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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Jumbo Oil and Gas Project is Operating Sluggishly

A number of large-scale oil and gas projects have started to operate. However, the progress of these big projects is still very slow. One of the major projects that are expected to go ahead is the ultra marine project in Indonesia's second phase Deep Water Development (IDD) alias for Field Square Gendalo and Gehem.

Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Djoko Siswanto said the Gendalo-Gehem plan of development (POD) proposal will be submitted in June 2018.

"We are waiting for his proposal," said Djoko, last weekend.

According to the Head of Program and Communications Division of Wisnu Prabawa Taller, the Head of Program and Communications Division of Wisnu Prabawa Taller, the Gendalo-Gehem project is still in pre-end engineering (pre feed) stage and is expected to be completed this week.

"Hopefully next week conclude," said Vishnu.

In addition to the Gendalo-Gehem project, the Masela Block project is also very slow. Wisnu said that the Masela Block project is still in prefeed stage. Mohammad Berli, Advisor Corp. Service & Act. Senior Manager of Corporote Responsibility Inpex Indonesia, said that the pre-feed target of Masela Block is completed by the end of 2018. 

Masela Block

     Hence, Inpex has not yet acquired land for LNG plant location. In fact, Inpex has not yet determined the exact location of the Masela Block Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) will be built in West Southeast Maluku.

"The location of the refinery has not been determined and we are currently conducting a pre-feed survey," Berly said.

LNG plant location determination will be determined after pre feed is completed. According to Berly, pre-feed is the key step needed to formulate the revision of POD 1 (first development plan) to be submitted to the Government of Indonesia to continue the development of the Abadi LNG project.

"Pre feed will consider and formulate the basic requirements for the design of refineries and other facilities The analysis of pre feed results also examines the potential location of refinery development in West Southeast Maluku," he said.

Adapted East Natuna Block also has not started after Pertamina abandoned its partner, namely ExxonMobil, Petronas and PTT EP Thailand. East Natuna is a jumbo gas project with 46 trillion cubic feet (tcf) gas reserves. Pertamina is still looking for new partners.


Proyek Migas Jumbo Beroperasi Lamban

Sejumlah proyek migas skala besar sudah mulai beroperasi. Namun, kemajuan proyek-proyek besar tersebut masih sangat lambat. Salah satu proyek besar yang diharapkan segera berjalan adalah proyek ultra laut dalam alias Indonesia Deep Water Development (IDD) tahap kedua untuk Lapangan Lapangan Gendalo dan Gehem. 

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Djoko Siswanto mengatakan, proposal plan of development (POD) Gendalo-Gehem akan diajukan pada Juni 2018 ini. 

"Kami sedang menunggu proposalnya," jelas Djoko, akhir pekan lalu.

Menurut Kepala Divisi Program dan Komunikasi Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Wisnu Prabawa Taller, proyek Gendalo-Gehem masih dalam tahap pre front end engineering design (pre feed) dan diharapkan bisa selesai pekan ini.

"Mudah-mudahan pekan depan conclude," kata Wisnu.

Selain proyek Gendalo-Gehem, proyek Blok Masela juga sangat lambat. Wisnu mengungkapkan, proyek Blok Masela juga masih dalam tahapan prefeed. Mohammad Berli, Advisor Corp Service & Act. Senior Manager Corporote Responsibility Inpex Indonesia mengatakan, target pre feed Blok Masela selesai pada akhir tahun 2018. 

     Makanya sampai saat ini Inpex belum melakukan pembebasan lahan untuk lokasi kilang LNG. Bahkan, Inpex belum menentukan lokasi tepatnya kilang liquefied natural gas (LNG) Blok Masela akan dibangun di Maluku Tenggara Barat. 

"Lokasi kilang belum ditentukan. Saat ini kami melakukan survei pre feed,” ujar Berly.

Penentuan lokasi kilang LNG akan ditentukan setelah pre feed selesai. Menurut Berly, pre-feed adalah langkah kunci yang diperlukan untuk merumuskan revisi POD 1 (rencana pembangunan pertama) yang akan diserahkan ke Pemerintah Indonesia untuk melanjutkan pengembangan proyek LNG Abadi. 

"Pre feed akan mempertimbangkan dan merumuskan syarat dasar untuk desain kilang dan fasilitas lain. Analisis hasil pre feed juga mengkaji potensi lokasi pembangunan kilang di Maluku Tenggara Barat," ujarnya. 

Adapan Blok East Natuna juga belum dimulai setelah Pertamina ditinggal patnernya, yakni ExxonMobil, Petronas dan PTT EP Thailand. East Natuna adalah proyek gas jumbo dengan cadangan gas 46 trilion cubic feet (tcf). Pertamina masih mencari mitra baru.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, June 26, 2018.


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