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Saturday, November 10, 2018

Pertamina Begins Drilling July 2019

PT Pertamina EP Cepu plans to begin drilling wells for the development of the Jambaran-Tiung Biru Unitization Field in July 2019.

Pertamina EP Managing Director Cepu Jamsaton Nababan said that initial civil works such as wellpad and road access had been completed so that next year drilling mobilization would be carried out.

the Jambaran-Tiung Biru Unitization Field

"We expect drilling to succeed. Imagine six wells must produce 330 MMscfd [production capacity], so one well must be able to 60 MMscfd. This is the first time in Indonesia, usually one well 10 MMscfd. How challenging this project would be if it failed to drill again it would be called a cost, "said Jamsaton, in a Press Conference on the Jambaran-Tiung Biru Development Project in Jakarta.

The plan is that the Company will drill four production wells at Wellpad Jambaran East in the third / 2019 quarter I / 2020 quarter. Then, drilling two production wells at Wellpad Jambaran Central in quarter II / 2020-quarter IV / 2020. The Jambaran-Tiung Biru (JTB) production target (onstream) is the II / 2021 quarter.

At present, the company is conducting a tender process for the procurement of well rigs to support the drilling activities of the production subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero). JTB General Manager Bob Wikan H Adibrata said that the overall progress of the JTB project's physical work was almost 9%. The achievement is claimed according to the target.

"The engineering work is a little delay due to licensing issues. From planning it is still on the track. The challenge is now entering the rainy season, if the floods affect the delivery of materials and physical work in the field, "he said.

The total investment value of this project originally reached US $ 2.05 billion. But with efforts to optimize, the project investment can be reduced to US $ 1, S billion


The company also optimizes the design of the project. As a result, the gas production from the project in Bandungrejo Village, Bojonegoro Regency, East Java, will increase by 2.0 MMscfd. The initial plan of the project would be to produce 172 MMscfd of gas.

Pertamina EP President Director Cepu Jamsaton Nababan said and the production allocation of 100 MMscfd was intended for Pertamina, which was then channeled to PLN for electricity needs in East Java and Central Java. The 72 MMScfd gas will supply industrial needs in Central and East Java. Meanwhile, it is looking for potential buyers for gas allocation of 20 MMscfd.

"Is the process going to all Persero or other buyers. If there is interest, please, "he said.

The price of gas at the well of the project is US $ 6.7 per million British thermal unit (MMBtu), flat for 30 years. With a toll fee of US $ 0.9 MMU, the price at the PLN power plant is US $ 7.6 per MMBtu.

PT Rekayasa Industri (Rekind) as the main contractor for the project's engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) work, under construction of the Gas Processing Facilities (GPF) seeks to maximize the Domestic Component Level (DCL/TKDN). The GPF TKDN target is targeted to reach 40.03%.

"The TKDN target must be achieved. Rekind even has a higher goal must be more than 40%. Our vendors are open to local. If you have competency and the price can be competition, we are open, "said Managing Director of Rekind Yanuar Budinorman.


Pertamina Mulai Pengeboran Juli 2019

PT Pertamina EP Cepu berencana mulai melakukan pengeboran sumur proyek pengembangan Lapangan Unitisasi Jambaran-Tiung Biru pada Juli

Direktur Utama Pertamina EP Cepu Jamsaton Nababan mengatakan, pekerjaan sipil awal seperti wellpad dan akses jalan telah selesai dikerjakan sehingga tahun depan mobilisasi pengeboran akan dilakukan.

“Kami harapkan pengeboran berhasil. Bayangkan enam sumur harus menghasilkan 330 MMscfd [kapasitas produksi], jadi satu sumur harus bisa 60 MMscfd. Ini pertama kali di Indonesia, biasanya satu sumur 10 MMscfd. Betapa menantangnya proyek ini kalau gagal harus mengebor lagi itu namanya biaya,” ujar Jamsaton, dalam Konferensi Pers Proyek Pengembangan Jambaran-Tiung Biru di Jakarta.

Rencananya Perseroan akan mengebor sebanyak empat sumur produksi di Wellpad Jambaran East pada kuartal III/2019-kuartal I/2020. Kemudian, mengebor dua sumur produksi di Wellpad Jambaran Central pada kuartal II/2020-kuartal IV/2020.  Target produksi (onstream) Jambaran-Tiung Biru (JTB) adalah kuartal II/2021.

Saat ini, perseroan sedang melakukan proses tender pengadaan rig sumur untuk menunjang kegiatan pengeboran sumur produksi anak usaha PT Pertamina (Persero) tersebut. General Manager JTB Bob Wikan H Adibrata mengatakan, secara keseluruhan kemajuan pekerjaan fisik proyek JTB hampir mencapai 9 %. Capaian tersebut diklaim sesuai dengan target.

“Pekerjaan engineering sedikit delay karena persoalan lisensi. Dari perencanaan masih on the track. Yang menjadi tantangan saat ini sudah memasuki musim hujan, kalau banjir mempengaruhi pengiriman material dan pekerjaan fisik lapangan,” katanya.

Total nilai investasi proyek ini semula mencapai US$ 2,05 miliar. Namun dengan upaya optimalisasi, investasi proyek tersebut dapat diturunkan menjadi US$ 1,S miliar


Perseroan juga melakukan optimalisasi terhadap desain proyek tersebut. Hasilnya, produksi gas dari proyek yang berada di Desa Bandungrejo, Kabupaten Bojonegoro-Jawa Timur itu akan bertambah sebesar 2.0 MMscfd. Rencana awal proyek tersebut akan akan menghasilkan gas 172 MMscfd. 

Direktur Utama Pertamina EP Cepu Jamsaton Nababan berujar dan produksi tersebut alokasi sebesar 100 MMscfd diperuntukkan untuk Pertamina, yang kemudian dialirkan ke PLN untuk kebutuhan listrik di Jawa Timur dan Jawa Tengah. Adapun gas sebanyak 72 MMScfd akan memasok kebutuhan industri di Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur. Sementara itu, pihaknya sedang mencari calon pembeli untuk alokasi gas sebesar 20 MMscfd.

“Sedang proses apakah ke Persero semua atau buyers lain. Kalau ada yang minat silakan,” katanya.

Harga gas di mulut sumur untuk proyek tersebut adalah US$ 6,7 per juta british thermal unit (MMBtu), tetap (flat) selama 30 tahun. Dengan biaya toll fee sebesar US$ 0,9 MMbtu, harga di pembangkit listrik PLN menjadi sebesar US$ 7,6 per MMBtu.

PT Rekayasa Industri (Rekind) sebagai kontraktor utama pekerjaan rekayasa, pengadaan dan konstruksi atau Engineering, Procurement, Construction (EPC) proyek tersebut, dalam pengerjaan Gas Processing Facilities (GPF) berupaya untuk memaksimalkan Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri (TKDN). Target TKDN GPF ditargetkan mencapai 40,03%.

“Target TKDN harus capai. Rekind malah punya tujuan lebih tinggi harus lebih dari 40%. Vendor kami buka untuk lokal. Kalau punya kompetensi dan harga bisa kompetisi, kami buka,” kata Direktur Utama Rekind Yanuar Budinorman. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-10, Saturday, Nov 10, 2018 

1 comment:

  1. These instruments are utilized for planning gaps of recommended breadth and surface completion over the surfaces. The drill bit and force change as indicated by the idea of activities and the surface over which opening is to be drilled.



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