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Monday, July 2, 2018

PT Radians Utama eyeing Mahakam block contract

PT Radiant Utama lnterinsco Tbk will enter the new and renewable energy generation business.

The declining oil price since 2015 to 2016 triggered PT Radiant Utama Interinsco Tbk seeking new contracts. Not only in the oil and gas sector, issuers coded RUIS shares in the Indonesia Stock Exchange also targeted jobs in other sub sectors such as power generation and renewable energy (EBT).

President Director of RUIS Sofwan Farisyi said it expands the business from the oil and gas sector to a company engaged in the energy sector. That way, the company hopes to get a contract also in renewable energy and renewable energy projects.

With this strategy, Sofwan targets to get a contract on hand of Rp 2.2 trillion until the end of the year. Currently RUIS - has booked on hand contract of Rp 2 Trillion, alias still remaining Rp 200 million. In order to achieve the target, RUIS is eyeing a major contract in the Mahakam Block Project which currently exists PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam as operator. The new contract at Mahakam is a breath of fresh air for service companies like RUIS.

Total EP lndonesie which is a previous Mahakam Block contractor has lowered the investment in the block at the end of the contract. The reason, they do not get the certainty of contract extension from the government.

the Mahakam Block

But since the government decided Pertamina as the new operator of the Mahakam Block as of January 2018, the oil and gas services work in the Mahakam Block began to move again. Sofwan mentioned this year PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam held 10 tender. The value reached Rp 1 trillion.

"We are targeting two to three contracts, the tender launching from July to August," he said in a public expose.

In addition to targeting contracts from the new tender in the Mahakam block this year, the company hopes to secure contract extension for the dredging vessels over the next three years in the Mahakam Block. Sofwan admitted that the contract extension of dredging ship contract with PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam is almost complete.

"We were supposed to get a contract extension of the dredging, last Tuesday was the last negotiation," he said.

In addition to targeting projects in Mahakam, RUIS targets to get contract ship dredging in power projects owned by the State Electricity Company (PLN).

"We are trying to get a similar project at PLN power plant, we see that there is more sustain, electricity is needed," he said.

In addition to these two projects, PT Radiant Utama lnterinsco Tbk tries to target geothermal projects. One of them is a geothermal project in Sulawesi. However, RUIS's business development in geothermal projects is still constrained by low geothermal electricity tariffs. Though investing in geothermal projects requires large funds with a high enough risk level.

"The geothermal project in Sulawesi, but there are still obstacles in the rate of how much geothermal, geothermal investment is very expensive, there is a failure, but if successful will not end," he explained.

In addition to the new geothermal project, PT Radiant Utama Interinsco Tbk actually has a geothermal project that already operates, the Sorik Marapi Geothermal (SMGP) project. RUIS holds a 5% stake in the project.

The project is projected to produce geothermal 240 megawatts (MW). So far there have been five wells that have been drilled and confirmed there is a geothermal equivalent of 50 MW. He revealed, this year there are those who can enter the PLN system.

"Our target of delivery is 20 MW this year,". Currently it is conducting trials and has already generated about 2 MW of electricity. Electricity is given free to the public. In the near future there is the approval of PLN. "A total of 20 MW, it is expected to be implemented July-August," he added.

In addition to targeting to generate electricity this year, Sofwan also explained that his company targets to be able to get construction work in this Sorik Marapi geothermal project. The company's target work includes the construction of foundations, substations, and transmission of 20 kilovolts.


PT. Radian Utama Mengincar Kontrak Blok Mahakam

PT Radiant Utama lnterinsco Tbk akan  masuk ke bisnis pembangkit energi baru dan terbarukan.

Harga minyak yang menurun sejak tahun 2015 hingga 2016 memicu PT Radiant Utama Interinsco Tbk berupaya mencari kontrak-kontrak baru. Tidak hanya di sektor migas, emiten berkode saham RUIS di Bursa Efek Indonesia tersebut juga mentarget pekerjaan di sub sektor lainnya seperti pembangkit listrik dan energi baru terbarukan (EBT).

Presiden Direktur RUIS Sofwan Farisyi menyatakan, pihaknya memperluas bisnis dari sektor minyak dan gas menjadi perusahaan yang bergerak di sektor energi. Dengan begitu, perseroan ini berharap bisa mendapat kontrak juga di proyek listrik dan energi baru terbarukan.

