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Monday, July 2, 2018

Chevron Asked to Speed ​​Up IDD Prov

The Government of Indonesia urges Chevron Corporation to accelerate Indonesia deepwater development (IDD) projects in the Makassar Strait. After the agreement on the IDD project is completed, the Government of Indonesia and the oil and gas giant from the United States will discuss the fate of the Rokan Block contract in Riau.

Chevron becomes operator of the Rokan Block whose contract will be completed by 2021. However, Chevron has proposed a contract extension to the government. Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Ignatius Jonan met with Chairman & CEO of Chevron Michael K. Wirth to urge the settlement of deeply dormant deepwater oil projects.

Nicke Widyawati

In fact, Jonan invited a number of officials such as Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Djoko Siswanto and Deputy Head of SKK Migas Sukandar, Managing Director of PT Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati and oil and gas businessman Arifin Panigoro.

Arifin Panigoro

Pertamina is Chevron's minority partner while winning the IDD tender at Gendalo-Gehem Field in 2009 with Italian oil and gas company Eni. 

   Arifin Panigoro, through Medco International Tbk. once took over Chevron's oil and gas blocks. The meeting in Chevron, Washington's office took place on Wednesday (27/6) or Thursday morning at Jakarta time, was closed. Chevron also attended Yanto Sianipar, Senior Vice President of Government Policy and Public Affairs of Chevron Indonesia Yanto Sianipar.

Jonan initially held bilateral talks with Chevron. Next he invited Arifin and Nicke to talk to Chevron through the business mechanism. Jonan was then willing to deliver the results of the meeting in flight back to Jakarta Thursday (28/6) afternoon or Friday morning west Indonesia time.

"In essence, I urge Chevron to work on this project before the deadline ends in 2020. After the IDD is complete, after that we can talk about the extension of Rokan Block management," said Jonan.

Rokan Block is Chevron's largest oil and gas project with a production range of 200,000 barrels per day and ends its contract period in 2021. The government has the option to terminate the project or extend Chevron's contract. According to Jonan, the IDD Project in Makassar Strait has been hanging too long.

the IDD Project in Makassar Strait

He hopes that Chevron will soon be working on this oil and gas block. Until the meeting ends, the government has not received a detailed proposal of development (plan of development / PoD) IDD.


Chevron has so far sought to slash development and operational costs of the Gendalo-Gehem IDD project by approximately US $ 6 billion from an initial proposal of US $ 12.8 billion. However, the government has not received a detailed proposal. In data from SKK Migas, IDD Gendalo and Gehem Project managed by Chevron Makassar Ltd. will start operating in 2024 and 2025 respectively. IDD Gendalo is estimated to have natural gas production of approximately 500 million cubic feet per day (MMscfd), while Gehem has a production of 420 MMscfd.

 IDD Gendalo and Gehem Project 

However, the IDD PoD process has not been completed yet. His article, Chevron, which manages the deep-sea project, replaces POD costs three times in 24 hours with a value of up to billions of dollars to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. EMR Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar said the government will seek to obtain reasonable project costs.

"You see, it uses a cost recovery scheme so that the country will bear the cost. If not changed, cost recovery can not be controlled, "he said.

Until May 2018, the realization of cost recovery is valued at US $ 4.7 billion or 47 percent of the target of State Budget (APBN) 2018 of US $ 10.1 billion. Earlier, Senior Vice President of Government Policy and Public Affairs of Chevron Indonesia Yanto Sianipar said that the study and concept of feasibility of engineering and design work or pre-Front End Engineering and Design (pre-FEED) on IDD project has started well. It has been pre-FEED since December 2017.

"We have also optimized the concept of development and simplification of the design basis. It makes no indication of cost reduction development and operational significance, "he said.

Arcandra said Chevron would submit an IDD proposal without special conditions.

"The IDD extension time depends on the Chevron given POD, interesting or not," he said.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is busy to cut the cost of developing oil and gas fields more efficiently. This is to make the cost recovery rate does not rise too high.


Chevron Diminta Percepat Provek IDD

Pemerintah Indonesia mendesak Chevron Corporation untuk mempercepat proyek minyak dan gas bumi laut dalam (Indonesia deepwater development/ IDD) di Selat Makassar. Setelah kesepakatan tentang proyek IDD itu selesai, Pemerintah Indonesia dan raksasa migas dari Amerika Serikat itu akan membahas soal nasib kontrak Blok Rokan di Riau. 

Chevron menjadi operator Blok Rokan yang kontraknya akan selesai pada 2021. Namun, Chevron telah mengajukan perpanjangan kontrak kepada pemerintah. Menteri Energi Sumber Daya Mineral (ELSDM) Ignasius Jonan menemui Chairman & CEO Chevron Michael K. Wirth untuk mendesak penyelesaian proyek migas laut dalam yang sudah terbengkalai lama.

