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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Pertamina Interested in 2 Exploration Blocks

The two auction of oil and gas working areas which are still in the exploration phase are not attractive to investors. The two regions are the Andika Bumi Kita Block located off the coast of East Java and the Southeast Mahakam Block off the coast of East Kalimantan. However, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources claims that PT Pertamina [Persero) is interested in working on the two exploration blocks.

The government opens a phase II oil and gas block auction in August 2018. Of the six blocks auctioned, the remaining two blocks are not in demand by investors. The auctioned area consists of 3 exploration blocks and 3 production blocks. The three regions are Banyumas Block, Andika Bumi Kita, and Southeast Mahakam. Three oil and gas blocks that have entered the production phase, namely the Makassar Strait Block, South Jambi B, and the Long Strait.

Director General of Oil and Gas, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Djoko Siswanto said, so far his party had communicated with Pertamina.

 "Pertamina is interested in taking oil and gas blocks that have not been sold, but with joint studies [contractors and the government]. We have communicated with Pertamina. They will look at the data and hope that joint studies can be carried out, "he said.

According to him, Pertamina is studying data from the Andika Block of Our Earth and Southeast Mahakam. He considered that the potential development of the Southeast Mahakam was better because of its location close to the Mahakam Block. At present, Pertamina is the operator of the Mahakam Block.

"Who knows the reservoir is connected [Southeast and Mahakam]. Therefore Pertamina wants to conduct a joint study. Pertamina is the one who submitted, we agreed. There has been talk. "

Djoko added, joint studies of oil and gas blocks usually last at the latest 4 months and can reach a maximum of one year.

"Yes, the name of the joint study must be cooperation with universities, the data will be studied again, some can be up to a year, but on average 6-9 months," he said.

Eni Sp.A., an oil and gas company from Italy has a big chance of getting the Makassar Strait Block.

"Possibly yes, because ENI made a proposal [Makassar Strait Block auction], which included the proposal was Eni. Others do not [have entered the proposal], "said Djoko Siswanto.

According to him, Eni has oil and gas production facilities in the Jangkrik field that can be integrated with Makassar Strait so that the company has the potential to obtain oil and gas working areas currently operated by Chevron.

"Eni has facilities there, only just lack of pipes. So, from the cost, ENI can be cheap. "


Pertamina Tertarik 2 Blok Eksplorasi

Lelang dua Wilayah kerja minyak dan gas bumi yang masih tahap eksplorasi tidak diminati investor. Kedua Wilayah itu adalah Blok Andika Bumi Kita berlokasi di lepas pantai Jawa Timur dan Blok Southeast Mahakam di lepas pantai Kalimantan Timur. Namun, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral mengklaim bahwa PT Pertamina [Persero) berminat untuk menggarap kedua blok eksplorasi itu.

Pemerintah membuka lelang blok migas tahap II pada Agustus 2018. Dari enam blok yang dilelang, tersisa dua blok yang tidak diminati oleh investor. Wilayah yang dilelang itu terdiri dari 3 blok eksplorasi dan 3 blok produksi. Ketiga wilayah itu adalah Blok Banyumas, Andika Bumi Kita, dan Southeast Mahakam. Tiga blok migas yang sudah memasuki tahap produksi, yakni Blok Makassar Strait, South Jambi B, dan Selat Panjang.

Dirjen Minyak dan Gas Bumi, Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto mengatakan, sejauh ini pihaknya sudah melakukan komunikasi dengan pihak Pertamina.

 “Pertamina berminat untuk mengambil blok migas yang belum laku, tetapi dengan studi bersama [kontraktor dan pemerintah]. Kami sudah komunikasikan dengan Pertamina. Mereka akan melihat data-datanya dan berharap bisa dilakukan studi bersama," katanya.

Menurutnya, Pertamina sedang mempelajari data dari Blok Andika Bumi Kita dan Southeast Mahakam. Dia menilai bahwa potensi pengembangan Southeast Mahakam lebih bagus karena lokasinya dekat dengan Blok Mahakam. Saat ini, Pertamina menjadi operator Blok Mahakam. 

“Siapa tahu reservoirnya terhubung [Southeast dan Mahakam]. Oleh karena itu Pertamina mau untuk dilakukan studi bersama. itu Pertamina yang mengajukan, kita yang menyetujui. Sudah ada pembicaraan.” 

Djoko menambahkan, studi bersama terhadap blok migas biasanya berlangsung paling cepat 4 bulan dan maksimal bisa mencapai 1 tahun. 

“Ya namanya joint study [studi bersama] harus ada kerja sama dengan universitas-universitas, dipelajari datanya lagi, ada yang bisa sampai setahun, tapi rata-rata 6-9 bulan,” katanya.

Eni Sp.A., perusahaan migas dari Italia berpeluang besar mendapatkan Blok Makassar Strait. 

“Kemungkinan iya, soalnya ENI yang buat proposal [lelang Blok Makassar Strait], yang memasukan proposal adalah Eni. Lainnya tidak ada [yang memasukan proposal ],” kata Djoko Siswanto. 

Menurutnya, Eni memiliki fasilitas produksi migas di lapangan Jangkrik yang bisa diintergiasikan dengan Makassar Strait sehingga perusahaan itu berpotensi mendapatkan wilayah kerja migas yang saat ini dioperatori oleh Chevron. 

“Eni punya fasilitas di situ, hanya kurang pasang pipa saja. Jadi, dari  biaya, ENI bisa murah."

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Thursday, Oct 18, 2018

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