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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Chevron Requested Revision of IDD Costs

The development plan for the Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) Phase II project is still rolling. The latest news, the government asked PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia to reduce investment costs that had been submitted in the plan of development (POD) revision proposal. Chevron's management said that so far it has continued to reduce investment costs so that the project can be realized immediately.

"We confirm that Chevron and its joint venture partners continue to look for opportunities to reduce project costs and increase the economic value of IDD projects," said Yanto Sianipar, Chevron IndoAsia Business Unit's Senior VP of PGPA.

Only, Chevron is not willing to mention the total investment and potential reduction of IDD project costs. The US-based company also keeps information about its project development plan. What is certain is that the phase II project includes the Gendalo Field and Gehem Field.

According to records, the government estimates the amount of the Phase II IDD project costs to be between US $ 6 billion and US $ 10 billion. The investment is to build a number of new infrastructure. The development of new infrastructure is part of the first POD revision.

Some of the infrastructure development of Phase II IDD projects such as the construction of subsea wells, the creation of a flow pipe system that connects wells to production facilities and the establishment of production platforms at Gendalo and Gehem Hub locations. 

    There is also the construction of pipeline facilities to Santan Terminal and Senipah Terminal. Even though he did not want to be straightforward about the project development plan, Chevron ensured that it would continue to open coordination space with the government.

"We continue to work with the Indonesian government and determine the next steps to achieve the achievements of this important project," said Yanto.

For information, Chevron has developed the Bangka Field Phase 1 IDD project. The project entered the production stage since 2016. In the IDD project, Chevron Indonesia Company acted as operator. Chevron holds 63% aggregate shareholding together with joint venture partners, namely Eni, Tip Top, PHE and Muara Bakau partners.


Chevron Diminta Revisi Biaya IDD

Rencana pengembangan proyek Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) Tahap II masih bergulir. Kabar terbaru, pemerintah meminta PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia mengurangi biaya investasi yang telah diajukan dalam proposal revisi plan of development (POD). Manajemen Chevron mengatakan, sejauh ini terus berupaya menciutkan biaya investasi agar proyek segera bisa direalisasikan. 

“Kami mengonfirmasi bahwa Chevron bersama mitra joint venture terus mencari peluang untuk mengurangi biaya proyek dan meningkatkan nilai ekonomis proyek IDD," kata Yanto Sianipar, Senior VP PGPA Chevron IndoAsia Business Unit.

Hanya, Chevron belum bersedia menyebutkan total investasi dan potensi pengurangan biaya proyek IDD. Perusahaan asal Amerika Serikat tersebut juga masih menyimpan informasi mengenai rencana pengembangan proyeknya. Yang pasti, proyek tahap II tersebut meliputi Lapangan Gendalo dan Lapangan Gehem.

Menurut catatan, pemerintah memperkirakan besaran biaya proyek IDD Tahap II antara US$ 6 miliar-US$ 10 miliar. Investasi itu untuk membangun sejumlah infrastruktur baru. Pengembangan infrastruktur baru tersebut adalah bagian dari revisi POD pertama.

Beberapa pengembangan infrastruktur proyek IDD Tahap II seperti pembangunan sumur-sumur bawah laut alias subsea wells, pembuatan sistem pipa alir yang menghubungkan sumur-sumur ke fasilitas-fasilitas produksi dan pendirian anjungan produksi di lokasi-lokasi Hub Gendalo dan Gehem. Ada pula pembangunan fasilitas jaringan pipa ke Terminal Santan dan Terminal Senipah. Meski belum mau blak-blakan tentang rencana pengembangan proyek, Chevron memastikan akan terus membuka ruang koordinasi dengan pemerintah. 

“Kami terus bekerjasama dengan pemerintah Indonesia dan menentukan langkah selanjutnya untuk meraih pencapaian-pencapaian proyek penting ini," ungkap Yanto.

Sebagai informasi, Chevron telah mengembangkan proyek IDD Tahap 1 Lapangan Bangka. Proyek tersebut masuk tahap produksi sejak tahun 2016 lalu. Dalam proyek IDD, Chevron Indonesia Company bertindak sebagai operator. Chevron memegang 63% kepemilikan saham secara agregat bersama dengan mitra joint venture, yaitu Eni, Tip Top, PHE dan para mitra Muara Bakau.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, Oct 11, 2018

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