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Thursday, June 21, 2018

Total EP Cancel Entry Block Mahakam

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) stated, PT Total EP Indonesie canceled to become partner of PT Pertamina in Mahakam Block. Whereas Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources lgnasius Jonan has given the opportunity to Total EP in order to get 39% stake in Mahakam, or bigger than before that only 30%.

Director of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Djoko Siswanto asserted, Total EP chose to release the opportunity to have another participating interest or participating interest in the oil and gas block in East Kalimantan. Therefore, Total EP refused to pay the participation rights of Mahakam Block.

"Pertamina is allowed to reduce ownership or share down." Total if you want to go must pay, but Total does not want to pay, "said Djoko.

Others with Inpex Corporation Japan are still interested in becoming partners with Pertamina. Even Inpex has conducted business to business (B to B) talks with Pertamina.

"lnpex is intent, still there," said Djoko.

But so far Djoko not yet know what percentage of participation rights that interest in lnpex Mahakam block. The government set a maximum limit of share down that may be done Pertamina in Mahakam Block is only 39%. The decision aims to maintain existence Pertamina as the operator of the oil and gas block.

"We can reach 39%, as much as 10% is for BUMD, Pertamina must be 51%, so up to 39% can," said Djoko.

In addition to Inpex, there are other oil and gas companies that are also interested to have the right of participation in the Mahakam Block. The oil and gas company is still waiting for Pertamina's official announcement to release part of the participation rights in the Mahakam block.

So far, outside of Total EP and Inpex, the oil and gas company from China Petrochina has expressed interest in the Mahakam block. Petrochina is eyeing a participating interest of about 15% to 20% in the Mahakam Block. Well, to buy shares in the Mahakam Block, In ex or Petrochina must prepare a very large fund. As of December 31, 2017, the asset value of the Mahakam Block is US $ 9.43 billion.


Total EP Batal Masuk Blok Mahakam

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menyatakan, PT Total EP Indonesie batal menjadi mitra PT Pertamina di Blok Mahakam. Padahal Menteri ESDM lgnasius Jonan sudah memberikan kesempatan ke Total EP agar bisa mendapatkan 39% saham di Mahakam, atau lebih besar dari sebelumnya yang hanya 30%.

Direktur Migas Kementerian ESDM, Djoko Siswanto menegaskan, Total EP memilih melepas kesempatan memiliki lagi hak partisipasi atau participating interest di blok migas di Kalimantan Timur tersebut. Sebab, Total EP menolak membayar hak partisipasi Blok Mahakam.

"Pertamina itu membolehkan mengurangi kepemilikan atau share down. Total kalau mau masuk harus bayar, tapi Total tidak mau bayar," jelas Djoko.

Lain dengan Inpex Corporation Japan yang menyatakan masih berminat menjadi mitra dengan Pertamina. Bahkan Inpex sudah melakukan pembicaraan secara business to business (B to B) dengan Pertamina. 

"lnpex sudah niat, tetap ada," kata Djoko.

Namun sejauh ini Djoko belum mengetahui berapa persen hak partisipasi yang diminati lnpex di Blok Mahakam. Pemerintah menetapkan batas maksimal share down yang boleh dilakukan Pertamina di Blok Mahakam hanya sebesar 39%. Keputusan tersebut bertujuan untuk menjaga eksistensi Pertamina sebagai operator blok migas tersebut. 

"Kita bisa sampai 39%, sebanyak 10% adalah untuk BUMD, Pertamina harus 51%. Jadi sampai 39% bisa," jelas Djoko.

Selain Inpex, ada perusahaan migas lain yang juga berminat untuk memiliki hak partisipasi di Blok Mahakam. Perusahaan migas tersebut masih menunggu pengumunan resmi Pertamina melepas sebagian hak partisipasi di Blok Mahakam.

Sejauh ini, di luar Total EP dan Inpex, perusahaan migas yang berasal dari China yaitu Petrochina telah menyatakan minat di Blok Mahakam. Petrochina mengincar hak partisipasi sekitar 15% sampai 20% di Blok Mahakam. Nah, untuk membeli saham di Blok Mahakam, ln ex maupun Petrochina harus menyiapkan dana yang sangat besar. Per 31 Desember 2017 nilai aset Blok Mahakam sebesar US$ 9,43 miliar.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, June 6, 2018

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