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Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Fate 3 of the Termination Block 2023 Still Discussed

The government is still discussing the fate of the three oil and gas working areas whose contracts will expire in 2023. The oil and gas blocks which will expire in 2023 are Jabung Block (February 26, 2023), Rimau Block (April 22, 2023), and Block Corridor (December 19, 2023).

Corridor Block

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said that the announcement of the 2023 termination block management was still under discussion.

"Blok Jabung will also be discussed later," he said.

The ESDM Ministry prioritizes the preparation of the signing of oil and gas block contracts terminated in 2022 before deciding on the management of the 2023 termination block. Arcandra said that he would first focus on signing a new oil and gas block contract which had terminated (termination) in 2022.

There are four oil and gas blocks terminated in 2022. The government has auctioned four oil and gas termination blocks. However, there is still one block, the Sengkang Block, which the winner has not yet announced.

the Sengkang Block

"We have completed [the signature of the new 2022 oil and gas block termination contract], this is the production sharing contract [completed] first," he said.

The three oil and gas blocks terminated in 2022 that have received auction winners are the Tarakan Block, Coastal Plains and Pekanbaru (CPP), and Tungkal. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources extends the contracts of the three blocks to contractors exist for 20 years, namely until 2042. However, the scheme used is a gross split contract replacing the cost recovery scheme.

the Tarakan Block Kalimantan

The total signature bonus that the government will receive from the three blocks is US $ 13.95 million or around Rp. 186 billion. Meanwhile, the total investment value from the plan for definite work commitments for the first 5 years is US $ 179.15 million Rp 2.4 trillion.

Arcandra explained that the announcement of the winner of the Sengkang Block auction will be done as soon as possible in accordance with the applicable procedures. He hopes that the announcement of the winner of the Sengkang Block can be completed by the end of this year.

Executive Director of the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) Fabby Tumiwa said, the auction of exploration oil and gas working areas was not much in demand by investors, indicating that there was a profit-sharing scheme that was not attractive to contractors. The government, according to him, needs to re-analyze the oil and gas block auction not attractive to investors

"SKK Migas says gross split is not the cause [the oil and gas block auction is not attractive to investors], but it must be admitted that it is one of the challenges for the exploration work area. For production work areas it is indeed not because there is already a calculation, "he said.

So far, there have been 30 oil and gas blocks that use gross split schemes. 11 oil and gas blocks are auction results in 2017 and 2018. The oil and gas block auction results of 2017 which use the gross split scheme are Block Andaman 1, Andaman II, Merak Lampung, Pekawai, and West Yamdena. The oil and gas blocks from the 2018 auction using the gross split scheme are the Citarum, East Ganal, East Seram, Southeast Jambi, South Jambi B and Banyumas work areas.


Meanwhile, 19 other oil and gas working areas are termination blocks whose contract period expires from 2017 to 2022. Fabby added, towards the political year, the attitude of investors who choose to wait at least until April 2019.

"Oil and gas investment is risky, of course they count," he said.

Arcandra Tahar said, it is difficult to say that gross split is a problem for the management of exploration blocks. Because, until now there are two exploration oil and gas blocks auctioned in 2018 already taken by investors.

"The oil and gas business is indeed risky. Yes, it is calculated, because there is already initial data, if not from there, relying on government funds is not enough. "

According to him, the exploration block manager uses a definite work commitment fund to manage open areas.


Nasib 3 Blok Terminasi 2023 Masih Dibahas

Pemerintah masih membahas nasib tiga wilayah kerja minyak dan gas bumi yang kontraknya akan berakhir pada 2023. Blok migas yang akan habis masa kontrak pada 2023 adalah Blok Jabung (26 Februari 2023), Blok Rimau (22 April 2023), dan Blok Corridor (19 Desember 2023).

Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan bahwa pengumuman pengelolaan blok terminasi 2023 masih dalam tahap pembahasan.

“Blok Jabung juga sama akan dibahas nanti," katanya.

