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Thursday, November 1, 2018

Two Oil and Gas Blocks Attracted

Two of the six oil and gas working areas (WK) or blocks entered in auction II 2018 are in demand. The government targets the remaining WK ​​auction to be completed before the end of the year. The two WKs are WK South Jambi B and WK Banyumas. WK South Jambi B will be operated by Hong Kong Jindi Group (HJG), Hong Kong.

HJG won the auction because it offered the amount of a definite work commitment (CTF) of 60 million US dollars and a signature bonus of 5 million US dollars. Meanwhile, WK Banyumas was won by a local company, PT Minarak Berantas Gas. 

Banyumas Block - Center Java

    Minarak offered a KKP of 4 million dollars and a signature bonus of 500 thousand US dollars. Deputy Minister of ESDM Arcandra Tahar said, these two WKs added four WKs that were sold in the 2018 phase I auction. Future domestic oil and gas production could rely on production WKs which were now getting operators.

"We hope that the winners can immediately complete the contract so that it can produce faster. What is important is that we need contractors who can increase production and find new oil reserves," said Arcandra at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

Actually there are six WKs offered in the Phase II auction, Two WKs, namely the South East Makasar and Andika Bumi, stated that there are no interested parties because no one has submitted the auction documents. Meanwhile, the other two WKs, namely Makassar Strait and the Long Strait WK, did not get the auction winner.

Makassar Strait PSC

"From the second phase of the auction, six are offered, two practices. To this day, there have been six WKs who are gross gross schemes," Arcandra said.

The remaining four WKs will be included in the Phase III auction. Announcement of the auction will be held next week and will be announced in December.

"Next week's Phase III auction consists of WK-WK who have already or are conducting a joint study. The auction closure before the end of the year, so the determination of the winner can be immediately," Arcandra said.

Eni Muara Bakau

Found separately, VP Exploration PT Eni Muara Bakau B (ENI) Davide Casini Ropa was reluctant to explain why ENI failed to operate the Makassar Strait Block. David explained, his party was still very interested in this WK.

"We see good potential in the Kutai Basin. This is a potential block," David said.

Despite failing in this phase II auction, ENI was interested in being able to take part in the III stage auction. Because, ENI has facilities near this WK so that production can be more efficient. Makasar Strait Block is located off the coast of the Makassar Strait, East Kalimantan. The area is 1,555 square kilometers. This block already has a producing field, West Seno. As of January 1, 2017, the remaining proven oil and condensate reserves reached 1.8 million barrels from the potential of around 2.15 million to 4.1 million barrels.

Offer to Pertamina

ESDM Ministry Director General of Oil and Gas Djoko Siswanto said the government planned to offer several WK that were not in demand at auction to Pertamina. Djoko explained, in writing, Pertamina expressed interest in this WK-WK. However, until now Pertamina has not submitted documents.

"There is a week. Orally, Pertamina is interested in a joint study, we will discuss it later," said Djoko at the ESDM Ministry.

Reflecting on the tide of the Makassar Strait Block which was decided by the government there were no winners even though there were interested parties, Djoko said, it would also be evaluated again. Although he did not say the problem, Djoko stated that the point was an obligation that must be met by oil and gas contractors.

"The terms and conditions have a point. There are points that have not been fulfilled by contractors. Pertamina wants to negotiate first," Djoko said.

Phase III auction will be opened next week and while offering seven WK. When the Makassar Strait Block is entered, there are eight WK to be auctioned.


Dua Blok Migas Diminati

Dua dari enam wilayah kerja (WK) migas atau blok yang masuk dalam lelang tahap II 2018 diminati. Pemerintah menargetkan lelang WK tersisa bisa rampung sebelum akhir tahun. Dua WK tersebut adalah WK South Jambi B dan WK Banyumas. WK South Jambi B akan dioperasikan oleh Hong Kong Jindi Group (HJG), Hong Kong.

