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Thursday, November 1, 2018

Only Two Oil and Gas Blocks Sell

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) announces the results of the work area auction (WK) or the second stage of conventional oil and gas blocks. This announcement was made directly by the Deputy Minister of ESDM Arcandra Tahar.

In the second phase of the oil and gas block auction this year, there are six oil and gas blocks offered including Makassar Strait, Selat Panjang, South Jambi B, Andika Bumi Kita, Banyumas, and South East Mahakam. The six oil and gas blocks are divided into production blocks, namely Makassar Strait, Selat Panjang, and South Jambi B and exploration blocks, namely Southeast Mahakam, Banyumas and Andika Bumi Kita.

The auction schedule for the six oil and gas blocks starts on August 14, 2018 until October 12, 2018. Until the deadline for submitting participation documents / offers on October 12, 2018 there are 18 bid documents accessed by auction enthusiasts, with the results of four oil and gas blocks in demand by five bidders.

"Today is the day we will announce the second winner of the auction," said Arcandra at the ESDM Ministry.

the Makassar Strait Block

Arcandra then announced the six oil and gas blocks and the winner of the auction. There is no winner for the Makassar Strait Block because there are requirements that are not in accordance with the provisions. This oil and gas block attracted one participant. Then, the Long Strait Block also has no winner because it does not meet the requirements. This block attracted two participants. Third, the South Jambi B Block won by Hong Kong Jindi Group with a definite five-year work commitment worth USD 60 million and a signature bonus of US $ 5 million.

Furthermore, the Banyumas Block was won by PT Minarak Brantas Gas with a definite commitment of exploration of USD 4 million and a signature bonus of US $ 500,000. As for the Andika Block, our Earth and Southeast Mahakam are not in demand.

"There is no winner and Andika Bumi Kita has not filed. Southeast Mahakam also has no winner," said Arcandra.

The total signature bonus obtained by the government is USD 5,500,000, as well as a definite commitment of USD 64,000,000 which includes G & G activities of USD 1,000,000, 2D 300 km seismic surveys, 400 km2 of 3D seismic, and drilling of four wells. Arcandra added, for oil and gas blocks that have not been sold, they will be included in the next auction next week.

"For blocks not selling, there is a possibility that we will enter the next stage of the auction or the next round to open next week," said Arcandra.


Hanya Dua Blok Migas yang Laku

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) mengumumkan hasil lelang wilayah kerja (WK) atau blok migas konvensional tahap kedua. Pengumuman ini dilakukan langsung oleh Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar.

Dalam lelang blok migas tahap kedua tahun ini, ada enam blok migas yang ditawarkan antara lain Makassar Strait, Selat Panjang, South Jambi B, Andika Bumi Kita, Banyumas, dan South East Mahakam. Keenam blok migas tersebut terbagi dalam blok produksi, yaitu Makassar Strait, Selat Panjang, dan South Jambi B dan blok eksplorasi yaitu Southeast Mahakam, Banyumas, dan Andika Bumi Kita.

Jadwal lelang dari keenam blok migas tersebut dimulai sejak 14 Agustus 2018 sampai dengan 12 Oktober 2018. Hingga batas akhir pemasukan dokumen partisipasi/penawaran tanggal 12 Oktober 2018 secara keseluruhan terdapat 18 bid document yang diakses oleh peminat lelang, dengan hasil empat blok migas diminati oleh lima peserta lelang.

"Hari ini adalah hari di mana kita akan mengumumkan pemenang lelang tahap kedua," kata Arcandra di Kementerian ESDM.

Arcandra kemudian mengumumkan keenam blok migas berikut pemenang lelangnya. Untuk Blok Makassar Strait tidak ada pemenang karena ada persyaratan yang tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan. Blok migas ini diminati satu peserta. Kemudian, Blok Selat Panjang juga tidak ada pemenangnya karena tidak memenuhi persyaratan. Blok ini diminati dua peserta. Ketiga, Blok South Jambi B yang dimenangkan oleh Hong Kong Jindi Group dengan komitmen kerja pasti lima tahun senilai USD 60 juta dan bonus tanda tangan US$ 5 juta.

Selanjutnya, Blok Banyumas yang dimenangkan oleh PT Minarak Brantas Gas dengan komitmen pasti eksplorasi USD 4 juta dan bonus tanda tangan US$ 500.000. Sedangkan untuk Blok Andika Bumi Kita dan Southeast Mahakam tidak diminati.

"Andika Bumi Kita tidak ada pemenang tidak ada yang mengajukan. Southeast Mahakam juga tidak ada pemenangnya," kata Arcandra.

Total bonus tanda tangan (signature bonus) yang diperoleh pemerintah sebesar USD 5.500.000, serta komitmen pasti sebesar USD 64.000.000 yang meliputi kegiatan G&G USD 1.000.000, survei seismik 2D 300 km, seismik 3D 400 km2, dan pengeboran empat sumur. Arcandra menambahkan, untuk blok migas yang belum laku akan diikutsertakan dalam lelang tahap berikutnya pekan depan. 

"Bagi blok tidak laku maka ada kemungkinan akan kita masukkan pada lelang tahap selanjutnya atau round selanjutnya dibuka minggu depan," tutur Arcandra.

Harian Bangsa, Page-4, Tuesday, Oct 23, 2018

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