Kementerian ESDM lebih memprioritaskan persiapan penandatanganan kontrak blok migas yang terminasi pada 2022 sebelum memutuskan pengelolaan blok terminasi 2023. Arcandra mengatakan bahwa pihaknya akan terlebih dahulu fokus dalam penandatanganan kontrak baru blok minyak dan gas bumi yang sudah berakhir kontraknya (terminasi) pada 2022.

Ada empat blok migas yang terminasi pada 2022. Pemerintah telah melelang empat blok migas terminasi itu. Namun, masih ada satu blok, yaitu Blok Sengkang, yang belum diumumkan pemenangnya.

“Kami selesaikan [tanda tangan kontrak baru blok migas terminasi] 2022, ini kontrak bagi hasilnya dulu [diselesaikan],” katanya.

Ketiga blok migas terminasi 2022 yang sudah mendapatkan pemenang lelang adalah Blok Tarakan, Coastal Plains and Pekanbaru (CPP), dan Tungkal. Kementerian ESDM memperpanjang kontrak ketiga blok itu kepada kontraktor eksis selama 20 tahun, yaitu sampai 2042. Namun, skema yang digunakan adalah kontrak bagi hasil kotor (gross split) menggantikan skema bagi hasil bersih (cost recovery).

Total bonus tanda tangan yang akan diterima pemerintah dari ketiga blok itu sebesar US$ 13,95 juta atau sekitar Rp 186 miliar. Sementara itu, total nilai investasi dari rencana komitmen kerja pasti selama 5 tahun pertama sebesar US$ 179,15 juta Rp 2,4 triliun.

Arcandra menjelaskan bahwa untuk pengumuman pemenang lelang Blok Sengkang akan dikerjakan secepatnya sesuai dengan prosedur yang berlaku. Dia berharap agar pengumuman pemenang Blok Sengkang dapat diselesaikan pada akhir tahun ini. 

Direktur Eksekutif Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) Fabby Tumiwa mengatakan, lelang wilayah kerja migas eksplorasi tidak banyak diminati investor menunjukkan ada skema bagi hasil yang tidak menarik bagi kontraktor. Pemerintah, menurutnya, perlu menganalisis kembali lelang blok migas tersebut tidak menarik bagi investor

“SKK Migas bilang gross split bukan penyebab [lelang blok migas tidak diminati investor), tetapi harus diakui itu menjadi salah satu tantangan untuk wilayah kerja eksplorasi. Kalau untuk wilayah kerja produksi memang tidak karena sudah ada hitungannya,” katanya.

Sejauh ini, sudah ada 30 blok migas yang menggunakan skema gross split. Sebanyak 11 blok migas merupakan hasil lelang pada 2017 dan 2018. Blok migas hasil lelang 2017 yang menggunakan skema gross split adalah Blok Andaman 1, Andaman II, Merak Lampung, Pekawai, dan West Yamdena. Blok migas hasil lelang 2018 yang menggunakan skema gross split adalah wilayah kerja Citarum, East Ganal, East Seram, Southeast Jambi, South Jambi B, dan Banyumas. 

Sementara itu, 19 wilayah kerja migas lainnya merupakan blok terminasi yang masa kontraknya berakhir mulai 2017 hingga 2022. Fabby menambahkan, menjelang tahun politik, sikap investor yang memilih menunggu setidaknya hingga April 2019. 

“Investasi migas itu berisiko, tentu mereka berhitung,” katanya.

Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, sulit mengatakan bahwa gross split menjadi masalah untuk pengelolaan blok eksplorasi. Pasalnya, hingga kini sudah ada dua blok migas eksplorasi yang dilelang pada 2018 sudah diambil oleh investor.

“Bisnis migas itu memang berisiko. Ya dihitung, karena sudah ada data awalnya, kalau tidak dari situ, mengandalkan dari dana pemerintah tidak cukup.”

Menurutnya, pengelola blok eksplorasi menggunakan dana komitmen kerja pasti untuk mengelola area terbuka.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Wednesday, Nov 14, 2018

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