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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Oil Production Remains Under National Target

Five major contractors controlled 73.34% of Indonesia's total petroleum production.

At least five oil and gas contributors still dominate national oil production. The five contractors are Chevron Pacific Indonesia, ExxonMobil, Pertamina EP, Pertamina Hulu Mahakam and China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) noted that the five contractors contributed to total oil production of 667,623 barrels per day (bpd).

This amount is equivalent to 73.34% of the total national oil lifting until the third quarter of 2018 which reached 773,923 bpd, while in the gas sector, five KKKS contributed a total production of 761,356 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd). This amount is equivalent to 66.50% of the total national production which reached 1.14 million boepd.

"The five largest oil palm contractors (KKKS) account for 73% of the total national oil lifting, while the five largest gas contractors contribute 66% of the total national gas lifting," said Head of Program and Communication Division of SKK Migawa Prabawa Taher.

However, SKK Migas noted that the achievement was still below the target of only 96%. Wisnu said there were several obstacles in the implementation of national oil and gas production. The constraints are experienced by PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ). This contractor encountered technical equipment production constraints. Then in the Rokan Block, Chevron Pacific still faces the impact of pipeline technical problems at the production facility some time ago.

The Medco Natuna faces a problem in the form of drilling results that have not met expectations. On the other hand, the company also rescheduled its drilling. Furthermore, Pertamina EP's drilling results are still below expectations. While the constraints of Pertamina Upstream Mahakam are drilling delays related to rig selection.

"The achievement is around 96%, slightly below the target. Indeed, there are still some constraints in production, but these obstacles are moderate and already handled," Wisnu explained.

If referring to the target in the 2018 State Budget (APBN), in the petroleum sector, there are still three KKKS which are below the annual lifting target. First, Chevron Pacific Indonesia is projected to be 213,551 bpd, but only 210,582 bpd is realized as of September 30, 2018. Second, Pertamina EP is targeted to produce 85,869 bpd of oil, but only 73,618 bpd. Third, Pertamina Hulu Mahakam was set at 48,271 hph, but lifting only reached 44,346 bpd.


While the other two contractors have exceeded the 2018 APBN target, ExxonMobil in the Cepu Block reaches 207,936 bpd, higher than the 2018 APBN target of 205,000 bpd. Another one is CNOOC with a production of 31,141 bpd, exceeding the estimated 2018 State Budget of 30,000 bpd.

In addition to oil and gas lifting, SKK Migas also noted that the achievement of cost recovery as of the end of September 2018 had reached US $ 8.7 billion. This amount is equivalent to 87% of the 2018 State Budget target of US $ 10.1 billion. SKK Migas projects that cost recovery until the end of 2018 will reach US $ 11.7 billion, or reach 116% of the 2018 APBN target.

On the other hand, the achievement of state revenues from upstream oil and gas until the third quarter of 2018 amounted to US $ 11.8 billion or 99% of the 2018 target of US $ 11.9 billion. Until the end of 2018, SKK Migas is optimistic that the state revenue from upstream oil and gas will be US $ 16.1 billion or 135% this year.


Produksi Minyak Tetap di Bawah Target Nasional

Lima kontraktor besar menguasai 73,34% dari total produksi minyak bumi Indonesia.

Sedikitnya lima kontraldior migas masih mendominasi produksi minyak nasional. Kelima kontraktor tersebut adalah Chevron Pacific Indonesia, ExxonMobil, Pertamina EP, Pertamina Hulu Mahakam dan China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) mencatat, kelima kontraktor itu menyumbang total produksi minyak sebesar 667.623 barel per hari (bph).

Jumlah tersebut setara 73,34% dari total lifting minyak nasional hingga kuartal III 2018 yang mencapai 773.923 bph, sedangkan di sektor gas, lima KKKS menyumbang total produksi 761.356 barrel oil equivalent per day (boepd). Jumlah ini setara 66,50% dari total produksi nasional yang mencapai 1,14 juta boepd.

"Lima kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) terbesar minyak menyumbang 73% dari total lifting minyak nasional, sedangkan lima KKKS terbesar gas menyumbang 66% dari total lifting gas nasional,” kata Kepala Divisi Program dan Komunikasi SKK Migas Wisnu Prabawa Taher.

Meski demikian, SKK Migas mencatat pencapaian tersebut masih di bawah target yaitu hanya mencapai 96%. Wisnu mengemukakan ada beberapa kendala dalam implementasi produksi migas nasional. Kendala tersebut misalnya dialami oleh PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ). Kontraktor ini menemui kendala teknis peralatan produksi. Kemudian di Blok Rokan, Chevron Pacific masih menghadapi imbas dari masalah teknis pipa di fasilitas produksi beberapa waktu lalu.

Adapun Medco Natuna menghadapi masalah berupa hasil pengeboran yang belum sesuai ekspektasi. Di sisi lain, perusahaan ini juga menjadwal ulang pengeborannya. Selanjutnya, hasil pengeboran Pertamina EP masih di bawah ekspektasi. Sedangkan kendala Pertamina Hulu Mahakam adalah penundaan pengeboran terkait pemilihan rig. 

"Pencapaiannya sekitar 96%, sedikit di bawah target. Memang masih ada beberapa kendala dalam produksi, namun kendala ini ada yang sedang dan sudah tertangani," jelas Wisnu.

Jika mengacu target dalam Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) 2018, di sektor minyak bumi, masih ada tiga KKKS yang pencapaiannya di bawah target lifting tahunan. Pertama, Chevron Pacific Indonesia yang diproyeksikan 213.551 bph, namun hanya terealisasi 210.582 bph per 30 September 2018. Kedua, Pertamina EP yang ditargetkan memproduksi minyak 85.869 bph, namun hanya terwujud 73.618 bph. Ketiga, Pertamina Hulu Mahakam yang ditetapkan sebesar 48.271 hph, tapi lifting hanya mencapai 44,346 bph.

Sedangkan dua kontraktor lainnya sudah melampaui target APBN 2018, yakni ExxonMobil di Blok Cepu mencapai 207.936 bph, lebih tinggi dari target APBN 2018 sebesar 205.000 bph. Satu lagi adalah CNOOC dengan produksi 31.141 bph, melampaui estimasi APBN 2018 sebesar 30.000 bph.

Selain lifting migas, SKK Migas juga mencatat pencapaian pengembalian biaya operasi (cost recovery) per akhir September 2018 sudah mencapai US$ 8,7 miliar. Jumlah ini setara 87% dari target APBN 2018 sebesar US$ 10,1 miliar. SKK Migas memproyeksikan cost  recovevy hingga akhir 2018 mencapai US$ 11,7 miliar, atau mencapai 116% dari target APBN 2018.

Di sisi lain, pencapaian penerimaan negara dari hulu migas hingga kuartal III 2018 sebesar US$ 11,8 miliar atau 99% target 2018 yang mencapai US$ 11,9 miliar. Hingga akhir 2018, SKK Migas optimistis penerimaan negara dari hulu migas US$ 16,1 miliar atau 135% target tahun ini.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, Oct 10, 2018

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