, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Up to April, Upstream Oil and Gas Inventories Reach US $ 3.1 Billion - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Up to April, Upstream Oil and Gas Inventories Reach US $ 3.1 Billion

The Upstream Oil and Gas Upstream Business Unit (SKK Migas), noted that upstream oil and gas investment continues to increase from month to month in 2018. This brings signals, investment climate in the oil and gas sector recovered. 

     Head of Program and Communication Division of SKK Migas Wisnu Prabawa Taher, said that upstream oil and gas investment as of April 30 has reached US $ 3.18 billion. That number increased by about US $ 700 million compared to the achievement as of end of March 2018 which reached US $ 2.4 billion.

However, the achievement of investment per April only reaches about 22% of the target of upstream oil and gas investment this year which amounted to US $ 14.2 billion. The majority of upstream oil and gas investment as of April 2018 is for exploitation activities. The investment for this exploitation activity amounts to about US $ 2.9 billion.

"Especially exploration of US $ 273 million," said Vishnu

The number of exploration investment until April 208 rose slightly compared to the realization of investment at the end of March 2018 which reached about 250 million. Vishnu said most investments for exploration are used for seismic activities. 

    The government this year has raised the target of upstream oil and gas investment in 2018 from US $ 12.6 billion to US $ 14.17 billion. As for 2017 upstream oil and gas investment is only US $ 9.33 billion from the target of US $ 12 billion.


Hingga April, lnvegtasi Hulu Migas Capai US$ 3,1 Miliar

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas), mencatat investasi hulu migas terus meningkat dari bulan ke bulan di tahun 2018. Hal ini membawa isyarat, iklim investasi di sektor migas kembali pulih. 

    Kepala Divisi Program dan Komunikasi SKK Migas Wisnu Prabawa Taher mengatakan, investasi hulu migas per 30 April sudah mencapai US$ 3,18 miliar. Angka tersebut meningkat sekitar US$ 700 juta dibandingkan pencapaian per akhir Maret 2018 yang mencapai mencapai US$ 2,4 miliar.

Namun pencapaian investasi per April baru mencapai sekitar 22% dari target investasi hulu migas tahun ini yang sebesar US$ 14,2 miliar. Mayoritas investasi hulu migas per April 2018 untuk kegiatan eksploitasi. lnvestasi untuk kegiatan eksploitasi ini mencapai sekitar US$ 2,9 miliar. 
“Khususnya eksplorasi sebesar US$ 273 juta," ujar Wisnu

Angka investasi eksplorasi hingga April 208 naik sedikit dibandingkan realisasi investasi di akhir Maret 2018 yang mencapai sekitar 250 juta. Wisnu mengungkapkan, kebanyakan investasi untuk eksplorasi digunakan untuk kegiatan seismik. 

     Pemerintah pada tahun ini telah menaikkan target investasi hulu migas tahun 2018 dari US$ 12,6 miliar menjadi US$ 14,17 miliar. Adapun tahun 2017 investasi hulu migas hanya US$ 9,33 miliar dari target yang sebesar US$ 12 miliar.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, May 18, 2018

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