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Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Dwi Soetjipto Accelerates Masela and IDD Blocks

Head of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Dwi Soetjipto said he would carry out organizational governance with more integrity and promote exploration of new oil reserves. He said that after he was appointed to replace the old official Amien Sunaryadi who retired since 18 November.

"So, I discussed with Mr. Amien and we heard all the directions from the Minister (ESDM Ignasius Jonan) and the President (Jokowi) as well. Of course the first one to continue what has been produced by Mr. Amien (Sunaryadi), especially organizational issues and governance, "Dwi said at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Office, Jakarta.

According to him, in the first three months there were several pending matters which he had to complete and make a work plan for 2019.

"In addition, some plans of development (POD) are implemented that are delayed and we must complete them," he said.

the Masela Block Abadi field

One of the first focuses is the Masela Block Abadi field, which must immediately produce. According to him, the block has the potential for large production additions by 2027. The target of the Masela Block (PoD) development proposal can be completed early next year so that it can operate faster than the previous target, 2027.

"One-two years onstream is faster," said the man who graduated from ITS Surabaya Chemical Engineering.

ITS Surabaya

Dwi also tried to make the gas-rich block project in the Arafura Sea more efficient. In addition to Masela, Dwi will accelerate the deepwater development (IDD) project that Chevron is working on.

The IDD project is still in the discussion stage of the PoD revision that Chevron has submitted without including the Makassar Strait Block to part of the IDD project. All of these efforts, he said, will be accompanied by efforts to attract investment to maximize production increases.

the Makassar Strait Block

Dwi previously served as President Director of PT Pertamina from 2014 to 2017. He also served as Managing Director of PT Semen Gresik since 2005 and then continued his position as number one in Semen Indonesia from 2010 to 2014.


Dwi Soetjipto Percepat Blok Masela dan IDD

Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Dwi Soetjipto mengatakan akan menjalankan tata kelola organisasi lebih berintegritas dan menggalakkan eksplorasi cadangan minyak baru. Hal itu dia sampaikan seusai dilantik menggantikan pejabat lama Amien Sunaryadi yang pensiun sejak 18 November lalu. 

“Jadi, saya diskusi dengan Pak Amien dan kita dengar semua arahan Pak Menteri (ESDM Ignasius Jonan) dan Presiden (Jokowi) juga. Tentu yang pertama melanjutkan apa yang sudah dihasilkan Pak Amien (Sunaryadi), khususnya masalah organisasi dan governance,” ujar Dwi di Kantor Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral, Jakarta.

Menurut dia, dalam tiga bulan pertama ada beberapa pending matter yang harus dia selesaikan serta membuat rencana kerja 2019. 

“Selain itu melaksanakan beberapa rencana pengembangan atau plan of development (POD) yang tertunda dan harus kita selesaikan,” tuturnya.

Salah satunya yang menjadi fokus pertamanya ialah lapangan Abadi Blok Masela yang harus segera berproduksi. Menurut dia, blok tersebut memiliki potensi penambahan produksi yang besar pada 2027. Targetnya proposal pengembangan (PoD) Blok Masela bisa selesai awal tahun depan sehingga bisa beroperasi lebih cepat daripada target sebelumnya, 2027. 

“Lebih cepat satu-dua tahun onstream-nya,” kata pria Iulusan Teknik Kimia ITS Surabaya ini.

Dwi juga berupaya agar proyek blok kaya gas di Laut Arafura itu bisa lebih efisien. Selain Masela, Dwi akan mempercepat proyek ultra laut dalam (Indonesia deepwater development/IDD) yang digarap Chevron. 

Proyek IDD masih dalam tahap pembahasan revisi PoD yang sudah diajukan Chevron tanpa memasukkan Blok Makassar Strait ke bagian dari proyek IDD. Semua upaya itu, kata dia, akan dibarengi dengan usaha menarik investasi untuk memaksimalkan kenaikan produksi.
Dwi sebelumnya menjabat Direktur Utama PT Pertamina periode 2014 hingga 2017. Dia juga pernah menjabat Direktur Utama PT Semen Gresik sejak 2005 kemudian melanjutkan jabatannya sebagai orang nomor satu di Semen Indonesia dari 2010 hingga 2014.

Media Indonesia, Page-13, Tuesday, Dec 4, 2018

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