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Saturday, June 30, 2018

The cost of the Ultra In Sea Project is cut in half

Chevron parties want to cut costs so that the development plan is approved

One of Chevron's deep-sea oil and gas projects or Deepwater Development (IDD) projects is entering a new phase. This is in line with the certainty of the proposed development plan or plan of development (PoD) by the company from the United States.

Chevron is finally willing to cut development costs as requested by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) as the main condition of the PoD's approval by the government. The government admits that it is still waiting for the proposal of PoD of the official IDD project from Chevron party no later than June 28, 2018. EMR Deputy Minister of Energy, Arcandra Tahar claimed the IDD project cost cuts are estimated to reach about US $ 6 billion.

"So about US $ 6 billion cutting, was US $ 12.8 billion," said Arcandra.

In other words, the cut is almost half. He said that the cost cutting of Gendalo-Gehem development could not be separated from the lobby and the government's evaluation of the cost structure provided by the Chevron team. The government even conducted cost-cutting talks with the team from headquarters. Chevron in Houston, United States (US).

"The talk since before the fast," said Arcandra.

Actually, the ultra-deepwater PoD in the second phase has actually got the approval of the government in 2008. But over the course of time, in 2013 after the front end engineering design (FEED) stage, the project cost requirement has increased from about US $ 6.9 billion .

     Well, start increasing the price of oil so the reason Chevron made a revision PoD. The company, formerly named Caltex, later revised the PoD by adding Credit Investment request.

When revision of the revised proposal was submitted, the government always refused. That's because the proposal is not complete administratively and Chevron asks for incentives that are not in the contract, namely Credit Investment. Chevron requested credit investment or compensation rights to the government with a very high percentage of 240%. Whereas the maximum investment credit demanded by the Cooperation Contract Contractor (KKKS) is only 100%

Arcandra stressed that IDD project cost cuts are not only caused by world oil prices that are different from when Chevron requested a revision of the previous PoD, when oil prices were in the position of about US $ 100s per barrel. In addition to the financing structure, the main factor of cost cutting is the adoption of the right technology without having to spend the extra cost.

"The main thing is technology, the way that they develop, then commercial technology," said Arcandra.

Despite significant cost cuts, Arcandra ensures gas production from the Gendalo-Gehem field will not be affected. We are looking forward to its realization.


Biaya Proyek Laut Ultra Dalam Dipotong Setengah

Pihak Chevron mau memangkas biaya agar rencana pengembangan disetujui

Salah satu proyek minyak dan gas (migas) ultra laut dalam atau Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) yang dikerjakan Chevron memasuki babak baru. Hal ini seiring adanya kepastian pengajuan proposal rencana pengembangan atau plan of development (PoD) oleh perusahaan dari Amerika Serikat tersebut.

Chevron akhirnya bersedia memotong biaya pengembangan seperti permintaan Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) sebagai syarat utama persetujuan PoD oleh pemerintah. Adapun pemerintah mengaku masih menanti proposal PoD proyek IDD resmi dari pihak Chevron paling lambat pada 28 Juni 2018. Wakil Mentreri ESDM, Arcandra Tahar mengklaim pemangkasan biaya proyek IDD diperkirakan mencapai sekitar US$ 6 miliar. 

"Jadi kira-kira sekitar US$ 6 miliar cutting (pemangkasan biaya), tadinya US$ 12,8 miliar," kata Arcandra.

Dengan kata lain, pemotongan hampir separuh. Ia menceritakan, pemangkasan biaya pengembangan Gendalo-Gehem ini tidak lepas dari lobi dan evaluasi pemerintah terhadap struktur biaya yang diberikankan oleh tim Chevron. Pemerintah bahkan melakukan pembicaraan pemangkasan biaya dengan tim dari kantor pusat. Chevron di Houston, Amerika Serikat (AS).

"Pembicaraan sejak sebelum puasa," kata Arcandra. 

Sebenarnya PoD ultra laut dalam tahap kedua ini sebenarnya sudah sempat mendapat persetujuan pemerinfah pada tahun 2008. Namun seiring perjalanan waktu, pada tahun 2013 setelah tahap front end engineering design (FEED), kebutuhan biaya proyek ini meningkat, dari sekitar US$ 6,9 miliar. Nah, mulai meningkatnya harga minyak jadi alasan Chevron melakukan revisi PoD. Perusahaan yang dulu bernama Caltex itu kemudian merevisi PoD tersebut dengan menambahkan permintaan Credit investment.

Saat revisi proposal revisi itu diserahkan, pemerintah selalu menolak. Hal itu karena proposal tidak lengkap secara administrasi dan pihak Chevron meminta insentif yang tidak ada dalam kontrak, yakni Credit Investment. Chevron meminta investment kredit atau hak ganti rugi kepada pemerintah dengan persentase yang sangat tinggi, yakni sebesar 240 %. Padahal maksimal investment credit yang diminta Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) itu hanya sebesar 100% 

Arcandra menegaskan, pemangkasan biaya proyek IDD bukan hanya disebabkan harga minyak dunia yang berbeda dengan saat Chevron meminta revisi PoD sebelumnya, ketika harga minyak berada di posisi sekitar US$ 100an per barel. Selain struktur pembiayaan, faktor utama pemotongan biaya adalah penerapan teknologi yang tepat tanpa harus menghabiskan biaya ekstra. 

"Yang utama itu teknologi, the way that they develop, lalu teknologi komersial," ungkap Arcandra.

Meskipun mengalami pemangkasan biaya cukup signifikan, Arcandra menjamin produksi gas dari lapangan Gendalo-Gehem tidak akan terpengaruh. Layak kita tunggu realisasinya.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, June 28, 2018

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