, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 ConocoPhillips Submits Corridor Block Proposal - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->

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Monday, October 29, 2018

ConocoPhillips Submits Corridor Block Proposal

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) said that Conoco-Philips had submitted a proposal to develop the Corridor Block after its contract expired in 2023. Conoco-Philips is the existing block contractor.

ESDM Ministry's Director General of Oil and Gas, Djoko Siswanto, said that the development proposal had been submitted. The proposal is a complete document of the planned development of the Corridor Block from technical and commercial aspects.

"This (proposal) is being discussed. We have received the proposal, "he said in Jakarta.

Djoko had explained, currently the Corridor Block participating rights holders are Philip Conoco 54%, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Corridor 10%, and Repsol 36%. Conoco Philip said that he would still cooperate with Repsol in working on the Corridor Block after the production sharing contract (PSC) was completed in 2023. While Pertamina proposed 100% participation rights after 2023.

"Pertamina has submitted its proposal, very thick. So it takes time (for evaluation), "Djoko said.

Vice President of Commercial, Business Development & Relations, ConocoPhillips Indonesia, Taufik Ahmad confirmed that his party had submitted a proposal to extend the management of the Corridor Block to the government.

"I can confirm that we have submitted a proposal to extend the Corridor Block on September 27," he said

The Corridor Block is one of three oil and gas blocks that will expire in 2023 in cooperation contracts. Referring to the ESDM Ministry's initial plan, the fate of the block that expires its 2023 contract will be decided this October. Therefore, the government had previously given ConocoPhillips time until the end of September to submit its proposal.

Until last July, the realization of gas production from the Corridor Block was recorded at 828.41 million standard cubic feet per day / mmscfd, exceeding the target of 810 mmscfd. But until the end of the year, the production of this block is projected to be only 800 mmscfd. While next year, the Corridor Block is targeted to produce 810 mmscfd of gas. The Corridor Block contract was signed in 1983 and ends on December 19, 2023.

According to information on the ConocoPhilip page, the Corridor Block consists of two oil producing fields and seven gas fields. This oil field is Suban Baru and Rawa, while the gas fields are Suban, Sumpal and Dayung. Gas produced from the Corridor Block is sold through long-term contracts into the country and Singapore.

Currently ConocoPhilip continues to invest in maintaining the Corridor Block gas production. Conoco Philips drills development wells in Sumpal and Suban. In addition, the US oil and gas company built additional compressor facilities in Suban.

While the other two oil and gas blocks that were completed in 2023 are Rimau and Jabung blocks, currently managed by Petrochina International Jabung Ltd with participating rights (participating interest / PI) 42.86%, while other PI holders are Petronas Carigali 42.86 % and PT Pertamina (Persero) 14.29%. 

   Until last July, the block's oil production was recorded at 14,525 barrels per day (hph) and gas 210.1 mmscfd. This block contract expires on February 26, 2023.


ConocoPhillips Serahkan Proposal Blok Koridor

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menyatakan Conoco-Philips telah memasukkan proposal rencana pengembangan Blok Koridor pasca kontraknya berakhir pada 2023. Conoco-Philips merupakan kontraktor eksisting blok ini.

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto mengatakan, proposal pengembangan itu telah diserahkan. Proposal merupakan dokumen lengkap rencana pengembangan Blok Koridor dari aspek teknis dan komersil. 

“Ini (proposal) sedang dibahas. Kami sudah terima proposalnya,” kata dia di Jakarta.

Djoko sempat menjelaskan, saat ini pemegang hak partisipasi Blok Koridor adalah Conoco Philip 54%, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Corridor 10%, dan Repsol 36%. Conoco Philip dikatakannya masih akan menggandeng Repsol dalam menggarap Blok Koridor setelah kontrak kerja sama (production sharing contract/ PSC) selesai di 2023. Sementara Pertamina mengajukan kepemilikan hak partisipasi 100% setelah 2023.

“Pertamina sudah memasukkan proposalnya, sangat tebal. Jadi perlu waktu (untuk evaluasi),” tutur Djoko.

Vice President Commercial, Business Development & Relations ConocoPhillips Indonesia Taufik Ahmad membenarkan bahwa pihaknya sudah memasukkan proposal perpanjangan pengelolaan Blok Koridor ke pemerintah. 

“Saya bisa mengkonfirmasi bahwa kami sudah memasukkan pengajuan perpanjangan Corridor Block pada 27 September,” tuturnya 

Blok Koridor merupakan satu dari tiga blok migas yang akan berakhir kontrak kerja samanya pada 2023. Mengacu rencana awal Kementerian ESDM, nasib blok yang habis kontraknya 2023 akan diputuskan pada Oktober ini. Karenanya, pemerintah sebelumnya memberikan waktu kepada ConocoPhilips sampai akhir September untuk menyerahkan proposalnya. 

Hingga Juli lalu, realisasi produksi gas dari Blok Koridor tercatat sebesar 828,41 million standard cubic feet per day/mmscfd, melebihi target 810 mmscfd. Namun sampai akhir tahun nanti, produksi blok ini diproyeksikan hanya 800 mmscfd. Sementara pada tahun depan, Blok Koridor ditargetkan menghasilkan gas 810 mmscfd. Kontrak Blok Koridor ditandatangani pada 1983 dan berakhir pada 19 Desember 2023.

Menurut keterangan dalam laman ConocoPhilip, Blok Koridor terdiri dari dua lapangan penghasil minyak dan tujuh lapangan gas. Lapangan minyak ini yakni Suban Baru dan Rawa, sementara lapangan gasnya adalah Suban, Sumpal, dan Dayung. Gas yang dihasilkan dari Blok Koridor dijual melalui kontrak jangka panjang ke dalam negeri dan Singapura.

Saat ini ConocoPhilip terus berinvestasi guna menjaga produksi gas Blok Koridor. Conoco Philips melakukan pengeboran sumur pengembangan di Sumpal dan Suban. Selain itu, perusahaan migas Amerika Serikat itu membangun fasilitas kompresor tambahan di Suban.

Sementara dua blok migas lain yang selesai kontraknya pada 2023 yakni Blok Rimau dan Jabung, saat ini dikelola oleh Petrochina International Jabung Ltd dengan kepemilikan hak partisipasi (participating interest/ PI) 42,86%, sementara pemegang PI yang lain adalah Petronas Carigali 42,86% dan PT Pertamina (Persero) 14,29%. Sampai Juli lalu, produksi minyak blok ini tercatat sebesar 14.525 barel per hari (hph) dan gas 210,1 mmscfd. Kontrak blok ini habis pada 26 Februari 2023. 

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, Oct 3, 2018

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