Bahkan, Jonan mengajak sejumlah pejabat seperti Dirjen Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto dan Wakil Kepala SKK Migas Sukandar, Pelaksana tugas Dirut PT Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati dan pengusaha migas Arifin Panigoro. 

Pertamina adalah mitra minoritas Chevron saat memenangkan tender IDD di Lapangan Gendalo-Gehem pada 2009 bersama perusahaan migas dari Italia - Eni. Arifin Panigoro, melalui Medco Energy Intemasional Tbk. pernah mengambil alih blok migas milik Chevron. Pertemuan di kantor Chevron, Washington tersebut terjadi pada Rabu (27/6) atau Kamis dinihari waktu Jakarta, berlangsung tertutup. Dari pihak Chevron hadir juga Yanto Sianipar, Senior Vice President Policy Government and Public Affairs Chevron Indonesia Yanto Sianipar.

Semula Jonan melakukan pembicaraan bilateral dengan pihak Chevron. Selanjutnya dia mengundang Arifin dan Nicke untuk berbicara dengan Chevron melalui mekanisme bisnis. Jonan setelah itu bersedia memberikankan hasil pertemuan dalam penerbangan kembali ke Jakarta Kamis (28/6) siang atau Jumat dinihari waktu Indonesia barat.

“Intinya, saya mendesak Chevron agar segera mengerjakan proyek ini sebelum batas waktu berakhir pada 2020. Setelah IDD selesai, setelah itu kita bisa bicara perpanjangan pengelolaan Blok Rokan,” tutur Jonan.

Blok Rokan merupakan proyek migas terbesar yang di kerjakan Chevron dengan produksi kisaran 200.000 barel per hari dan berakhir masa kontraknya pada 2021. Pemerintah punya opsi untuk terminasi proyek ini atau kembali memperpanjang kontrak Chevron. Menurut Jonan, Proyek IDD di Selat Makassar sudah terlalu lama menggantung.

Dia berharap agar Chevron secepatnya bergerak mengerjakan blok migas ini. Hingga pertemuan berakhir, pemerintah belum mendapatkan proposal detail rencana pengembangan (plan of development/PoD) IDD.


Chevron sejauh ini berupaya memangkas biaya pengembangan dan operasional proyek IDD Gendalo-Gehem sekitar US$ 6 miliar dari proposal awal US$ 12,8 miliar. Namun, pemerintah belum mendapatkan proposal detail. Dalam data SKK Migas, Proyek IDD Gendalo dan Gehem yang dikelola oleh Chevron Makassar Ltd. bakal mulai beroperasi masing-masing pada 2024 dan 2025. IDD Gendalo diperkirakan memiliki produksi gas bumi sekitar 500 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMscfd), sedangkan Gehem memiliki produksi sebesar 420 MMscfd. 

Namun, proses PoD IDD belum selesai. Pasalya, Chevron, yang mengelola proyek laut dalam itu mengganti biaya POD sebanyak tiga kali dalam 24 jam dengan selisih nilai hingga miliaran dolar AS kepada Kementerian ESDM. Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, pemerintah akan berupaya untuk mendapatkan biaya proyek yang wajar.

“Soalnya, ini menggunakan skema cost recovery [pengembalian biaya produksi migas dari APBN] sehingga negara yang akan menanggung biaya tersebut. Kalau tidak berubah, cost recovery bisa tidak terkendali,” ujarnya. 

Sampai Mei 2018, realisasi cost recovery senilai US$4,7 miliar atau 47% dari target APBN 2018 sebesar US$ 10,1 miliar. Sebelumnya, Senior Vice President Policy Government and Public Affairs Chevron Indonesia Yanto Sianipar mengatakan, studi dan konsep kelayakan pekerjaan keteknikan dan desain atau pre-Front End Engineering and Design (pre-FEED) pada proyek IDD telah dimulai dengan baik. Pihaknya telah melakukan pre-FEED sejak Desember 2017.

“Kami pun telah melakukan optimalisasi konsep pengembangan dan penyederhanaan basis rancangan. Hal itu membuat ada indikasi pengurangan biaya pengembangan dan operasional yang signifikan," ujarnya.

Arcandra menyebutkan Chevron akan menyerahkan proposal IDD tanpa syarat-syarat khusus.

“Waktu perpanjangan IDD tergantung POD yang diberikan Chevron, menarik atau tidak,” sebutnya.

Kementerian ESDM pun sedang sibuk untuk bisa memangkas biaya pengembangan lapangan migas lebih efisien lagi. Hal itu demi membuat tingkat cost recovery tidak naik terlalu tinggi. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-10, Saturday, June 30, 2018

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