, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Oil and Gas Block Auctions are increasingly attractive - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->

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Friday, November 9, 2018

Oil and Gas Block Auctions are increasingly attractive

The government's policy to free up data access fees for oil and gas working areas for potential investors is considered capable of increasing investment in the upstream oil and gas sector.

Observer Energy Watch, a community social institution in the field of energy policy supervision, Mamit Setiawan said that all this time access to paid data at quite expensive prices is one of the obstacles to oil and gas investment.

"It is expected that with the free initial data given to investors where they can conduct a prior assessment of the proposed oil and gas working area, this can facilitate investors in making decisions," he said.

He said, the policy is expected to revive to manage the oil and gas working area. Upstream oil and gas investment is expected to be able to increase oil and gas reserves as well as state and sector revenues. 

    Director General of Oil and Gas, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Djoko Siswanto said that the decision to eliminate data access is expected to attract investors.

"Yes, so that there are many who bid for oil and gas blocks and our data is a lot of evaluation and interpretation," he said.

New investors will be charged fees after taking the oil and gas blocks offered by the government.

"Later, those who win the oil and gas block tender must pay. Those who don't win pity if they pay the cost of accessing oil and gas block documents and data. "

The policy began to be implemented in the oil and gas block auction phase III / 2018.

"The policy that we issued for the next auction is that every participant who has taken the bidding document and evaluates the data will be given access to the data at zero rupiah," said the ESDM Ministry's Data and Information Technology Center Head Agus Cahyono Adi.

Previously, auction participants who had taken bidding documents in the oil and gas block auction were required to pay oil and gas data access in the tendered work area. 

    Fees charged vary between work areas depending on data availability. So far, the maximum cost of oil and gas block data access is around US $ 80,000. With this new policy, the fee is waived or zero rupiah.

"During the auction period, we provide access [data on oil and gas blocks being auctioned]," said Agus.

Changes to the rules aim to increase the number of participants in the auction of oil and gas working areas.


Lelang Blok Migas Semakin Menarik

Kebijakan pemerintah untuk membebaskan biaya akses data wilayah kerja minyak dan gas bumi bagi calon investor dinilai mampu meningkatkan investasi di sektor hulu migas.

Pengamat Energy Watch, lembaga sosial masyarakat di bidang pengawasan kebijakan energi, Mamit Setiawan mengatakan bahwa selama ini akses data yang berbayar dengan harga sangat mahal menjadi salah satu kendala investasi migas.

“Diharapkan dengan gratisnya data awal yang diberikan pada investor di mana mereka bisa melakukan kajian terlebih dahulu terhadap wilayah kerja migas yang diajukan, ini bisa memudahkan investor dalam mengambil keputusan,” katanya.

Dia menuturkan, kebijakan itu diharapkan menggairahkan kembali untuk mengelola wilayah kerja migas. Investasi hulu migas diharapkan mampu meningkatkan cadangan migas sekaligus pendapatan negara dan sektor tersebut. 

     Dirjen Minyak dan Gas Bumi, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Djoko Siswanto mengatakan bahwa keputusan untuk menggratiskan akses data ini diharapkan bisa menarik para investor.

“Iya, supaya banyak yang menawar blok migas dan data-data kami banyak yang evaluasi dan interpretasi,” katanya.

Para investor akan dikenakan biaya setelah mengambil blok migas yang ditawarkan pemerintah tersebut. 

“Nantinya yang memenangkan tender blok migas harus membayar. Yang tidak menang kasihan kalau membayar biaya akses dokumen dan data blok migas.”

Kebijakan itu mulai diterapkan dalam lelang blok migas tahap III/2018.

“Kebijakan yang kami keluarkan untuk lelang selanjutnya, yaitu setiap peserta yang sudah mengambil dokumen penawaran dan untuk mengevaluasi data akan diberikan akses datanya dengan tarif nol rupiah,” kata Kepala Pusat Data dan Teknologi Inforrnasi Kementerian ESDM Agus Cahyono Adi.

Sebelumnya, perserta lelang yang sudah mengambil dokumen penawaran dalam lelang blok migas diharuskan membayar akses data migas di wilayah kerja yang ditenderkan tersebut. 

    Biaya yang dikenakan bervariasi antar wilayah kerja tergantung ketersediaan data. Selama ini, biaya maksimal akses data blok migas sekitar US$ 80.000. Dengan kebijakan baru ini, biaya tersebut dibebaskan atau nol rupiah.

“Selama masa lelang, kami berikan akses [data blok migas yang dilelang]” tegas Agus.

Perubahan aturan bertujuan untuk menambah jumlah peserta lelang wilayah kerja migas.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Thursday, Nov 8, 2018

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