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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Makassar Strait Re-auctioned

The government is developing a new strategy to auction the Makassar Srait Block, which is located off the coast of East Kalimantan. In fact, the oil and gas company from Italy, ENI, has sent an offer proposal to manage the former Chevron oil and gas working area. 

Eni Muara Bakau B.V 

    However, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has rejected the proposal submitted by Eni Muara Bakau B.V because the company does not meet the requirements provided by the government.

This Italian investor proposal, according to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, has no commercial problems, such as signature bonuses and certain work commitments. However, there are strategic requirements that make Eni's offer fail.

Deputy Minister of ESDM Arcandra Tahar said that his party would immediately auction off the oil and gas blocks that have the Kutai Basin. However, his party is still thinking of strategic steps to auction off the offshore oil and gas working area.

Makassar Strait Block

"Later we will re-auction [Makassar Strait Block]. Now the strategy is still being considered, "he said.

Makassar Strait Block is included in the auction section of six conventional oil and gas working areas in phase II / 2018 by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. The six oil and gas working areas auctioned on 14 August-12 October 2018 are divided into production and exploration areas. 

Southeast Mahakam Block

   For the three production oil and gas regions, namely the Makassar Strait Block, Long Strait, and South Jambi B. The exploration working area consists of Southeast Mahakam, Banyumas, and Andika Bumi Kita Blocks.

Banyumas Block

However, for the auction, the ESDM Ministry only announced two winners. Until the deadline for submission of participation documents / offers dated October 12, 2018, there were 18 bid documents in total, which were accessed by auction enthusiasts with the results of four regions in demand by five auction participants.

Previously, Vice President Exploration of Eni Muara Bakau B.V Davide Casini Ropa said that the oil and gas company from Italy was interested in the former Chevron oil and gas block. 

    Eni also plans to join the Makassar Strait Block auction. Davide explained that Eni's interest in the oil and gas block was due to the existence of the Kutai Basin and knew that its potential was good.

"This is not our decision. This block is interesting because it is close to our other facilities [Jangkrik Field, Muara Bakau Block], "he said.

ESDM Ministry Director General of Oil and Gas Djoko Siswanto said, even though the proposal was rejected by the government, Eni was still interested in managing the Makassar Strait Block.

"Still discussed again, reviewed again," he said.

The Makassar Strait working area which was previously part of the Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) oil and gas project was auctioned because Chevron and two of its partners were not interested in further developing the block.


Makassar Strait Dilelang Ulang

Pemerintah sedang menyusun strategi baru untuk melelang Blok Makassar Srait yang berlokasi di lepas pantai Kalimantan Timur. Padahal, perusahaan migas dari Italia, ENI, telah mengirimkan proposal penawaran untuk mengelola wilayah kerja migas bekas Chevron tersebut. 

     Namun, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) telah menolak proposal yang diajukan Eni Muara Bakau B.V karena perusahaan tidak memenuhi persyaratan yang diberikan pemerintah.

Proposal investor dari Italia ini, menurut Kementerian ESDM, tidak memiliki masalah dari sisi komersial, seperti bonus tanda tangan dan komitmen kerja pasti. Namun, ada persyaratan strategis yang membuat penawaran Eni gagal.

Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar mengatakan bahwa pihaknya segera melelang ulang blok migas yang memiliki Cekungan Kutai tersebut. Namun, pihaknya masih memikirkan langkah strategis untuk melelang wilayah kerja migas lepas pantai itu.

“Nanti kami lelang ulang [Blok Makassar Strait]. Sekarang masih dipikirkan strateginya,” katanya.

Blok Makassar Strait masuk dalam bagian lelang enam wilayah kerja migas konvensional tahap II/2018 oleh Kementerian ESDM. Enam wilayah kerja migas yang dilelang pada 14 Agustus-12 Oktober 2018 terbagi dari wilayah produksi dan eksplorasi. 

     Untuk tiga wilayah migas produksi, yakni Blok Makassar Strait, Selat Panjang, dan South Jambi B. Wilayah kerja eksplorasi terdiri dari Blok Southeast Mahakam, Banyumas, dan Andika Bumi Kita. 

Namun, untuk lelang tersebut, Kementerian ESDM hanya mengumumkan dua pemenang. Hingga batas akhir pemasukan dokumen partisipasi/penawaran tanggal 12 Oktober 2018, secara keseluruhan terdapat 18 dokumen penawaran yang diakses oleh peminat lelang dengan hasil empat wilayah diminati oleh lima peserta lelang.

Sebelumnya, Vice President Exploration Eni Muara Bakau B.V Davide Casini Ropa mengatakan, perusahaan migas dari Italia itu tertarik dengan blok migas bekas Chevron tersebut. 

     Eni pun berencana untuk ikut lelang Blok Makassar Strait. Davide menjelaskan bahwa ketertarikan Eni pada blok migas ini karena adanya Cekungan Kutai dan mengetahui bahwa potensinya baik. 

“Ini bukan keputusan kami. Blok ini menarik karena dekat dengan fasilitas kami yang lain [Lapangan Jangkrik, Blok Muara Bakau],” katanya.

Dirjen Migas Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto mengatakan, meskipun proposal ditolak pemerintah, Eni masih berminat untuk mengelola Blok Makassar Strait. 

“Masih dibahas lagi, dikaji lagi,” katanya.

Wilayah kerja Makassar Strait yang sebelumnya bagian dari proyek migas laut dalam (Indonesia Deepwater Development/ IDD) dilelang karena Chevron dan dua rekannya tidak tertarik untuk mengembangkan lagi blok itu.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Tuesday, Nov 13, 2018

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