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Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Collaborating with Schlumberger, ELSA Strengthens Upstream Oil and Gas

In order to strengthen and optimize the upstream oil and gas service business (oil and gas), PT Elnusa Tbk (ELSA) has a partnership with Schlumberger, an energy company from the United States (US). The cooperation is in the signing of the Master Cooperation Agreement (MCA) and Wireline Master Service (WMS) between the two companies.

PT Elnusa Tbk (ELSA)

President Director of PT Elnusa Tbk Tolingul Anwar, hopes that this collaboration can increase national capacity in upstream oil and gas services and technology transfer. ELSA and Schlumberger can also share opportunities and risks to increase growth.


According to Tolingul, the collaboration is needed to accelerate the company's growth. The partnership between ELSA and Schlumberger has five categories, namely reservoir characterization, drilling and oil production, surface production and integrated service.

"Of course this management requires a service contractor and Elnusa hopes to get greater opportunities in the context of the synergy of Pertamina Group," said Tolingul, Monday (10/12).

As of October 31, 2018, Pertamina did control 41, 10% of ELSA's shares. On the other hand, Schlumberger has technology and resources that can be optimized for the management of upstream oil and gas. In fact, said Tolingul, the technology can contribute to lowering costs, as well as maximizing oil and gas fields and supporting government programs in finding giant fields in Indonesia.


Gandeng Schlumberger, ELSA Perkuat Hulu Migas

Demi memperkuat clan mengoptimalkan bisnis jasa hulu minyak dan gas bumi (migas), PT Elnusa Tbk (ELSA) menjalin kerjasama dengan Schlumberger, perusahaan energi dari Amerika Serikat (AS). Kerjasama itu ada didalam penandantanganan Master Cooperation Agreement (MCA) dan Wireline Master Service (WMS) di antara kedua perusahaan.

Direktur Utama PT Elnusa Tbk Tolingul Anwar, mengharapkan kerjasama ini bisa meningkatkan kapasitas nasional dalam servis hulu migas dan alih teknologi. ELSA dan Schlumberger juga bisa saling berbagi peluang dan risiko untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan.

Menurut Tolingul, kerjasama tersebut sangat dibutuhkan untuk mempercepat pertumbuhan perusahaan. Kongsi antara ELSA dan Schlumberger ini memiliki lima kategori, yakni reservoir Characterization, pengeboran dan produksi minyak, surface production serta integrated service.

“Tentunya pengelolaan ini membutuhkan kontraktor jasa dan Elnusa berharap akan mendapatkan kesempatan yang lebih besar dalam rangka sinergi Pertamina Group,” ungkap Tolingul, Senin (10/ 12). 

Per 31 Oktober 2018, Pertamina memang menguasai 41, 10% Saham ELSA. Di sisi lain, Schlumberger memiliki teknologi dan resources yang bisa dioptimalkan untuk pengelolaan hulu migas. Bahkan, kata Tolingul, teknologi itu bisa berkontribusi dalam menurunkan biaya, serta memaksimalkan lapangan-lapangan migas dan mendukung program pemerintah dalam mencari lapangan raksasa di Indonesia.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, Dec 11, 2018

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