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Thursday, October 11, 2018

Conoco Phillips Already Complete the Proposal

ConocoPhillips Indonesia is serious about extending the Corridor Block project in Muba Regency, South Sumatra, which will expire in 2023. The company has completed two proposals at once, namely technical proposals and commercial proposals.

the Corridor Block - Sumatra

Conoco-Phillips Indonesia's Senior Vice President of Commercial, Business Development and Relations, Taufik Ahmad, said that ConocoPhillips Indonesia had submitted a proposal to re-manage the Corridor Block after the contract expires in 2023. They submitted the proposal to the government on September 27, 2018.

"We can confirm that ConocoPhillips has submitted an extension for the Corridor Block," said Taufik.

ConocoPhillips Gas Station

However, he has not been able to disclose in detail the contents of the proposal submitted to the government, both from a technical and commercial standpoint.

"For a while, our answer was like that first," said Taufik.

The same thing was revealed by the Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Djoko Siswanto, who stated that Conoco-Phillips had formally submitted a proposal to re-manage the Corridor Block. In the proposal, according to Djoko, CococoPhillips will collaborate with Repsol which is currently also a partner in the Corridor Block.

"Yesterday we received a proposal from ConocoPhillips," he said.

According to Djoko, ConocoPhillips' proposal is complete, both technical proposals for managing the block and commercial proposals. While the proposal submitted by PT Pertamina was still a technical problem.

Repsol Gas Station

Djoko said the government began discussing the offerings of the two companies. The government is targeting, immediately decide the manager of the Corridor Block. Currently, the block located in South Sumatra is managed by ConocoPhillips with 54% participation rights. The Repsol holds 36%, and the remaining Pertamina is 10%.

The Corridor Block management contract was first signed in 1983 and ended for 40 years, in 2023. In the first half of this year, SKK Migas recorded that gas production from the Corridor Block reached 841 mmscfd. Until the end of this year, Block gas production, Corridor is projected to reach 798 mmscfd.


Conoco Phillips Sudah Lengkapi Proposal

ConocoPhillips Indonesia serius ingin memperpanjang koutrak Blok Corridor di Kabupaten Muba, Sumatra Selatan, yang berakhir pada tahun 2023. Perusahaan ini sudah melengkapi dua proposal sekaligus,  yakni porposal teknis dan proposal komersial.

Senior Vice President Commercial, Business Development and Relations Conoco-Phillips Indonesia, Taufik Ahmad, mengaku ConocoPhillips Indonesia telah memasukkan proposal untuk kembali mengelola Blok Corridor setelah kontrak berakhir pada   2023 mendatang. Mereka mengajukan proposal tersebut kepada pemerintah pada 27 September 2018.

"Kami bisa mengonfirmasi bahwa ConocoPhillips sudah mengajukan perpanjangan untuk Corridor Block," ungkap Taufik.

Namun, dia belum bisa mengungkapkan secara mendetail isi proposal yang diajukan kepada pemerintah, baik dari sisi teknis maupun komersial. 

"Untuk sementara jawaban kami seperti itu dulu ya," imbuh Taufik.

Hal senada diungkapkan Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Djoko Siswanto, yang menyatakan Conoco-Phillips telah secara resmi memasukkan proposal untuk kembali mengelola Blok Corridor. Dalam proposal itu, menurut Djoko, CococoPhillips akan menggandeng Repsol yang saat ini juga menjadi mitra di Blok Corridor. 

"Kemarin kami menerima proposal dari ConocoPhillips," ungkap dia. 

Menurut Djoko, proposal ConocoPhillips telah lengkap, baik pengajuan teknis pengelolaan blok tersebut maupun proposal komersial. Sedangkan proposal yang diajukan PT Pertamina sebelumnya masih masalah teknis.

Djoko mengaku pemerintah mulai membahas penawaran kedua perusahaan. Pemerintah menargetkan, segera memutuskan pengelola Blok Corridor. Saat ini, blok yang berlokasi di Sumatra Selatan itu dikelola ConocoPhillips dengan hak partisipasi 54%. Adapun Repsol memegang 36%, dan sisanya Pertamina 10%. 

Kontrak pengelolaan Blok Corridor ditandatangani pertama kali pada tahun 1983 lalu dan berakhir selama 40 tahun, yakni pada 2023 mendatang. Pada semester pertama tahun ini, SKK Migas mencatat produksi gas dari Blok Corridor mencapai 841 mmscfd. Hingga akhir tahun ini, produksi gas Blok ,Corridor diproyeksikan mencapai 798 mmscfd.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, Oct 1, 2019

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