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Monday, July 2, 2018

Deep Sea Challenge Project

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignatius Jonan urged Chevron to immediately accelerate deep-sea oil and gas projects in the Indonesia Deepwater Development. However, the project's acceleration process still seems to be having some problems.

Chevron is rumored to be submitting a proposal for development plan or development of Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) on June 28, 2018. However, the company from the United States (US) is actually making the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) surprised when the proposal .

This is because Chevron changed the value of the project budget three times in 24 hours. The new value proposed also has a margin of more than billions of US dollars compared with the results of discussions with the ESDM Ministry in Houston, USA, in mid-May 2018. At a meeting with the EMR Ministry in the Negen Uncle Sam, Chevron will cut the project cost of approximately US $ 6 billion from total project cost plan worth US $ 12.8 billion.

EMR Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar said Chevron's IDD proposal had already entered SKK Migas on Friday (29/6). Currently, the ESDM Ministry is evaluating POD's proposal from Chevron.

"We will evaluate the cost of the IDD development project. The government will accept Chevron's proposal if the project budget makes sense, he said, Friday (29/6).

The Ministry focuses on the cost of the proposed project because the scheme of deep sea project contracts still uses cost recovery. That means development costs will be borne by the government.

"Because IDD uses cost recovery contract scheme. If not maintained can be broken later, "said Arcandra.

In fact, Senior Vice President of Covemment and Public Affairs Policies of Chevron Indonesia Yanto Sianipar said that the study and the concept of feasibility of engineering and design work or pre-Front End Engineering and Design (pre-FEED) on IDD project have been operating well. It has been pre-FEED since December 2017.

 "Thursday has also optimized the concept of development and simplification of the design basis, making it an indication of significant reductions in development and operational costs," he said.

IDD Gendalo and Gehem Project

Meanwhile, the realization of cost recovery until May 2018 worth US $ 4.7 billion. The realization has reached 47% of the state budget target of US $ 10.1 billion. In data from SKK Migas, IDD Gendalo and Gehem Project managed by Chevron Makassar Ltd. will start on stream in 2024 and 2025. IDD Gendalo is estimated to have production of about 500 million cubic feet per day, while Gehem has a production of 420 million cubic feet per day.


Meanwhile, the IDD project has another problem which is the scheme of contract of work area connected to the project. On this issue, Chevron will dispatch a termination work contract term connected to the IDD simultaneously. Chevron IDD Project has slice area in 4 working areas namely, Makassar Strait, Ganal, Rapak, and Muara Mangrove. Well, the termination period of three of the four blocks is different.

Ganal and Rapak Working Area

Makassar Strait for example will terminate 2020, while Ganal and Rapak will terminate in 2027 and 2028. It affects the contract scheme used. Because the new contract on the termination work area should use a gross split scheme. Meaning, Makassar Strait will be terminated in 2020 and directly use gross split. 

     In fact, other IDD slices such as those in Ganal and Rampak still use cost recovery until termination 2027-2028. Arcandra admitted, the problem of three oil and gas working areas that overshadow the I.DD project is very complicated.

"It was very complicated. Later, Block Rampak and Ganal in 2027 and 2028 already using gross split "he said.

Chevron is said to be proposing a renewal of contract termination of three oil and gas regions at once. Arcandra said the US company wanted to propose at once. It was also doing an evaluation and proposal of the three work areas that have entered on Friday (29/6). 

    Chevron Yanto Sianipar Senior Vice President of Goverment and Public Affairs's Policy to Bisnis, Sunday (1/7) confirmed the company has submitted a revision of PoD.

"The revised project, which significantly reduces capital and operating costs, consists of developing Gehem, Gendalo, Gandang and Maha fields."


Proyek Laut Dalam Penuh Tantangan

Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Ignasius Jonan mendesak Chevron untuk segera mempercepat proyek migas laut dalam atau Indonesia Deepwater Development. Namun, proses percepatan proyek itu tampaknya masih terhambat beberapa masalah.

Chevron dikabarkan akan mengajukan proposal rencana pengembangan atau plan of development (POD) Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) pada 28 Juni 2018. Namun, perusahaan dari Amerika Serikat (AS) itu malah membuat Kementerian Energi Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) terkejut saat pengajuan proposal tersebut.

lni karena Chevron mengubah nilai anggaran proyek sebanyak tiga kali dalam 24 jam. Nilai baru yang diajukan pun memiliki selisih lebih besar miliaran dolar AS dibandingkan dengan hasil diskusi bersama Kementerian ESDM di Houston, AS, pada pertengahan Mei 2018. Pada pertemuan dengan Kementerian ESDM di Negen Paman Sam, Chevron akan memotong biaya proyek sekitar US$ 6 miliar dari total rencana biaya proyek senilai US$ 12,8 miliar. 

Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar mengatakan proposal IDD Chevron pun sudah masuk ke SKK Migas pada Jumat (29/6). Saat ini, Kementerian ESDM sedang mengevaluasi proposal POD dari Chevron tersebut. 

“Kami akan mengevaluasi biaya proyek pengembangan IDD. Pemerintah akan menerima proposal Chevron jika anggaran proyek masuk akal, ujarnya.

Kementerian fokus pada biaya proyek yang diajukan karena skema kontrak proyek laut dalam itu masih menggunakan cost recovery. Hal itu berarti biaya pengembangan akan ditanggung oleh pemerintah. 

“Karena IDD menggunakan skema kontrak cost recovery. Kalau tidak dijaga bisa jebol nanti,” ujar Arcandra.

Padahal, Senior Vice President Policy Covemment and Public Affairs Chevron Indonesia Yanto Sianipar sempat mengatakan studi dan konsep kelayakan pekerjaan keteknikan dan desain atau pre-Front End Engineering and Design (pre-FEED) pada proyek IDD telah beroperasi dengan baik. Pihaknya telah melakukan pre-FEED sejak Desember 2017.

 "Kamis pun telah melakukan optimalisasi konsep pengembangan dan penyederhanaan basis rancangan. Hal itu membuat ada indikasi pengurangan biaya pengembangan dan operasional yang signifikan,” ujarnya. 

Adapun, realisasi cost recovery sampai Mei 2018 senilai US$ 4,7 miliar. Realisasi itu telah mencapai 47% dari target APBN senilai US$ 10,1 miliar. Dalam data SKK Migas, Proyek IDD Gendalo dan Gehem yang dikelola oleh Chevron Makassar Ltd. akan mulai on stream pada 2024 dan 2025. IDD Gendalo diperkirakan memiliki produksi sekitar 500 juta kaki kubik per hari, sedangkan Gehem memiliki produksi sebesar 420 juta kaki kubik per hari.


Sementara itu, proyek IDD memiliki masalah lain yakni persoalan skema kontrak wilayah kerja yang terhubung dengan proyek tersebut. Pada permasalahan ini, Chevron akan mengutus kontrak wilayah kerja terminasi yang terhubung dengan IDD secara bersamaan. Proyek IDD Chevron memiliki irisan area di 4 wilayah kerja yakni, Makassar Strait, Ganal, Rapak, dan Muara Bakau. Nah, masa terminasi tiga dari empat blok itu berbeda-beda. 

Makassar Strait misalnya akan terminasi 2020, sedangkan Ganal dan Rapak akan terminasi pada 2027 dan 2028. Hal itu berdampak kepada skema kontrak yang digunakan. Pasalnya, kontrak baru pada wilayah kerja terminasi harus menggunakan skema gross split. 

    Berarti, Makassar Strait yang akan terminasi pada 2020 dan langsung menggunakan gross split. Padahal, irisan Iapangan IDD lainnya seperti, yang berada di Ganal dan Rampak masih menggunakan cost recovery sampai masa terminasi 2027-2028. Arcandra mengakui, persoalan tiga wilayah kerja migas yang menaungi proyek I.DD itu sangat rumit. 

“Itu memang sangat complicated. Nanti, Blok Rampak dan Ganal pada 2027 dan 2028 sudah menggunakan gross split” ujarnya.

Chevron disebut akan mengajukan proposal perpanjangan kontrak terminasi tiga wilayah migas sekaligus. Arcandra mengatakan perusahaan dari AS itu ingin mengajukan sekaligus. Pihaknya pun sedang melakukan evaluasi dan proposal ketiga wilayah kerja itu sudah masuk pada Jumat (29/6). Senior Vice President Policy Goverment and Public Affairs Chevron Yanto Sianipar kepada Bisnis, Minggu (1/7) membenarkan perusahaan telah mengajukan revisi PoD.

“Revisi proyek yang secara signifikan berhasil mengurangi biaya modal dan operasi, terdiri atas pengembangan lapangan Gehem, Gendalo, Gandang, dan Maha.”

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Monday, July 2, 2018

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