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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Pertamina Drill 20 wells in the Algerian Oil and Gas Block

PT Pertamina (Persero), through its subsidiary PT Pertamina Internasional EP (PIEP), will drill 20 wells until 2021 at the Menzel Ledjment North (MLN) Field, Block 405a, in Algeria. The first well has been successfully drilled. PIEP is currently running the Phase-4 Development Project. The goal is to increase PIEP production in the MLN Field, Block 405a. This project was marked by drilling MLN-19 wells.

This well is the first production well drilled by Pertamina's engineerias. Later, the company will drill 20 wells in this field until 2021.

"The MLN well was hired on June 16 during Algeria, using Rig-3 Sahara with a capacity of 1,500 HP, Sahara WS," said PIEP President Director Denie S

According to him, through a series of Layer Content Tests (UKL), MLN-19 wells were able to increase MLN Field production by 1,000 barrels per day (bpd). The drilling of these wells is quite fast, which is only 9 days, faster than the target set.

"This has resulted in savings in drilling operation costs of up to US $ 5 million," he said.

Currently, said Denie, the MLN-19 well is temporarily closed because it is still waiting for the completion of the construction of production facilities until November 2018. It plans to have the well started to stream and increase MLN Field production no later than next year.

"So, the 10% increase in production that we are targeting in 2019 can be achieved," he said.

The success of the first drilling in this extreme climate has made the company optimistic that the next drilling will run smoothly and get results as expected. At the same time, PIEP has also built additional production facilities to accommodate production from these wells.

Through the PIEP, Pertamina seeks to close the difference in production and consumption of oil and gas which is increasingly widening in the country. Because, despite continuing to boost the performance of domestic upstream asset production, its production capability has indeed been reduced. 

    Therefore, Pertamina then pursues the potential of new oil and gas sources abroad through PIEP PIEP targeted to be able to contribute to the production of foreign assets of 650 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day / boepd by 2025.

Until last July, Pertamina's Senior Vice President Strategic Planning and Operation Evaluation Meidawati said earlier, the realization of oil and gas production from foreign oil fields, the company's oil production actually dropped. 

   In the January-July 2017 period, the company's oil production from abroad was recorded at 104 thousand bpd. However, the realization of foreign oil production for the same period this year was only 103 thousand bpd. While the six-monthly target is 108 thousand bpd.

Low production due to the delay in rig mobilization in the company's field in Malaysia.

"What has dropped a lot is in Algeria, which is due to a delay in first oil from several wells," he explained.

While the biggest contribution to oil production came from Iraq by 45 thousand bpd. However, gas production from overseas fields actually rose significantly. He explained, gas production up to July was 5.6% higher than the production of the same period last year of 285 mrnscfd. 

   The additional gas production comes from the company's oil and gas field in Gabon, Africa, which was acquired from the acquisition of French oil and gas company Maurel & Promm, at 209 mmscfd.

In the coming year, Meidawati projects oil production from foreign assets to improve.

"For PIEP production increases from assets in Algeria. PIEP oil production rose from 108 thousand bpd to 112 thousand bpd, "said Meidawati.

At present, Pertamina has oil and gas blocks in several countries. In Algeria, the state-owned oil and gas company controls 65% of the shares in MLN Field and 16.9% in the EMK Field. In Iraq, the company owns shares in West Qurna Field 1. While in Malaysia, the company holds shares in Blok K, Kikeh Block, SNR Block SK309 Block and SK311 Block.

Pertamina also controls 72.65% of the shares of French oil and gas companies Maurel & Prom. Maurel & Prom has oil and gas assets spread in Gabon, Nigeria, Tanzania, Namibia, Colombia, Canada, Myanmar, Italy and other countries. However, the main assets that have been produced are in Gabon, Nigeria and Tanzania.

Pertamina targets its oil and gas production to reach 1.9 million boepd by 2025. For oil production, it is targeted to reach 822 thousand bpd by 2025, which is 353 thousand bpd from domestic and 469 thousand bpd from abroad. While for gas, it is targeted to increase to 5.71 billion cubic feet per day, which is 4.23 billion cubic feet from domestic and 1.48 billion cubic feet of foreign assets.


Pertamina Bor 20 Sumur di Blok Migas Aljazair 

PT Pertamina (Persero) , melalui anak usahanya PT Pertamina Internasional EP (PIEP), akan mengebor 20 sumur hingga 2021 di Lapangan Menzel Ledjment North (MLN), Blok 405a, di Aljazair. Sumur pertama telah berhasil dibor. PIEP kini sedang menjalankan Phase-4 Development Project. Tujuannya yakni meningkatkan produksi PIEP di Lapangan MLN, Blok 405a. Proyek ini ditandai dengan pengeboran sumur MLN-19. 

Sumur ini merupakan sumur produksi pertama yang dibor oleh para engineeri Pertamina. Nantinya, perseroan akan mengebor 20 sumur di lapangan ini hingga 2021.

