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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Energy Equity Will Immediately Start Karaeng Block Joint Study

Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang) Pty Ltd immediately conducted a joint study in Karaeng Block in Jeneponto, South Sulawesi through a joint study. This oil and gas block was auctioned some time ago but there is no demand.

Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang)

President of Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang) Andi Riyanto said, this was the first time his party had been challenged by the government to carry out a joint study. This is also what makes Definite Work Commitments (DWC/KKP), which are agreed upon in the newly signed Production Sharing Contract (PSC) increased from US $ 60 million to US $ 80 million.
The increase in KKP is used to explore open areas that are suspected of having oil and gas reserves, including the Karaeng Block. The joint study is said to be carried out soon.

"These next months (implemented). So we will start administration first, "he said in Jakarta

This joint study includes evaluating geological and seismic documents, not yet entering physical activities. Thus, the funds issued may only be around US $ 100 thousand to access the document. Because the study has not yet been carried out, it has not been able to mention the potential of oil and gas in Karaeng Block. The party itself is interested in conducting this joint study, given its location adjacent to the Sengkang Block.

However, it does not mean that the oil and gas production of the two blocks will be merged, due to different contracts. After the joint study was completed and the block was auctioned, according to Andy, his party was interested in participating in this auction.

"There is a desire from management to participate in the WK (work area) auction. Hopefully a priviledge will be given because I want to join a joint study, "he said.

Previously, when visiting Jeneponto, Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar had reviewed the Karaeng Block location. When conducting a review of the location, Arcandra said that data would be added to the block Karaeng is through a joint study.

Arcandra Tahar

"This visit saw the potential of the oil and gas sector, especially the Karaeng Block in Jeneponto Regency. The data presented is promising. We have discussed it, there will be a joint study to see more potential, "said Arcandra.

This joint study is to further explore the potential at the same time to add data. The Karaeng Block is not the only oil and gas block that is not in demand at this year's oil and gas block auction. Throughout this year, the government has held an oil and gas block auction twice. 

    In the first phase where 19 oil and gas blocks were offered through regular auctions and 5 oil and gas blocks through direct offers, only four blocks were sold. While for the second phase of the auction, 6 oil and gas blocks are offered, but only 2 blocks have the winner.


Energy Equity Segera Mulai Joint Study Blok Karaeng

Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang) Pty Ltd segera melaksanakan joint study di Blok Karaeng di Jeneponto, Sulawesi Selatan melalui studi bersama (joint study). Blok migas ini sempat dilelang beberapa waktu lalu narnun tidak ada peminatnya. 

Presiden Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang) Andi Riyanto menuturkan, ini kali pertama pihaknya ditantang oleh pemerintah untuk melaksanakan joint study. Hal ini jugalah yang membuat Komitmen Kerja Pasti (KKP) yang disepekati dalam kontrak kerja sama (production sharing contract/PSC) yang baru saja ditandatangani meningkat dari US$ 60 juta menjadi US$ 80 juta. 

Peningkatan KKP digunakan untuk mengeksplorasi wilayah terbuka yang diduga memiliki cadangan migas, termasuk Blok Karaeng. Joint study ini disebutkan akan segera dilakukan dalam Waktu dekat. 

“Bulan-bulan depan ini (dilaksanakan). Jadi kami akan mulai administrasi dulu,” kata dia di Jakarta 

Joint study ini meliputi mengevaluasi dokumen geologi dan seismik, belum masuk ke kegiatan fisik. Sehingga, dana yang dikeluarkan kemungkinan hanya sekitar US$ 100 ribu untuk mengakses dokumen tersebut. Karena belum dilakukan kajian, pihaknya belum dapat menyebutkan potensi migas di Blok Karaeng. Pihaknya sendiri mernang tertarik untuk melakukan joint study ini, mengingat lokasinya berdekatan dengan Blok Sengkang. 

Namun, bukan berarti produksi migas kedua blok ini akan digabung, karena berbeda kontraknya. Setelah joint study selesai dan blok dilelang, menurut Andy, pihaknya berminat ikut lelang ini. 

“Ada keinginan dari manajemen ikut lelang WK (wilayah kerja) itu. Semoga diberikan priviledge karena sudah mau joint study,” tuturnya.

Sebelumnya, ketika berkunjung ke Jeneponto, Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar telah melakukan peninjauan lokasi Blok Karaeng. Saat melakukan tinjauan ke lokasi tersebut, Arcandra menyampaikn bahwa akan dilakukan penambahan data untuk blok Karaeng tersebut melalui joint study.

“Kunjungan ini melihat potensi sektor Migas, terutama Blok Karaeng yang ada di Kabupaten jeneponto. Dari data yang dipresentasikan cukup menjanjikan. Sudah kami diskusikan, akan ada joint study untuk melihat lebih dalam lagi potensi yang ada,” kata Arcandra. 

Joint study ini untuk lebih mendalami potensi yang ada sekaligus melakukan penambahan data. Blok Karaeng bukan satu-satunya blok migas yang tidak diminati dalam lelang blok migas tahun ini. Sepanjang tahun ini, pemerintah sudah dua kali menggelar lelang blok migas. 

     Pada tahap pertama di mana 19 blok migas ditawarkan melalui lelang reguler dan 5 blok migas melalui penawaran langsung, hanya empat blok yang laku. Sementara untuk lelang tahap dua ditawarkan 6 blok migas, tetapi hanya 2 blok saja yang ada pemenangnya.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, Dec 15, 2018

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