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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

ESDM Promises Investment in Masela Block Efficiently

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) continues to monitor the Masela Abadi Gas Field project managed by lnpex Corporation. ESDM Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar ensured that the financing of the project would be efficient. The government claimed that it did not hesitate to cut the cost of the Masela project if there was an investment that was not needed.

"If the cost is not correct, then cut it," said Arcandra.

the Masela Abadi Gas Field project

The government claims to have had an investment estimate for the Masela Block. However, Arcandra did not mention the amount of estination of government investment in the Masela Block. 

   On the other hand, Inpex did not want to mention the investment value for the gas project. Senior Specialist Media Relations Inpex Corporation Moch. N. Kurniawan said the investment value could be reflected if the Masela Block process had been completed in the front end engineering design (FEED) stage.

"At the moment we do not have an estimate of the cost of a refined natural gas (LNG) refinery project. So we have not been able to comment much. However, in general, the project costs will be more accurate based on the pre-FEED results which will be continued with the FEED results (design detail), "he said.

Arcandra said that the new Inpex entered the Masela Block pre-FEED proposal submitted to SKK Migas. From here, SKK Migas and lnpex are still discussing the preFEED.

"It is still discussed in SKK Migas. Later SKK Migas will report it to me," he said.

lnpex is optimistic that the pre-FEED can be completed soon.

"The pre-FEED will begin in March and will be finished soon. At present we are reviewing the pre-FEED work results or deliveables so that it can be said that the pre-FEED will end soon," said Kurniawan.

If the pre-FEED is completed, Inpex will enter the process of drafting a revision of the plan of development (POD) and request approval from the government. After that, Inpex will carry out FEED work and finalize the final investment decision (FID), enter the construction phase and the Masela Block is targeted to produce in the next 2027.


ESDM Janji lnvestasi Blok Masela Efisien

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) terus memantau proyek Lapangan Gas Abadi Masela yang dikelola lnpex Corporation. Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar memastikan pembiayaan proyek tersebut akan efisien. Pemerintah mengaku tidak segan-segan memangkas biaya proyek Masela jika dirasa ada investasi yang tidak diperlukan. 

"Apabila tidak benar cost-nya, maka di-cut," kata Arcandra.

Pemerintah mengklaim telah memiliki estimasi investasi untuk Blok Masela. Namun Arcandra tidak menyebutkan besaran estiniasi investasi pemerintah di Blok Masela. Di sisi lain, Inpex belum mau menyebutkan nilai investasi untuk proyek gas tersebut. Senior Specialist Media Relations Inpex Corporation Moch. N. Kurniawan mengatakan nilai investasi bisa tergambar apabila proses Blok Masela sudah dalam tahap front end engineering design (FEED) selesai.

"Saat ini kami belum mempunyai estimasi biaya proyek kilang liquefied natural gas (LNG). Jadi kami belum bisa berkomentar banyak. Namun secara umum, biaya proyek akan semakin akurat berdasarkan hasil pre-FEED (desain awal) yang akan dilanjutkan dengan hasil FEED (desain detail)," ujar dia.

Arcandra menyebutkan Inpex baru memasukkan proposal pre-FEED Blok Masela yang diserahkan kepada SKK Migas. Dari sini, SKK Migas dan lnpex pun masih melakukan pembahasan terkait preFEED tersebut. 

"Masih di SKK Migas dibahas. Nanti SKK Migas melaporkannya kepada saya," kata dia.

lnpex optimistis pre-FEED bisa segera rampung dalam waktu dekat. 

"Pre-FEED di mulai Maret dan segera selesai. Saat ini hasil pekerjaan atau deliveables pre-FEED tengah kami review jadi bisa dikatakan pre-FEED akan segera berakhir," kata Kurniawan.

Jika pre-FEED selesai, maka Inpex akan masuk proses penyusunan revisi plan of development (POD) dan permintaan persetujuan kepada pemerintah. Setelah itu, lnpex akan menjalankan pekerjaan FEED dan penyelesaian final investment decision (FID), masuk tahap konstruksi dan Blok Masela ditargetkan berproduksi pada 2027 mendatang.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, Oct 15, 2018

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