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Friday, June 8, 2018

Tuban Refinery Will Use PTPN Land

PT Pertamina (Persero) will use Iahan owned by PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) XI and XII related to the construction of New Grass Root Refinery in Tuban. This is because the construction of the project is constrained on the procurement of land location of the refinery. Pertamina's refinery projects in cooperation with Russian oil company Rosneft Oil Company.

Acting Director (Plt) Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati said it has conducted a survey to ensure proper use of land owned by PTPN.

"It has been surveyed and initial investigation, the port has been surveyed and suitable to build a refinery there .This option we expect the progress of the Tuban refinery can be implemented.300.000 barrel oilper day (bopd) added capacity," Nicke said in a hearing with Commission VII House of Representatives (DPR).

Nicke Widyawati

Nicke explained, the alternative land is located in Asembagus, Situbondo - East Java with an area of ​​807 hectares, mostly owned by PTPN XI and XII. After the survey the land is considered suitable from the broad side and capacity ability to receive shipments of crude via ship VLCC3.

"It is also far from residential areas and not far from supporting infrastructure," he explained.

He explained the Ministry of Finance approved the scheme of Cooperation of Utilization (KSP) in this case the use of state-owned land. However the principal license from the Ministry of finance against the KSP scheme has expired on 14 March 2018. While Rosneft requires land ownership and objection to the term for the basil at the end of its life.

"The land owned by KLHK needs to be handled up to the Finance and the land owned by the people, but it needs regulation change so that Pertamina's project into national strategy project can use the Act number 2 / 2012. It needs process," said Nicke.

Meanwhile, Director of Mega Pertamina Processing and Petrochemical Project, Heru Setiawan added, the need for the land of Tuban refinery is about 800 hectares. He called PTPN land an alternative solution and no decision whatsoever related to it. It is not yet clear how the PTPN land use scheme is.

"Completed Join Venture but who is processing Pertamina is in discussions of lease or land acquisition," Nicke said.


Kilang Tuban Akan Menggunakan Lahan PTPN

PT Pertamina (Persero) akan menggunakan Iahan milik PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) XI dan XII terkait pembangunan kilang baru (New Grass Root Refinery) Tuban. Hal ini karena pembangunan proyek tersebut terkendala pada pengadaan lahan lokasi kilang. Proyek kilang ini Pertamina bekerjasama dengan perusahaan Migas dari Rusia, Rosneft Oil Company.

Pelaksana Tugas (Plt) Direktur Utama Pertamina Nicke Widyawati mengatakan pihaknya sudah melaksanakan survei untuk memastikan layak tidaknya penggunaan lahan milik PTPN tersebut. 

"Sudah di survei dan initial investigation, pelabuhan sudah di survei dan cocok bangun kilang di situ. Opsi ini kita harapkan progress dari refinery Tuban bisa dilaksanakan.300.000 barrel oilper day (bopd) tambah kapasitas," kata Nicke dalam rapat dengar pendapat dengan Komisi VII Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR).

Nicke menerangkan, lahan alternatif tersebut berlokasi di Asembagus, Situbondo dengan luas 807 hektar yang sebagian besar dimiliki oleh PTPN XI dan XII. Setelah dilakukan survey lahan tersebut dinilai cocok dari sisi luas maupun kapasitas kemampuan untuk menerima pengiriman crude via kapal VLCC3.

"Selain itu juga jauh dari pemukiman penduduk serta tidak jauh dari infrastruktur penunjang," terangnya.

Dia menjelaskan Kementerian Keuangan menyetujui skema Kerja Sama Pemanfaatan (KSP) dalam hal ini pemanfaatan lahan milik negara. Namun izin prinsip dari Kementerian keuangan terhadap skema KSP telah berakhir pada 14 Maret 2018. Sedangkan Rosneft mensyaratkan kepemilikan lahan dan keberatan terhadap term bagi basil pada akhir masa pakai.

"Lahan yang dimiliki KLHK perlu ada yang mengurus hingga Keuangan dan lahan milik warga. Namun perlu perubahan regulasi, agar proyek Pertamina masuk proyek strategi nasional bisa menggunakan Undang-Undang nomor 2/ 2012 itu. Perlu proses," kata Nicke.

Sementara itu Direktur Mega Proyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia Pertamina, Heru Setiawan menambahkan, kebutuhan lahan kilang Tuban sekitar 800 hektar. Dia menyebut lahan PTPN merupakan solusi alternatif dan belum ada keputusan apapun terkait hal tersebut. Belum dipastikan juga bagaimana skema penggunaan lahan PTPN tersebut. 

"Diselesaikan Join Venture tapi yang memproses Pertamina. Ini sedang didiskusikan sewa atau akuisisi lahan," kata Nicke.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, May 24, 2018

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