN Infrastructure and Technology Dilo Seno Widagdo said PGN will settle the compensation problem through arbitration.

"Petronas has not paid the terms of the gas contract and we continue to arbitase," Dilo said on Friday (22/6).


Petronas: Belum Ada Arbitrase atas Kepodang

Petronas Carigali akhirnya buka suara terkait masalah ganti rugi dalam kontrak gas transportation agreement dengan PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) di Lapangan Kepodang Blok Muriah. 

     Manajer Corpopate Affairs & Administration Petronas Carigali Andiono Setiawan mengatakan, Petronas sampai saat ini belum mendapatkan informasi terkait langkah PGN yang akan menuntut Petronas kepengadilan arbitrase karena belum membayar kewajiban ship or pay sebesar US$ 32 juta. Menurut Andiono, Petronas telah mengikuti perjanjian dalam gas transportation agreement . 

"Kami belum menerima pemberitahuan resmi dari PGN untuk arbitrase dan yang pasti kami selalu mengikuti apa yang ada di dalam perjanjian," ujar Andiono

Namun ia tidak menegaskan jumlah kewajiban ship or pay yang telah dibayarkan oleh Petronas kepada PGN.

“Pada prinsipnya kami mengikuti apa yang ada di dalam perjanjian," terangnya. 

Seperti diketahui, PGN hingga saat ini masih belum juga mendapatkan ganti rugi dan Petronas akibat kondisi kahar di Lapangan Kepodang. Total ganti rugi yang seharusnya sudah dibayar sesuai mekanisme kontrak ship or pay mencapai sekitar US$ 32 juta. 

     Direktur Infrastruktur dan Teknologi PGN Dilo Seno Widagdo menyebut, PGN akan menyelesaikan permasalah ganti rugi tersebut melalui jalur arbitrase. 

"Petronas belum membayar sesuai ketentuan kontrak gas. Kami lanjutkan ke arbitase," tegas Dilo, Jumat (22/6).

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, June 26, 2018.

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