HJG memenangi lelang karena menawarkan besaran komitmen kerja pasti (KKP) sebesar 60 juta dolar AS dan bonus tanda tangan (signature bonus) sebesar 5 juta dolar AS. Sedangkan, WK Banyumas dimenangkan oleh perusahaan lokal, PT Minarak Berantas Gas. Minarak menawarkan KKP sebesar 4 juta dolar dan bonus tanda tangan sebesar 500 ribu dolar AS. Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, dua WK ini menambah empat WK yang laku dalam lelang tahap I 2018. Produksi migas dalam negeri ke depan bisa bertumpu pada WK produksi yang kini kembali mendapatkan operator.

"Kami berharap para pemenang bisa segera menyelesaikan kontrak agar bisa lebih cepat berproduksi. Yang penting, kami butuh kontraktor yang bisa meningkatkan produksi dan menemukan cadangan minyak baru," ujar Arcandra di Kementerian ESDM.

Sebenarnya ada enam WK yang ditawarkan pada Ielang tahap II ini, Dua WK, yakni South East Makasar dan Andika Bumi, dinyatakan tidak ada peminat karena tidak ada yang menyerahkan dokumen lelang. Sedangkan, dua WK lainnya, yaitu Makasar Strait dan WK Selat Panjang, tidak mendapatkan pemenang lelang.

"Dari lelang tahap dua ini, enam yang ditawarkan, dua laku. Sampai hari ini, sudah ada enam WK yang laku dengan skema gross split," ujar Arcandra.

Empat WK tersisa akan dimasukkan dalam lelang tahap III. Pengumuman lelang akan dilakukan pekan depan dan akan diumumkan pada Desember.

"Pekan depan lelang tahap III terdiri dari WK-WK yang sudah atau sedang melakukan joint study. Penutupan lelang sebelum akhir tahun, jadi penentuan pemenang bisa segera," ujar Arcandra.

Ditemui terpisah, VP Exploration PT Eni Muara Bakau B (ENI) Davide Casini Ropa enggan menjabarkan alasan ENI gagal mengoperatori Blok Makasar Strait. David menjelaskan, pihaknya masih sangat tertarik terhadap WK ini.

"Kami melihat potensi yang baik dalam cekungan Kutai Basin. Ini blok yang potensial," ujar David.

Meski gagal dalam lelang tahap II ini, ENI berminat untuk bisa mengikuti lelang tahap III. Sebab, ENI memiliki fasilitas di dekat WK ini sehingga produksi bisa lebih efisien. Blok Makasar Strait ini terletak di lepas pantai Selat Makassar, Kalimantan Timur. Luas areanya 1.555 kilometer persegi. Blok ini telah memiliki lapangan yang sudah berproduksi, yakni West Seno. Sampai 1 Januari 2017, sisa cadangan minyak dan kondensat yang terbukti di sana mencapai 1,8 juta barel dari potensi sekitar 2,15 juta hingga 4,1 juta barel.

Tawarkan ke Pertamina

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto mengatakan, pemerintah berencana menawarkan beberapa WK yang tidak diminati dalam lelang kepada Pertamina. Djoko menjelaskan, secara tertulis, Pertamina menyatakan minat terhadap WK-WK ini. Namun, hingga saat ini Pertamina belum menyerahkan dokumen.

"Ada waktu sepekan. Secara lisan, Pertamina minat untuk joint study, nanti kita bicarakan lagi," ujar Djoko di Kementerian ESDM.

Berkaca pada lalang Blok Makasar Strait yang diputuskan pemerintah tidak ada pemenang meski ada peminat, Djoko mengatakan, itu juga akan dievaluasi lagi. Meski tidak mengatakan kendalanya, Djoko menyatakan poin tersebut merupakan kewajiban yang perlu dipenuhi oleh kontraktor migas.

"Syarat dan ketentuan ada pointnya. Ada poin yang belum dipenuhi kontraktor. Pertamina mau menegosiasikan dulu," ujar Djoko.

Lelang tahap III yang akan dibuka pekan depan dan sementara menawarkan tujuh WK. Bila Blok Makassar Strait masuk, ada delapan WK yang akan dilelang.

Republika, Page-15, Tuesday, Oct 23, 2018

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