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Friday, November 2, 2018

Extension of Masela Block Contract Agreed

The government agreed to Inpex Corporation's request that the Abadi Plant, Masela Block contract be extended for 20 years. The Director General of Oil and Gas, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Djoko Siswanto said that in principle, the ESDM Ministry agreed to extend the Masela contract even though Inpex had not submitted administrative requirements.

The Masela Block

The Masela Block contract will expire on November 28, 2028. Based on the applicable regulations, the contract extension can be submitted no later than 10 years before the contract expires. This means that Inpex can apply for a Masela contract extension starting November 28, 2018.

"Later November 28 [2028] the Masela Block contract ends. So, in November 2018, Inpex can apply to extend the contract. Already there is talk, later on the administration on November 28, in principle we are okay, "he said.

Inpex immediately submitted a revision of the Masela Block plan of development (PoD) after the Japanese oil and gas company completed a pre-FEED preliminary technical design study. Inpex revised POD after President Joko Widodo requested that the floating LNG refinery be replaced with a land refinery.

"This year is the agreement [PoD]. The government asks Inpex to quickly submit PoD. Next month."

Meanwhile, Inpex has not yet determined the location of the Abadi Masela LNG refinery. Inpex Corporation's Senior Media Relations Specialist Moch. Nunung Kurniawan said that currently his party is consulting with the government regarding the location of the LNG plant.

On the other hand, SKK Migas is still awaiting the readiness of gas buyers from the provocation of the SWB / WB / SB oil and gas production facilities worked on by PetroChina Intl. Jabung Ltd.

SKK Migas Program and Communication Division Head Wisnu Prabawa Taher said the construction of the oil and gas production facility project had begun. However, PetroChina is still awaiting gas buyers' readiness.

"Only later when the buyer's facilities are ready will the gas be sent."

The province will produce 12 MMscfd of gas and a production facility capacity of 14.5 MMscfd. Wisnu said, the project is targeted to start operating in the first quarter of 2019. The SWB / WB / SB upstream oil and gas project worked on by PetroChina Intl. Jabung Ltd is one of 13 upstream oil and gas projects targeted to operate in 2019.


Perpanjangan Kontrak Blok Masela Disepakati

Pemerintah menyetujui permintaan lnpex Corporation agar kontrak Lapangan Abadi, Blok Masela diperpanjang selama 20 tahun. Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Djoko Siswanto mengatakan bahwa pada prinsipnya, Kementerian ESDM sepakat untuk memperpanjang kontrak Masela meskipun Inpex belum mengajukan persyaratan administrasi.

Kontrak Blok Masela akan berakhir pada 28 November 2028. Berdasarkan regulasi yang berlaku, perpanjangan kontrak bisa diajukan paling cepat 10 tahun sebelum kontrak berakhir. Artinya, Inpex dapat mengajukan perpanjangan kontrak Masela mulai 28 November 2018.

“Nanti 28 November [2028] berakhir kontrak Blok Masela. Jadi, pada November 2018, Inpex dapat mengajukan perpanjang kontrak. Sudah ada pembicaraan, nanti administrasinya 28 November prinsipnya kami sudah oke,” katanya.

Inpex segera mengajukan revisi rencana pengembangan (plan of development/PoD) Blok Masela setelah perusahaan migas dari Jepang itu menyelesaikan kajian awal desain teknis konstruksi (pre-FEED). Inpex merevisi POD setelah Presiden Joko Widodo meminta kilang LNG terapung diganti dengan kilang darat.

“Tahun inilah persetujuannya [PoD]. Pemerintah minta Inpex biar cepat mengajukan PoD. Bulan depan.”

Sementara itu, Inpex belum menentukan lokasi kilang LNG Abadi Masela. Senior Specialist Media Relations Inpex Corporation Moch. Nunung Kurniawan mengatakan bahwa saat ini pihaknya berkonsultasi dengan pemerintah perihal lokasi kilang LNG. 

Di sisi lain, SKK Migas masih menunggu kesiapan pembeli gas dari provek fasilitas produksi migas SWB/ WB/SB yang digarap oleh PetroChina Intl. Jabung Ltd. 

Kepala Divisi Program dan Komunikasi SKK Migas Wisnu Prabawa Taher mengatakan, konstruksi proyek fasilitas produksi migas tersebut sudah dimulai. Namun, PetroChina masih menunggu kesiapan pembeli gas. 

“Baru nanti kalau fasilitas pembeli sudah siap akan dikirim gasnya.”

Provek tersebut akan menghasilkan gas 12 MMscfd dan kapasitas fasilitas produksi sebanyak 14,5 MMscfd. Wisnu menuturkan, proyek tersebut ditargetkan mulai beroperasi pada kuartal I/2019. Proyek hulu migas SWB/WB/SB yang digarap oleh PetroChina Intl. Jabung Ltd ini merupakan salah satu dari 13 proyek hulu migas yang ditargetkan beroperasi pada 2019.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Wednesday, Oct 31, 2018

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