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Saturday, December 1, 2018

Construction of refineries must begin immediately

Maritime Coordinating Minister Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan reminded Pertamina to seriously work on the refinery project of Petroleum (BBM) and petrochemicals. The reason is that President Joko Widodo complained that there was no refinery construction that had begun during his four years in office.

"I ask not to back down again, because I have been pushing for three years in petrochemicals from Taipei," Jokowi said.

As is known, Pertamina is working on six refinery projects at the same time, including new units and increasing capacity and quality of existing refineries. Construction of two new units in Tuban, East Java and in Bontang, East Kalimantan, as well as repairs to four existing refineries in Balongan, West Java; Balikpapan, East Kalimantan: Dumai-Riau and Cilacap, Central Java.

Rosneft Oil Company

So far, Pertamina has formed a joint venture with Rosneft Oil Company to work on the Tuban Refinery and in the process of selecting locations. Pertamina has also cooperated with Saudi Aramco for the Cilacap Refinery project and is in the process of establishing a joint venture. 

Saudi Aramco

   While for Bontang Refinery, the company still has to complete a frame work agreement with its partners, Overseas Oil and Gas LLC (OOG) and Cosmo Oil International Pte Ltd (COI).

Overseas Oil and Gas LLC (OOG)

"For North Sumatra Refinery, we will sign the frame work agreement in December," said Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati.

Nicke Widyawati

The Bontang and Tuban refineries are planned to have a capacity of 300 thousand barrels per day (bpd). Furthermore, to repair and increase the capacity of the Cilacap refinery, the company is still finalizing the refinery. It must immediately begin the establishment of a joint venture. However, continued Nicke, her side continued to work on this project.

"We are doing land clearing in Cilacap," Nicke said.

For Balikpapan Refinery, Director of Investment Planning and Risk Management of Pertamina Heru Setiawan said, his party is now looking for partners to work on this project. Selection of candidates will be carried out with a beauty contest mechanism, in which participants will receive an invitation from the company.

"We have started to deliver the letter to the candidates. There were 70 who sent us the beauty contest invitation letter, still waiting for the response, "he said.

The Balikpapan Refinery Project is carried out in two stages. The first phase of this project is targeted to be completed in 2021, where the capacity will increase from 260 thousand bpd to 350 thousand bpd. Furthermore, the second phase is targeted for completion in 2025, where refineries are able to process sour type oils from previously only medium heavy. The investment value of this project reached US $ 2.6 billion.

"In the middle of next month, we will sign the EPC (engineering, procurement, and construction) contract for the Balikpapan Refinery and we will start EPC work next year. Then what we accelerate, refineries and petrochemicals in Tuban. Today the land has been processed, both the Ministry of Environment and residents' land, we also do reclamation, "Nicke explained.

All refinery projects are targeted for completion in 2025. Precisely, the Balikpapan and Balongan Refineries are projected to be completed in 2021, after the Cilacap and Tuban Refineries in 2024, and the Bontang Refinery and Dumai Refinery in 2025. At that time, Pertamina's refinery capacity will increase to 2 million bph.


For Petrochemicals, Pertamina has signed a frame work agreement with China Petroleum Corporation (CPC) Taiwan to build a petrochemical complex worth US $ 6.49 billion.

China Petroleum Corporation (CPC) Taiwan

The facilities built are the Naphta cracker plant and the global scale Petrochemical downstream sector development unit in Indonesia. The project will be carried out with a Joint Venture scheme between Pertamina, CPC Taiwan, and several other potential downstream partners. The naphtha cracker plant is expected to produce at least one million tons of ethylene per year.

In addition, both of them will also build downstream units that will produce other refinery derivative products to meet industrial needs in Indonesia.

Ignatius Talulembang, Megaproject Processing and Petrochemical Director, explained that his party had already had initial discussions with CPC. At the stage first, it will prepare the land which is the location of this petrochemical project. So far, there are three location options, which are possible options near the West Java Balongan Refinery.

"After the land, our parallel will be FS (Feasibility study / feasibility study) to configure the petrochemical refinery, any products, with partners," he said

Furthermore, it will also form a joint venture with CPC. However, his side still has to discuss this with the CPC, including the matter of the amount of Pertamina's share ownership. It hopes to become a majority shareholder.

"Because we are in the country, the market is in us, so we are expected to have a bigger share," Tallulembang said.


Pembangunan Kilang Harus Segera Dimulai

Menteri Koordinator Kemaritiman Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan mengingatkan Pertamina untuk serius mengerjakan proyek kilang Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) dan petrokimia. Pasalnya, Presiden Joko Widodo mengeluhkan bahwa tidak ada pembangunan kilang yang dimulai selama menjabat dalam empat tahun ini.

“Saya minta jangan mundur lagi, karena saya sudah tiga tahun mendorong petrokimia dari Taipei tidak segera dimulai,” kata Jokowi. 

