, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Pertamina Facility Near the Location of the Fall of Lion Air - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->

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Friday, November 2, 2018

Pertamina Facility Near the Location of the Fall of Lion Air

The facilities and operations of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ) were informed safely without interruption after the fall of the Lion Air JT-610 aircraft which was suspected of being located nearby.

PHE Vice President Relations Ifky Sukarya said in a written statement that related to the incident, the company's operations were still proceeding safely without interruption. However, Uky straightened out the information, that the actual location of the plane lost contact was very far from the platform facilities operated by PHE ONWJ.

PHE ONWJ supports the National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) for the evacuation of Lion Air JT-610 aircraft, by deploying an operating vessel PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ) and submitting debris findings and personal belongings suspected of originating from Lion Air JT aircraft -610.

"We are also concerned and express deep condolences for the incident." Hopefully the passenger family will be given fortitude and patience, "said Ifki Sukarya.

On Monday, October 29, 2018 around 06.33 WIB it was discovered that the Lion Air JT-610 aircraft with the PK-LQP aircraft code lost contact in the waters between Bekasi and Karawang-West Java. Upon receiving this information, PHE ONWJ, one of its platforms located in Karawang waters, mobilized its operational vessel, the Prabu Ship to patrol the site to check and search information and ensure the security of the company's operations.

Around 10:30 a.m., the Prabu Ship found and handed over pieces of debris and personal items found around the location of the lost contact Lion Air plane to the Basarnas ship to be handed over. In accordance with applicable procedures at PHE ONWJ, since the receipt of information regarding the lost contact of Lion Air JT-610 in the vicinity of Tanjung Karawang waters, an Incident Management Team (IMT) was immediately carried out to monitor the situation in the field.


Fasilitas Pertamina Dekat Lokasi Jatuhnya Lion Air

Fasilitas serta operasional PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ) diinformasikan aman tanpa gangguan setelah jatuhnya pesawat Lion Air JT-610 yang diduga lokasinya berdekatan.

Vice President Relations PHE Ifky Sukarya dalam keterangan tertulisnya mengatakan terkait kejadian tersebut, operasi perusahaan masih berlangsung aman tanpa gangguan. Namun, Uky meluruskan informasi, bahwa sebenarnya lokasi hilang kontaknya pesawat tersebut sangat jauh dari fasilitas anjungan yang dioperasikan PHE ONWJ. 

PHE ONWJ mendukung Badan SAR NAsional (Basarnas) evakuasi serpihan pesawat Lion Air JT-610, dengan mengerahkan kapal operasi PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ) serta menyerahkan temuan serpihan dan barang bawaan pribadi yang diduga berasal dari pesawat Lion Air JT-610.

"Kami ikut prihatin dan mengucapkan rasa duka mendalam atas insiden tersebut" Semoga keluarga penumpang diberikan ketabahan dan kesabaran kata Ifki Sukarya.

Pada Senin, 29 Oktober 2018 sekitar pukul 06.33 WIB diketahui pesawat Lion Air JT-610 dengan kode pesawat PK-LQP kehilangan kontak di perairan antara Bekasi dan Karawang-Jawa Barat. Begitu mendapat informasi tersebut, PHE ONWJ yang salah satu anjungannya berada di perairan Karawang mengerahkan kapal operasionalnya, yaitu Kapal Prabu untuk melakukan patroli ke lokasi untuk melakukan pengecekan dan pencarian informasi serta memastikan keamanan operasi perusahaan.

Sekitar 10.30 WIB, Kapal Prabu menemukan dan menyerahkan temuan serpihan dan barang pribadi yang ditemukan di sekitar lokasi hilang kontaknya pesawat Lion Air ke kapal Basarnas untuk diserahterimakan. 

    Sesuai prosedur yang berlaku di PHE ONWJ, sejak diterimanya informasi mengenai hilang kontaknya Lion Air JT-610 di sekitar perairan Tanjung Karawang, segera dilakukan aktivasi Incident Management Team (IMT) untuk memonitor situasi di lapangan.

Harian Bangsa, Page-4, Tuesday, Oct 30, 2018

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