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Friday, November 9, 2018

Pertamina EP Drilling Banyuasin Well

PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field began raiding the Banyuasin P-3 (BNA-P3) well in Semanggi Village, Jepon District, Wednesday (11/7). That was a form of Pertamina EP's commitment to support Indonesia's energy security, as evidenced by the start of drilling wells exploited by the Banyuasin Well.

Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field

"The BNA-P3 well has considerable oil and gas potential and to obtain the appropriate results, it is expected that synergies and support from all stakeholders are needed," said Agus Amperianto, General Manager of Pertamina EP Asset 4. Explained, the target of this drilling is approximately 150 Barrels Per Day.

"If the target is successfully obtained, it will certainly have a positive impact on the surrounding community and additional PAD for Blora Regency," explained the former Field Manager of Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field.

According to the plan, BNA-P3 well drilling will take around 41 days with a target depth of 2,036 meters using the PDSI # 252 / LTO750-M Rig.

PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Field Cepu hopes for support from all parties so that the drilling process runs smoothly and without significant obstacles and of course zero accident. On the occasion of the celebration, the donation was distributed to 120 orphans and Dhuafa children from around the drilling area in Semanggi Village and Jepon District.

"We hope to get as much results as possible and abundant results for the development of Blora district and especially for Pertamina," said Agus.

Blora Regent, Central Java, Djoko Nugroho gave his support to Pertamina in the drilling effort.

"We hope for their support, so that drilling in the Banyuasin field can get good results," he said.


Pertamina EP Mengebor Sumur Banyuasin 

PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field mulai melakukan tajak sumur Banyuasin P-3 (BNA-P3) di Desa Semanggi, Kecamatan Jepon, Rabu (7/11). ltu sebagai bentuk komitmen Pertamina EP untuk mendukung ketahanan energi Indonesia, dibuktikan dengan dimulainya pemboran sumur eksploitasi Sumur Banyuasin. 

“Sumur BNA-P3 ini memiliki potensi migas yang cukup besar dan untuk memperoleh hasil yang sesuai diharapkan dibutuhkan sinergi dan dukungan dari seluruh stakeholders,” ungkap Agus Amperianto, General Manager Pertamina EP Asset 4. Dijelaskan, target dari pemboran ini adalah minyak sebesar kurang lebih 150 Barel Per Hari.

Apabila target tersebut berhasil didapatkan, tentunya akan memberikan dampak positif bagi lingkungan masyarakat sekitar dan tambahan PAD bagi Kabupaten Blora," terang mantan Field Manager Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field.

Menurut rencana, pengeboran sumur BNA-P3 akan membutuhkan waktu sekitar 41 hari dengan target kedalaman 2.036 meter menggunakan Rig PDSI #252/LTO750-M.

PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Field Cepu berharap dukungan dari seluruh pihak agar proses pemboran ini berjalan lancar dan tanpa hambatan berarti serta tentunya zero accident. Dalam kesempatan syukuran tajak yang dilaksanakan tersebut dibagikan santunan kepada 120 Anak Yatim dan Dhuafa yang
berasal dari sekitar wilayah pemboran di Desa Semanggi dan Kecamatan Jepon.

“Kami berharap bisa mendapatkan hasil sebanyak-banyaknya dan hasil yang melimpah bagi perkembangan kabupaten Blora dan khususnya bagi Pertamina," ungkap Agus.

Bupati Blora - Jawa Tengah Djoko Nugroho memberikan dukungannya kepada pertamina dalam upaya pengeboran tersebut.

“Kami mengharap dukungannya, supaya pengeboran dilapangan Banyuasin ini bisa mendapatkan hasil yang bagus,” kata dia.

Memorandum, Page-20, Thursday, Nov 8, 2018


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