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Thursday, November 1, 2018

Chevron Indonesia Awaits the Giant Block Offer

PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia is still awaiting a large-scale oil and gas working area from the government to continue the business of the oil and gas company from the United States. Chevron has released Block East Kalimantan and Attaka and Makassar Strait this year. In addition, one of the largest oil and gas working areas in Indonesia, the Rokan Block, will be transferred to PT Pertamina (Persero) in August 2021. Therefore, Chevron will only develop deepwater oil and gas (IDD) projects in Indonesia.

the East Kalimantan Block

On October 24, 2018, Chevron Pacific Indonesia handed over the management of the East Kalimantan Block and Attaka to Pertamina. Chevron Indonesia's Senior Vice President of Policy Government and Strategic Affairs Yanto Sianipar said, the oil and gas company from the US still wanted to find opportunities to manage new oil and gas working areas and maintain existing businesses in Indonesia.

"All bids can certainly be seen, the government will also continue to offer tenders for oil and gas working areas," he said.

According to him, Chevron has not been interested in several oil and gas blocks auctioned by the government. If comparing the performance of the Rokan Block with the average oil production above 200,000 barrels per day, he said, there has been no discovery of oil and gas blocks at the level of Rokan. The average production of Rokan block daily as of September 2018 was 210,582 barrels per day (bpd), which topped national oil production.

Rokan block

"Yes, indeed the situation is right now, there is no work area that is the same size as the Cepu Block. "We are just waiting for the giant block offer from the government," he said.

In addition to the success of Chevron managing Rokan, through its subsidiary, Chevron Indonesia Company (CICO) has demonstrated the success of managing the East Kalimantan-Attaka work area. However, at this time, the East Kalimantan-Attaka Block, which began to be managed by Pertamina under the lowest production conditions. Under these conditions, Pertamina is automatically required to withstand the rate of decline in production of the work area by planning 10 red working wells and 59 repairs of oil and gas wells estimated to produce 13,291 bpd of oil and 73.3 MMscfd of gas.


Chevron Indonesia Tunggu Penawaran Blok Raksasa

PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia masih menunggu wilayah kerja minyak dan gas bumi skala besar dari pemerintah untuk melanjutkan bisnis perusahaan migas asal Amerika Serikat tersebut di Tanah Air. Chevron telah melepas Blok East Kalimantan dan Attaka serta Makassar Strait pada tahun ini. Selain itu, salah satu wilayah kerja migas terbesar di Indonesia, Blok Rokan, akan dialihkan ke PT Pertamina (Persero) pada Agustus 2021. Oleh karena itu, Chevron hanya akan mengembangkan proyek migas laut dalam (Indonesia deepwater development/IDD) di Indonesia.

Pada 24 Oktober 2018, Chevron Pacific Indonesia menyerahkan pengelolaan Blok East Kalimantan dan Attaka kepada Pertamina. Senior Vice President Policy Goverment and Strategic Affairs Chevron Indonesia Yanto Sianipar mengatakan, perusahaan migas dari AS itu masih ingin mencari peluang untuk mengelola wilayah kerja migas baru dan mempertahankan bisnis yang sudah ada di Indonesia.

“Semua tawaran tentu bisa dilihat, pemerintah juga akan terus menawarkan tender wilayah kerja migas,” tuturnya.

Menurutnya, Chevron belum tertarik dengan beberapa blok migas yang dilelang pemerintah. Jika membandingkan dengan performa Blok Rokan dengan rerata produksi minyak di atas 200.000 barel per hari, katanya, belum ada lagi penemuan blok migas selevel Rokan. Rerata produksi harian Blok Rokan hingga September 2018 sebesar 210.582 barel per hari (bph) menduduki urutan teratas produksi minyak nasional. 

“Ya memang sekarang keadaannya begitu, wilayah kerja yang ukurannya setara Blok Cepu belum ada. Ya kami menunggu tawaran blok raksasa dari pemerintah saja,” katanya.

Selain keberhasilan Chevron mengelola Rokan, lewat anak usahanya, Chevron Indonesia Company (CICO) telah menunjukkan keberhasilan mengelola wilayah kerja East Kalimantan-Attaka. Namun, saat ini, Blok East Kalimantan-Attaka, yang mulai dikelola oleh Pertamina dalam kondisi produksi di titik terendah. Dengan kondisi tersebut, otomatis Pertamina diwajibkan untuk menahan laju penurunan produksi wilayah kerja tersebut dengan merencanakan 10 sumur kerja ulang dan 59 perbaikan sumur migas yang diestimasi dapat menghasilkan minyak 13.291 bph dan gas sebanyak 73,3 MMscfd. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Monday, Oct 29, 2018

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