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Friday, November 9, 2018

Four Exploration Oil and Gas Blocks

The government through the ESDM ministry opened the third phase of the auction. The auction for the oil and gas working area includes four exploration blocks. Four exploration blocks, namely the South Andaman, Anambas, South Sakakemang and Maratua.


Deputy Minister of ESDM, Arcandra Tahar explained that at this auction the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources provided convenience to investors to access oil and gas block data for free. 

     In the previous auction, oil and gas data access was charged a maximum of 80 thousand US dollars per work area. Now these costs are eliminated. it's just that if the investor participating in the auction becomes the winner, then it is obligatory to pay the data access fee.

"Our auction is open, and according to the policies that we have issued, in order to make it easier for investors to see the data, please open the oil and gas data," Arcandra said.

Arcandra also explained that the block auction scheme was a direct offer. With this scheme, investors have already carried out joint studies to find out the potential of existing reserves. In fact, in the Maratua Block, Pertamina had already conducted a joint study.

The granting of special rights refers to Ministerial Regulation 35 of 2008 concerning procedures for determining and offering oil and gas working areas. In the regulation in article 35, Pertamina can propose direct offers for work areas.

"This is Pertamina's participation and not opened for other companies. Pertamina's involvement in the exploration block is a corporate action. The aim is to increase Pertamina's oil and gas replacement ratio (Reserve Replacement Ratio (RRR)," Arcandra said.

the South Andaman Block

The auction schedule for the four blocks is open to document access from November 5 to December 17, 201. The document clarification forum starts November 12 to December 17, 2018. Entry of documents ends no later than December 19, 2018. Referring to ESDM Ministry data, the South Andaman Block is off the coast of Aceh. This block is in the area of ​​3,548.69 square kilometers (km2), the depth of the sea is 100-1,500 meters.

The gas reserves are 1,243.37 BCP and oil is 218.92 MMBO. The definite work commitment in the South Andaman Block is minimal Geology & Geoticics (G & G) and three-square-kilometer (3D) seismic in the form of data acquisition.

The signature bonus of 2 million dollars The second block auctioned is South Sakakemang. The area is 2,145.11 km2 and is on the mainland of South Sumatra. This block reserves 106.33 MMBO for oil and gas 603.91 BCP. The minimum definite commitment of this block consists of G & G and two-dimensional (2D) seismic along 250 km.

Third, Blok Anambas off the coast of Riau. This block has an area of ​​3,434.33 km2. The reserves are estimated at 260.36 BCP for gas and 26.04 BSCP for condensate. This block's signature bonus is set at 2 million dollars and the minimum commitment must consist of G & G and drilling of one exploration well.

Fourth, the Maratua Block. This block is on land and off the coast of North Kalimantan and West Kalimantan. The total area is 7,835.07 km2. Reserves for oil 204.86 MMBO and gas 890.09 BCP. This block's signature bonus is 2 million dollars. The minimum commitment must consist of G & G and 3D seismic 500 km2.


Empat Blok Migas Eksplorasi

Pemerintah melalui kementerian ESDM membuka lelang tahap ketiga. Lelang wilayah kerja migas ini menyertakan, empat blok eksplorasi. Empat blok eksplorasi, yakni South Andaman, Anambas, South Sakakemang dan Maratua. 

Wakil Menteri ESDM, Arcandra Tahar menjelaskan pada lelang kali ini Kementerian ESDM memberikan kemudahan kepada investor untuk mengakses data blok migas secara gratis. Pada lelang sebelumnya akses data migas dikenakan biaya maksimal 80 ribu dolar AS per wilayah kerja. Kini biaya tersebut dihilangkan. hanya saja jika investor yang ikut lelang menjadi pemenang maka wajib membayar biaya akses data tersebut. 

"Lelang kita buka, dan sesuai kebijakan yang sudah kita keluarkan, untuk bisa memudahkan para investor melihat data, silahkan kami buka data migas," ujar Arcandra.

Arcandra juga menjelaskan skema lelang blok tersebut adalah penawaran langsung. Dengan skema ini, investor sudah lebih dulu melakukan studi bersama (joint study) untuk mengetahui potensi cadangan yang ada. SebeIumnya, di Blok Maratua, Pertamina sudah lebih dulu melakukan joint study.

Pemberian hak khusus itu mengacu Peraturan Menteri 35 Tahun 2008 tentang tata cara penetapan dan penawaran wilayah kerja migas. Dalam aturan itu di pasal 35, Pertamina dapat mengusulkan penawaran langsung wilayah kerja.

"Ini partisipasi Pertamina dan tidak dibuka untuk perusahaan lainnya. Keterlibatan Pertamina di blok eksplorasi itu merupakan aksi korporasi. Tujuannya untuk meningkatkan capaian rasio penggantian cadangan migas atau Reserve Replacement Ratio (RRR) Pertamina," ujar Arcandra.

Jadwal lelang empat blok tersebut dibuka akses dokumen mulai 5 November sampai 17 Desember 2018. Forum klarifikasi dokumen dimulai 12 November sampai 17 Desember 2018. Pemasukan dokumen berakhir paling lambat 19 Desember 2018. Mengacu data Kementerian ESDM, Blok South Andaman berada di lepas pantai Aceh. Blok ini berada di area 3.548,69 kilometer persegi (km2), kedalaman laut 100-1.500 meter.

Cadangan gasnya 1.243,37 BCP dan minyak 218,92 MMBO. Komitmen kerja pasti di Blok South Andaman minimal Geologi & Geotisika (G&G) dan
seismik tiga dimensi (3D) sepanjang 500 km persegi berupa akuisisi data. 

Adapun bonus tanda tangannya sebesar 2 juta dolar Blok kedua yang dilelang adalah South Sakakemang. Luas areanya 2.145,11 km2 dan berada di daratan Sumatera Selatan. Cadangan blok ini 106.33 MMBO untuk minyak dan gasnya 603.91 BCP. Minimal komitmen pasti blok ini terdiri dari G&G dan seismik dua dimensi (2D) sepanjang 250 km.

Ketiga, Blok Anambas di lepas pantai Riau. Blok ini luasnya 3.434,33 km2. Cadangannya diperkirakan 260.36 BCP untuk gas dan 26.04 BSCP untuk kondensat. Bonus tanda tangan blok ini ditetapkan 2 juta dolar dan minimal komitmen pastinya terdiri dari G&G dan pengeboran satu sumur eksplorasi.

Keempat, Blok Maratua. Blok ini berada di darat dan lepas pantai Kalimantan Utara dan Kalimantan Barat. Total luasnya 7,835.07 km2. Cadangannya untuk minyak 204.86 MMBO dan gas 890.09 BCP. Bonus tanda tangan blok ini sebesar 2 juta dolar. Minimal komitmen pastinya terdiri dari G&G dan seismik 3D 500 km2.

Harian Bangsa, Page-4, Wednesday, Nov 7, 2018

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