Dengan strategi tersebut, Sofwan menargetkan bisa mendapatkan kontrak on hand sebesar Rp 2,2 triliun hingga akhir tahun. Saat ini RUIS- sudah membukukan kontrak on hand sebesar Rp 2 Triliun, alias masih tersisa Rp 200 juta lagi. Agar mencapai target, RUIS sedang mengincar kontrak besar di Proyek Blok Mahakam yang saat ini ada PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam sebagai operator. Kontrak baru di Mahakam ini menjadi angin segar bagi perusahaan jasa seperti RUIS.

Total EP lndonesie yang merupakan kontraktor Blok Mahakam sebelumnya telah menurunkan investasi di blok tersebut saat akhir kontrak. Penyebabnya, mereka tidak mendapatkan kepastian perpanjangan kontrak dari pemerintah.

Namun sejak pemerintah memutuskan Pertamina sebagai operator baru Blok Mahakam per Januari 2018, pekerjaan jasa migas di Blok Mahakam mulai bergerak kembali. Sofwan menyebut tahun ini PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam mengadakan 10 tender. Nilainya mencapai Rp 1 triliun.

“Kami menargetkan mendapat dua sampai tiga kontrak, tendernya launch bulan Juli- Agustus," kata nya dalam paparan publik.

Selain mentarget kontrak dari tender baru di Blok Mahakam tahun ini, perseroan ini berharap bisa mendapatkan kepastian perpanjangan kontrak untuk kapal dredging selama tiga tahun ke depan di Blok Mahakam. Sofwan mengaku pembicaraan perpanjangan kontrak kapal dredging dengan PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam hampir selesai. 

"Seharusnya kami mendapat perpanjangan kontrak dredging tersebut. Selasa kemarin adalah negosiasi terakhir," ungkapnya.

Selain mengincar proyek di Mahakam, RUIS menargetkan bisa mendapatkan kontrak kapal dredging di proyek-proyek pembangkit listrik milik Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN). 

"Kami coba mendapatkan proyek sejenis di pembangkit PLN. Kami melihat di sana lebih sustain, listrik terus dibutuhkan," katanya.

Selain kedua proyek tersebut, PT Radiant Utama lnterinsco Tbk mencoba mengincar proyek panas bumi. Salah satunya proyek panas bumi yang ada di Sulawesi. Namun pengembangan bisnis RUIS di proyek panas bumi masih terkendala tarif listrik panas bumi yang masih rendah. Padahal berinvestasi di proyek panas bumi membutuhkan dana besar dengan tingkat risiko yang cukup tinggi. 

"Proyek panas bumi di Sulawesi tersebut tapi masih ada hambatan di rate berapa geotermal. Investasi panas bumi sangat mahal, ada yang berhasil ada gagal. Tapi kalau berhasil tidak akan habis-habis," jelasnya.

Selain proyek baru di bidang panas bumi, PT Radiant Utama Interinsco Tbk sebenarnya juga telah memiliki proyek panas bumi yang telah beroperasi, yaitu proyek Sorik Marapi Geothermal (SMGP). RUIS memegang 5% saham di proyek tersebut.

Proyek ini diproyeksi bisa menghasilkan panas bumi 240 megawatt (MW). Sejauh ini sudah ada lima sumur yang dibor dan telah terkonfirmasi ada panas bumi yang setara 50 MW. Dia mengungkapkan, tahun ini ada yang bisa masuk ke sistem PLN. 

"Target kami delivery sebanyak 20 MW tahun ini,". Saat ini pihaknya sedang melakukan ujicoba dan dan sudah menghasilkan listrik sekitar 2 MW.
Listrik tersebut diberikan gratis kepada masyarakat. Dalam waktu dekat ada persetujuan PLN. " Sebanyak 20 MW itu, diperkirakan Juli-Agustus bisa terlaksana," tambahnya.

Selain menargetkan bisa menghasilkan listrik pada tahun ini, Sofwan juga memaparkan pihaknya menargetkan tetap bisa mendapatkan pekerjaan konstruksi di proyek panas bumi Sorik Marapi ini. Pekerjaan incaran perseroan ini di antaranya pembangunan pondasi, gardu induk, dan transmisi 20 kilovolt.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, June 29, 2018

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