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Thursday, November 1, 2018

NSO Block Contracts Extended Until 2038

The North Sumatra Offshore (NSO) Block production sharing contract (PSC) was officially extended from October 16 to 2038. However, the contract managed by PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) NSO no longer uses PSC refunds for operating costs ( cost recovery), but gross split. PHE Exploration Director Abdul Mutalib Masdar said, because it included the old field, the Blok NSO management was challenging.

The North Sumatra Offshore (NSO) Block

"But thanks to proven experience, PHE is optimistic to continue to maximize block performance. We can see this from the production figures since
We can maintain the value of 2016, "he said.

Until the first half of last year, Blok NSO recorded gas production reaching 91 million standard cubic feet per day / mmscfd or 52% of the target in the work plan and company budget (RKAP) 60 mmscfd. While condensate production reached 84 barrels per day (bpd), 27% higher than the target of 66 bpd.

"PHE NSO managed to reach the target for 2 consecutive years, as well as the achievements of the first semester of 2018," said PHE General Manager
NSO Akhmad Miftah.

PHE NSO is committed to continuously increasing the amount of production with efforts to increase reserve to production (R / P). The method is by drilling three exploration wells, one well at the end of 2018 and two subsequent wells in 2019. The Blok NSO oil reserves are 272 thousand barrel tanks and 92 billion cubic feet of gas. PHE NSO will continue to strive to improve existing production and development, so as to be able to support national energy security.

Pertamina took over the NSO Block from ExxonMobil in October 2015. The NSO block began production since 1996 with a peak production of 400 mmscfd.


Kontrak Blok NSO Diperpanjang Sampai 2038

Kontrak kerja sama (production sharing contract/PSC) Blok North Sumatera Offshore (NSO) resmi diperpanjang mulai 16 Oktober lalu menjadi sampai 2038. Namun, kontrak yang dikelola oleh PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) NSO itu tidak lagi menggunakan PSC pengembalian biaya operasi (cost recovery), melainkan bagi hasil kotor (gross split). Direktur Eksplorasi PHE Abdul Mutalib Masdar mengatakan, lantaran termasuk lapangan tua, pengelolaan Blok NSO penuh tantangan. 

“Namun berkat pengalaman yang telah teruji, PHE-optimis untuk terus memaksimalkan kinerja blok. Hal ini bisa kita lihat dari angka capaian produksi sejak
2016, nilainya tetap dapat kita jaga,” kata dia.

Sampai semester pertama lalu, Blok NSO mencatatkan produksi gas mencapai 91 million standard cubic feet per day/mmscfd atau 52% dari target dalam rencana kerja dan anggaran perusahaan (RKAP) 60 mmscfd. Sementara produksi kondensatnya mencapai 84 barel per hari (bph), lebih tinggi 27% dari target 66 bph.

“PHE NSO berhasil melampai target selama 2 tahun berturut turut, demikian juga dengan capaian semester pertama 2018 ini,” tutur General Manager PHE
NSO Akhmad Miftah.

PHE NSO berkomitmen untuk terus meningkatkan jumlah produksi dengan upaya peningkatan reserve to production (R/P). Caranya, yakni dengan merencanakan pengeboran tiga sumur eksplorasi, masing-masing satu sumur pada akhir 2018 dan dua sumur berikutnya pada 2019. Adapun cadangan minyak Blok NSO sebesar 272 ribu tank barel dan gas 92 miliar kaki kubik. PHE NSO akan terus berupaya meningkatkan produksi dan pengembangan yang ada, sehingga mampu mendukung ketahanan energi nasional.

    Pertamina mengambil alih Blok NSO dari ExxonMobil pada Oktober 2015 lalu. Blok NSO mulai berproduksi sejak 1996 dengan puncak produksi 400 mmscfd.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Monday, Oct 22, 2018

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