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Friday, November 2, 2018

Pertamina hasn't got oil supplies from KKKS

The government has ordered PT Pertamina to reduce crude oil imports. However, as of the beginning of November, Pertamina has not received the supply of crude oil from the production of the Cooperation Contract Contractors (KKKS) domestically.

The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Activities (SKK Migas) said that Pertamina was still discussing the purchase of crude oil from within the country. SKK Migas Deputy for Finance and Monetization, Parulian Sihotang, said that one of the contractors discussing the plan with Pertamina was PT Chevron Indonesia. In fact, Parulian claimed, the negotiations on the purchase of crude oil had been completed.

"With Chevron already, it's been negotiating. It only takes time, "added Parulian, Thursday (1/11).

Until the end of this year, the government targeted crude oil production to reach 800,000 bowel oil pear days (bopd). Until the end of last October, the national crude oil production had reached 7 75,000 bopd.

Pertamina can get crude oil from oil and gas contractors around 275,000 bopd. For example, from Chevron alone, Pertamina can get 100,000 bopd. But so far Chevron Indonesia is still questioning tax policies related to the sale of crude oil to Pertamina.

Regarding tax issues, Parulian said that it was still discussed in business to business (B to B) with Chevron and the Directorate General of Tax, Ministry of Finance.

"There is still discussion B to B. But I think the Director General of Taxes will certainly support," said Parulian, who hopes that soon there will be an agreement between Pertamina and oil and gas contractors.


Pertamina Belum Mendapat Suplai Minyak dari KKKS

Pemerintah telah memerintahkan PT Pertamina untuk mengurangi impor minyak mentah. Namun hingga awal November ini Pertamina belum mendapatkan suplai minyak mentah dari hasil produksi Kontraktor Kontrak Kerjasama (KKKS) di dalam negeri.

Satuan Kerja Khusus Kegiatan Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) menyatakan Pertamina masih membahas terkait pembelian minyak mentah dari dalam negeri. Deputi Keuangan dan Monetisasi SKK Migas, Parulian Sihotang mengatakan, salah satu kontraktor yang sedang membahas rencana tersebut dengan Pertamina adalah PT Chevron Indonesia. Bahkan, Parulian mengklaim, negosiasi pembelian minyak mentah itu sudah selesai. 

“Dengan Chevron sudah, sudah negosiasi. Cuma butuh waktu," imbuh Parulian, Kamis (1/11). 

Hingga akhir tahun ini, pemerintah menargetkan produksi minyak mentah mencapai 800.000 bowel oil pear day (bopd). Sampai akhir Oktober lalu, produksi minyak mentah nasional sudah nlencapai 7 75.000 bopd. 

Adapun Pertamina bisa mendapatkan minyak mentah dari kontraktor migas sekitar 275.000 bopd. Misalnya, dari Chevron saja, Pertamina bisa mendapatkan 100.000 bopd. Tapi selama ini Chevron Indonesia masih mempertanyakan kebijakan perpajakan terkait penjualan minyak mentah ke Pertamina. 

Tentang masalah pajak, Parulian menyebutkan masih dibahas secara business to business (B to B) dengan Chevron dan Direktorat Jenderal Pajak Kementerian Keuangan.

"Masih diskusi B to B. Tapi saya kira Dirjen Pajak pasti mendukung," ujar Parulian, yang berharap secepatnya sudah ada kesepakatan antara Pertamina dan kontraktor migas.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Nov 2, 2018

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