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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Inpex Already Proposed Revision of Masela Block POD

The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) has accepted the revision of the Masela Block plan of development (POD). As a result, the proposed block development plan is certain to come out next week. 

Dwi Soetjipto

    Head of SKK Migas, Dwi Soetjipto, explained Inpex Corporation has submitted a proposal to revise the Masela Block POD I. SKK Migas is reviewing the proposal.

Inpex Corporation

"We are still reviewing," Dwi said. He hopes the review of the Masela Block POD I revision will be completed in the near future. So that in January 2019 there will be a decision regarding the POD of the Masela Block.

the Masela Block by Inpex Corp.

"Hopefully the second week of this month will come out from the Head of SKK Migas. Then recommend to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources. Yes, maybe January will be finished, it should be possible," added Deputy Head of SKK Migas, Sukandar.

One of the things that was reviewed by SKK Migas regarding the revision of the Masela Block POD was the project's economic level, including the internal rate of return (IRR). The average IRR expected by investors reaches 15%.


Inpex Sudah Mengajukan Revisi POD Blok Masela

Satuan Kerja Khusus Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas} sudah menerima revisi rencana pengembangan atau plan of development (POD) Blok Masela. Alhasil, rekomendasi rencana pengembangan blok tambang itu dipastikan akan keluar pada pekan depan. Kepala SKK Migas, Dwi Soetjipto, menjelaskan Inpex Corporation sudah memasukkan proposal revisi POD I Blok Masela. SKK Migas sedang mengkaji proposal itu.

"Kami masih review," kata Dwi. Dia berharap kajian revisi POD I Blok Masela selesai dalam waktu dekat. Sehingga pada Januari 2019 mendatang sudah ada keputusan terkait POD Blok Masela.

"Semoga minggu kedua bulan ini keluar dari Kepala SKK Migas. Kemudian merekomendasikan ke Menteri ESDM. Ya, mungkin Januari selesai, harus bisa," tambah Wakil Kepala SKK Migas, Sukandar.

Salah satu yang dikaji SKK Migas terkait revisi POD Blok Masela adalah tingkat keekonomian proyek itu, termasuk internal rate of return (IRR). Rata-rata IRR yang diharapkan investor mencapai 15%.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, Dec 12, 2018

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