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Saturday, November 3, 2018

ESDM Provides Free Data Access

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) seeks to attract investment in the oil and gas sector. The method is through the release of data package fees for bidders. Agus Cahyono Adi, Head of the ESDM Ministry of Data and Information Technology Center, said that many companies participated in the oil and gas working area auction. Unfortunately, there is little access to data.

According to Agus, oil and gas companies still have to pay US $ 5,000 to buy auction documents so that they can automatically become bidders. But many do not continue the data access process because they have to spend a lot of money on data packages around US $ 30,000 - US $ 80,000. As a result, in each oil and gas WK auction, only one company accesses data.

"So far, when participating in the auction, we want to take paid data. The fact is that there are not many data. For eight years, we conducted 215 auctions, but only 223 data were accessed. That is, if we auctioned on average WK is only one participant, mostly one company, "Agus said, Friday (11/2).

But actually, the rules for the release of data package fees for oil and gas WK auction participants are not completely free. Agus said, if one of the bidders who had accessed the data package managed to come out as the winner of the oil and gas working area, the auction participant would still have to pay for the use of the facility.


ESDM Beri Akses Data Gratis

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) berusaha untuk menarik investasi di sektor minyak dan gas (migas). Caranya, lewat pembebasan biaya paket data untuk para peserta lelang. Agus Cahyono Adi, Kepala Pusat Data dan Teknologi Informasi Kementerian ESDM mengatakan banyak perusahaan yang mengikuti Ielang Wilayah kerja (WK) migas. Sayangnya yang mengakses data masih sedikit.

Menurut Agus, perusahaan migas masih harus membayar US$ 5.000 untuk membeli dokumen lelang sehingga secara otomatis mereka bisa menjadi peserta tender. Tapi banyak yang tidak melanjutkan proses akses data karena harus mengeluarkan banyak uang untuk paket data sekitar US$ 30.000- US$ 80.000. Alhasil, dalam tiap lelang WK migas, yang mengakses data hanya satu perusahaan.

"Selama ini, begitu ikut lelang, mau mengambil data bayar. Kenyataannya yang mengambil data tidak banyak. Selama delapan tahun, kami melakukan lelang ada 215 lelang, tapi data yang diakses hanya 223 peserta. Artinya, kalau di rata-rata setiap kami melakukan lelang WK hanya satu peserta, sebagian besar satu perusahaan," kata Agus, Jumat (2/11).

Tapi sebenarnya, aturan main pembebasan biaya paket data untuk peserta lelang WK migas tidak sepenuhnya benar-benar gratis. Agus menyebutkan, jika salah satu peserta lelang yang sudah mengakses paket data berhasil keluar sebagai pemenang Wilayah kerja migas, maka peserta lelang tetap harus membayar penggunaan fasilitas itu.

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, Nov 3, 2018

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