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Friday, November 9, 2018

Pertamina Prepares for Exploration of Oil and Gas Blocks

Since the two rounds of an exploration of oil and gas working area (WK oil and gas) exploration, the name of PT Pertamina is not visible. This time, in the third round of the exploration oil and gas block auction in 2018, Pertamina emerged as the direct bidder of one of the oil and gas WK, the Maratua Block.

     Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Arcandra Tahar, mentioned Pertamina's participation in the auction this time because the state-owned company had conducted a joint study in the Maratua Block which had been in North Kalimantan and East Kalimantan since last year.

On the other hand, Arcandra assesses, through this auction Pertamina needs to increase the Reserve Replacement Ratio (RRR) or the replacement of oil and gas reserves that have been produced.

"They have their own counts to strengthen RRR through exploration," he said at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Office.

Pertamina's participation in the oil and gas exploration WK auction was welcomed by Director General of Oil and Gas Djoko Siswanto. He said, after all this time, Pertamina finally participated in the oil and gas WK auction.

"The joint study is Pertamina, thank God. It seems that the old Pertamina has not taken the oil and gas WK," Djoko said.

In participating in this auction, it seems that Pertamina's plan will be smooth. Because, this state-owned oil and gas company does not need to compete with other Cooperation Contracts (KKKS). As a result, Pertamina has a big chance of obtaining participation rights in the Block.

"The proposal was immediately submitted by Pertamina. In accordance with Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 35 2008, this WK is specifically Pertamina's participation and is not open to others, "explained Djoko.

But Arcandra said Pertamina must continue to offer to the government in exploring the Maratua Block. The government has set Pertamina's offer for a definite minimum work commitment to carry out geological and geophysical studies (G & G), 500 km2 3D seismic surveys and deposit a minimum signature bonus of US $ 2 million.

The Executive Director of the ReforMiner Institute, Komaidi Notonegoro, assessed that Pertamina has so far been constrained in carrying out exploration efforts on upstream oil and gas. One reason is that Pertamina's business units are too many.


Pertamina Bersiap Eksplorasi Blok Migas

Sejak dua putaran lelang wilayah kerja minyak dan gas bumi (WK migas) eksplorasi, nama PT Pertamina tidak tampak. Kali ini, di putaran ketiga lelang blok migas eksplorasi di 2018, Pertamina muncul sebagai penawar langsung salah satu WK migas, yakni Blok Maratua. Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Arcandra Tahar, menyebutkan keikutsertaan Pertamina dalam lelang kali ini karena perusahaan milik negara ini sudah melakukan joint study di Blok Maratua yang berada di wilayah Kalimantan Utara dan Kalimantan Timur sejak tahun lalu. 

Di sisi lain, Arcandra menilai, melalui lelang kali ini Pertamina perlu meningkatkan reserve replacement ratio (RRR) atau penggantian cadangan migas yang telah diproduksi. 

"Mereka punya hitungan sendiri untuk memperkuat RRR lewat eksplorasi," ungkap dia di Kantor Kementerian ESDM.

Keikutsertaan Pertamina dalam lelang WK migas eksplorasi pun disambut gembira oleh Direktur Jenderal Migas Djoko Siswanto. Dia menyebutkan, setelah sekian lama, Pertamina akhirnya ikut dalam lelang WK migas. 

"Yang joint study ada Pertamina, alhamdulillah. Sepertinya sudah Iama Pertamina tidak ambil WK migas," ujar Djoko.
Dalam keikutsertaan lelang ini, agaknya rencana Pertamina akan mulus. Sebab, perusahaan migas milik negara ini  tidak perlu bersaing dengan Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) lainnya. Alhasil, Pertamina berpeluang besar mendapatkan hak partisipasi di Blok itu. 

“Usulan penawaran langsung disampaikan oleh Pertamina. Sesuai Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 35 2008, WK ini khusus partisipasi Pertamina dan tidak dibuka kepada yang lainnya," jelas Djoko.

Namun Arcandra menyebut Pertamina harus tetap memberikan penawaran ke pemerintah dalam mengeksplorasi Blok Maratua. Pemerintah menetapkan penawaran Pertamina untuk komitmen kerja pasti minimal melakukan studi geologi dan geofisika (G&G), survei seismik 3D 500 km2 dan menyetor bonus tanda tangan minimal US$ 2 juta.

Direktur Eksekutif ReforMiner Institute, Komaidi Notonegoro menilai sejauh ini Pertamina memang terkendala dalam melakukan upaya eksplorasi hulu migas. Salah satu sebabnya adalah unit bisnis Pertamina yang terlalu banyak.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, Nov 7, 2018

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