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Thursday, November 15, 2018

The Oil Project in Tuban is hampered

The plan is to hold a Russian company

The New Grass Root Refinery [NGRR] Oil Refinery Project, Pertamina's joint venture with Rosneft, a Russian company which is planned to be located in Remen and Mentoso Villages, Jenu Sub-District, Tuban Regency, East Java, its construction cannot be ascertained. The project which is expected to raise the economy in the Tuban region is still hindered by land acquisition.

Russian company

"Hopefully the problem will be resolved soon, because this problem has been going on for three years, but it has not been completed yet related to the acquisition of land owned by residents," said Ignasius Jonan, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). kit (transfer from BBM to gas) to fishermen.

Jonan further said that the land needed by the two countries' companies was approximately 340 hectares. At that location, government-owned land through the Ministry of Environment and Forestry [KLHK] was only 15 percent, while the remaining approximately 85 hectares still belonged to the residents of Mentoso Village and Remen Village.

In the event the distribution of kit converters on the mangrove beach in Jenu District was also attended by the Regent of Tuban, Fathul Huda, and also the Deputy Regent of Tuban, Noor Nahar Hussein.

"The problem with the constraints of the NGRR oil refinery plan is also our hot topic," he said.

Job offer

In an informal conversation with the Regent Fathul Huda regarding the NGRR refinery, Jonan has proposed several proposals that landowners want to give up some of their land for greater public interest. One of Jonan's proposals to the Regent of Fathul was approaching residents and offering jobs to residents when the oil refinery operated.

"If the problem is land, try to offer it to the land owner's family. They will get the privilege of placing a family to work at Pertamina-Rosneft," Jonan said on the sidelines accompanied by the Regent and Vice Regent of Tuban.

He revealed, this land problem has been going on for a long time, so it needs immediate treatment.

"It's been three years, but the land problem has not yet finished. Hopefully it will be settled, what land owners want to try to accommodate is suggested by Jonan.

Unfortunately, the Regent of Tuban, Fathul Huda, admitted that he had not intensively met with residents, especially landowners who were about to be released.

"So far there has been no request from landowners for refusing to sell their land. To be honest, we do not yet know what the landowners want, we will cover it," promised the regent in these two periods.

Nicke Widyawati

Other Regions.

The President Director of PT Pertamina, Nicke Widyawati who joined the group of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, also participated in responding to the development of oil refinery land which had no immediate solution.

"I hope that the land problem, which has been in place for three years, can be finished, as soon as possible," hoped Nicke.

Asked about the possibility of finding another area for the placement of the NGRR oil refinery, Nicke did not reject the proposal.

"The option to search for other areas exists, but so far we are still reviewing the profits and losses," the executive stressed.

Nicke acknowledged that he could not arbitrarily place an oil refinery somewhere.

"To build an oil refinery, there are a lot of considerations, technical issues, security, etc.," She concluded.


Proyek Minyak di Tuban Terhambat

Rencananya menggandeng perusahaan Rusia

Proyek Kilang Minyak New Grass Root Refinery [NGRR), patungan pertamina dengan Rosneft perusahaan dari Rusia yang rencananya ditempatkan di Desa Remen dan Mentoso, Kecamatan Jenu, Kabupaten Tuban Jawa Timur belum bisa dipastikan pembangunannya. Proyek yang diharapkan akan membangkitkan ekonomi di wilayah Tuban itu sampai sekarang masih terkendala pembebasan lahan. 

"Harapannya masalahnya segera diselesaikan, karena masalah ini sudah berlangsung selama tiga tahun, tapi belum selesai juga terkait pembebasan lahan milik warga," kata' Ignasius Jonan, Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) di sela-sela acara pembagian 200 paker mesin konverter kit (pengalihan dari BBM ke gas) kepada nelayan.

Lebih jauh Jonan menyebutkan lahan yang dibutuhkan perusahaan dua negara tersebut kira-kira kurang lebih 340 hektare. Di lokasi itu, lahan milik pemerintah melalui Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan [KLHK] hanya 15 persen, sedangkan selebihnya sekira 85 hektare masih milik warga Desa Mentoso dan Desa Remen.

Di acara pembagian konverter kit di pantai mangrove di Kecamatan Jenu itu juga dihadiri Bupati Tuban, Fathul Huda, dan juga Wakil Bupati Tuban, Noor Nahar Hussein. 

"Masalah kendala rencana kilang minyak NGRR juga menjadi pembicaraan hangat kami," ungkapnya.

Tawaran Kerja

Dalam bincang informal dengan Bupati Fathul Huda terkait kilang NGRR, Jonan sudah mengajukan beberapa usulan agar pemilik lahan mau menyerahkan sebagian lahannya untuk kepentingan umum yang lebih besar. Salah satu usulan Jonan kepada Bupati Fathul yakni mendekati warga dan menawarkan pekerjaan bagi warga saat kilang minyak beroperasi.

"Kalau masalahnya lahan, coba ditawarkan kepada keluarga pemilik lahan akan mendapat hak istimewa yakni menempatkan seorang keluarga untuk bekerja di Pertamina-Rosneft," kata Jonan disela-sela berjalan didampingi Bupati dan Wabup Tuban.

Dia mengungkap, masalah lahan ini sudah berlangsung lama, sehingga perlu dilakukan penanganan segera. 

"Sudah tiga tahun, tapi belum juga selesai masalah lahan. Harapannya ya dibereskan, apa yang diinginkan pemilik tanah coba diakomodir usul Jonan.
Sayangnya, Bupati Tuban, Fathul Huda mengaku belum intensif bertemu dengan warga, khususnya pemilik lahan yang hendak dibebaskan.

"Selama ini belum ada permintaan dari warga pemilik lahan untuk penolakan menjual tanahnya. Sejujurnya kami belum tahu apa keinginan dari pemilik lahan, akan kita dalami," janji bupati dua periode ini.

Daerah Lain

Direktur Utama PT Pertamina, Nicke Widyawati yang ikut rombongan Menteri ESDM, ikut menanggapi terkait perkembangan lahan kilang minyak yang tidak segera ada solusinya.

"Saya berharap masalah lahan yang sudah tiga tahun ini, bisa selesai, secepatnya," harap Nicke.

Ditanya kemungkinan untuk mencari daerah lain untuk penempatan kilang minyak NGRR, Nicke tidak menampik usulan itu.

"Opsi untuk mencari daerah lain ada, namun sejauh ini masih sedang kami kaji untung dan ruginya," tegas eksekutif yang berhijab.

Diakui Nicke bahwa tidak bisa sembarangan menempatkan kilang minyak ke suatu tempat. 

"Untuk membangun kilang minyak diperlukan banyak pertimbangan, masalah teknis, keamanan dan lain-lain," pungkasnya.

Surya, Page-3, Thursday, Nov 15, 2018

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