Seperti diketahui, Pertamina mengerjakan enam proyek kilang sekaligus, meliputi unit baru maupun peningkatan kapasitas dan kualitas dari kilang yang ada. Pembangunan dua unit baru di Tuban, Jawa Timur dan di Bontang, Kalimantan Timur, serta perbaikan empat kilang eksisting yang tersebar di Balongan, Jawa Barat; Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur: Dumai-Riau  serta Cilacap, Jawa Tengah.

Sejauh ini, Pertamina telah membentuk perusahaan patungan dengan Rosneft Oil Company untuk menggarap KilangTuban dan dalam proses pemilihan lokasi. Pertamina juga telah menggandeng Saudi Aramco untuk proyek Kilang Cilacap dan sedang memproses pembentukan perusahaan patungan. Sementara untuk Kilang Bontang, perseroan masih harus merampungkan frame work agreement dengan mitranya, Overseas Oil and Gas LLC (OOG) dan Cosmo Oil Internastional Pte Ltd (COI).

“Untuk Kilang ontang, kami akan lakukan tanda tangan frame work agreement di Desember,” kata Direktur Utama Pertamina Nicke Widyawati. 

Kilang Bontang dan Tuban direncanakan memiliki kapasitas 300 ribu barel per hari (bph). Selanjutnya untuk perbaikan dan peningkatan kapasitas Kilang Cilacap, perseroan masih melakukan finalisasi Kilang harus segera dimulai pembentukan perusahaan patungan (joint venture). Namun, lanjut Nicke, pihaknya terus mengerjakan proyek ini. 

“Kami lakukan land clearing di Cilacap,” ujar Nicke.

Untuk Kilang Balikpapan, Direktur Perencanaan Investasi dan Manajemen Risiko Pertamina Heru Setiawan menuturkan, pihaknya kini sedang mencari mitra untuk mengerjakan proyek ini. Seleksi calon akan dilakukan dengan mekanisme beauty contest, di mana pesertanya akan menerima undangan dari perseroan. 

“Kami sudah mulai sampaikan suratnya ke calon-calon. Ada 70 yang kami kirimi surat undangan beauty contest, masih tunggu responnya,” kata dia.

Proyek Kilang Balikpapan dikerjakan dalam dua tahap. Tahap pertama proyek ini ditargetkan rampung pada 2021, di mana kapasitasnya akan naik dari 260 ribu bph menjadi 350 ribu bph. Selanjutnya, tahap kedua ditargetkan selesai pada 2025, di mana kilang menjadi mampu mengolah minyak jenis sour dari sebelumnya hanya medium heavy. Nilai Investasi proyek ini mencapai US$ 2,6 miliar.

“Pertengahan bulan depan kami tanda tangan EPC (engineering, procurement, and construction) contract Kilang Balikpapan dan kami mulai pekerjaan EPC tahun depan. Lalu yang kami percepat, kilang dan petrokimia di Tuban. Hari ini sudah proses lahan, baik lahan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup maupun warga, kami juga lakukan reklamasi,” jelas Nicke.

Seluruh proyek kilang ditargetkan selesai pada 2025. Tepatnya, Kilang Balikpapan dan Balongan diproyeksikan akan selesai pada 2021, setelah itu Kilang Cilacap dan Tuban pada 2024, serta Kilang Bontang dan Kilang Dumai pada 2025. Pada saat itu, kapasitas kilang Pertamina akan naik menjadi 2 juta bph.

Untuk Petrokimia, Pertamina telah menandatangani frame work agreement dengan China Petroleum Corporation (CPC) Taiwan membangun komplek petrokimia senilai US$ 6,49 miliar. 

Fasilitas yang dibangun yakni pabrik naphta cracker dan unit pengembangan sektor hilir Petrokimia berskala global di Indonesia. Proyek akan dikerjakan dengan skema Joint Venture antara Pertamina, CPC Taiwan, dan beberapa mitra hilir potensial lainnya. Pabrik naphtha cracker diharapkan akan memproduksi paling sedikit satu juta ton ethylene per tahun. 

Selain itu, keduanya juga akan membangun unit hilir yang akan memproduksi produk turunan kilang lainya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan industri di Indonesia. 

Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia Ignasius Talulembang menjelaskan, pihaknya sudah ada diskusi awal dengan CPC. Pada tahap
pertama, pihaknya akan menyiapkan lahan yang menjadi lokasi proyek petrokimia ini. Sejauh ini, ada tiga opsi lokasi, di mana opsi yang memungkinkan yakni di dekat Kilang Balongan Jawa Barat.

“Setelah lahan, paralel kami akan lakukan FS (Feasibility study/kajian kelayakan) untuk membuat konfigurasi kilang petrokimia, produk-produknya apa saja, bersama partner,” tutur dia 

Selanjutnya, pihaknya juga akan membentuk perusahaan patungan dengan CPC. Namun, pihaknya masih harus mendiskusikan hal ini bersama CPC, termasuk soal besaran kepemilikan saham Pertamina. Pihaknya berharap bisa menjadi pemegang saham mayoritas. 

“Karena kita di dalam negeri, pasarnya ada pada kita, jadi diharapkan kami yang lebih besar share-nya,” ujar Tallulembang. 

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, Nov 30, 2018

1 comment:

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