“Sumur MLN ditajak pada 16 Juni waktu Aljazair, menggunakan Rig-3 Sahara berkekuatan 1.500 HP, Sahara WS,” kata Direktur Utama PIEP Denie S Tampubolon.

Menurut dia, melalui serangkaian Uji Kandungan Lapisan (UKL), sumur MLN-19 mampu menambah produksi Lapangan MLN sebesar 1.000 barel per hari (bph). Pengeboran sumur ini termask cukup cepat, yakni hanya 9 hari, lebih cepat dari target yang ditetapkan. 

“Hal ini berdampak pada penghematan biaya operasi pengeboran hingga US$ 5 juta," ujarnya.

Saat ini, tutur Denie, Sumur MLN-19 -ditutup sementara lantaran masih menunggu rampungnya pembangunan fasilitas produksi sampai November 2018. Pihaknya merencanakan sumur tersebut sudah mulai on stream dan menambah produksi Lapangan MLN paling lambat mulai tahun depan.

“Sehingga, peningkatan produksi sebesar 10% yang kami targetkan pada 2019 mendatang bisa tercapai,” tuturnya.

Kesuksesan pengeboran pertama di kawasan beriklim ekstrim ini membuat perusahaan optimis, yakni pengeboran selanjutnya akan berjalan lancar dan mendapatkan hasil sesuai harapan. Bersamaan dengan itu, PIEP juga telah membangun fasilitas produksi tambahan untuk menampung produksi dari sumur-sumur tersebut.

Melalui PIEP, Pertamina berupaya menutup selisih produksi dan konsumsi migas yang kian melebar di dalam negeri. Pasalnya, meski terus menggenjot kinerja produksi aset hulu domestik, kemampuan produksinya memang sudah berkurang. Karenanya, Pertamina kemudian memburu potensi sumber-sumber migas baru di mancanegara melalui PIEP PIEP ditargetkan mampu menyumbang produksi dari aset luar negeri sebanyak 650 ribu barel setara minyak per hari/boepd pada 2025.

Sampai Juli lalu, Senior Vice President Strategic Planning and Operation Evaluation Pertamina Meidawati sebelumnya mengatakan, realisasi produksi migas dari ladang minyak luar negeri, produksi minyak perseroan justru turun. Pada periode januari-Juli 2017, produksi minyak perseroan dari luar negeri tercatat 104 ribu bph. Namun, realisasi produksi minyak luar negeri periode yang sama tahun ini hanya 103 ribu bph. Sementara target enam bulanannya 108 ribu bph.

Rendahnya produksi karena adanya keterlambatan mobilisasi rig di lapangan perseroan di Malaysia.

“Yang turun banyak di Aljazair, yakni karena adanya penundaan first oil dari beberapa sumur,” jelasnya. 

Sementara kontribusi produksi minyak terbesar berasal dari Irak sebesar 45 ribu bph. Namun, produksi gas dari ladang luar negeri justru naik signifikan. Dipaparkannya, produksi gas sampai Juli tercatat lebih tinggi 5,6% dibandingkan produksi periode yang sama tahun lalu sebesar 285 mrnscfd. Tambahan produksi gas ini berasal dari lapangan migas perseroan di Gabon, Afrika yang diperoleh dari akuisisi perusahaan migas Perancis, Maurel&Promm, sebesar 209 mmscfd.

Di tahun mendatang, Meidawati memproyeksikan produksi minyak dari aset mancanegara akan membaik. 

“Untuk PIEP kenaikan produksi dari aset di Aljazair. Produksi minyak PIEP naik dari 108 ribu bph menjadi 112 ribu bph,” kata Meidawati.

Saat ini, Pertamina telah memiliki blok migas di beberapa negara. Di Aljazair, perusahaan migas milik pemerintah itu menguasai 65% saham di Lapangan MLN dab 16,9% di Lapangan EMK. Di Irak, perseroan memiliki saham di Lapangan West Qurna 1. Sementara di Malaysia, perseroan memegang kepemilikan saham di Blok K, Blok Kikeh, Blok SNR Blok SK309 dan Blok SK311.

Pertamina juga menguasai 72,65% saham perusahaan migas Perancis, Maurel&Prom. Maurel&Prom memiliki aset migas yang tersebar di Gabon, Nigeria, Tanzania, Namibia, Kolombia, Kanada, Myanmar, Italia, dan negara lainnya. Namun, aset utamanya yang telah berproduksi yakni di Gabon, Nigeria, dan Tanzania.

Pertamina menargetkan produksi migasnya bisa mencapai 1,9 juta boepd pada 2025. Untuk produksi minyak, ditargetkan mencapai 822 ribu bph pada 2025, yakni 353 ribu bph dari dalam negeri dan 469 ribu bph dari luar negeri. Sementara untuk gas, ditargetkan meningkat menjadi 5,71 miliar kaki kubik per hari, yaitu 4,23 miliar kaki kubik dari domestik dan 1,48 miliar kaki kubik dari aset luar negeri.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesday, Oct 16, 2018

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