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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

It's time for Jokowi to start entering the Upstream Oil and Gas Sector

Eni S.p.A., an oil and gas company from Italy, can be said to be an oil and gas company that has lost durian in the past 4 years, namely in 2015. After starting oil and gas exploration activities in the Mediterranean Sea in 2015, the Italian company finally found gas reserves the earth as much as 30 trillion cubic feet (trillion cubic feet / tcf), equivalent to 5.5 billion barrels of barrel oil of equivalent / boe.


After discovering oil and gas reserves at Zohr Field in August 2015, Eni immediately proposed an investment plan for the development of the field, which is said to have such giant reserves. In about 6 months, namely until February 2016, Eni has obtained certainty from the oil and gas authority in Egypt to be able to continue the findings of the reserves to the stage of exploitation or production.

From the success of Eni and BP in Egypt, there is no denying that government support is a determining factor for investors entering and seeking oil and gas reserves. It is conceivable, the magnitude of the impact produced when Zohr's class of oil and gas is found in the territory of Indonesia. Natural gas exports will increase so that it will increase the country's foreign exchange.


This will reduce the oil and gas balance deficit that has been widely discussed lately when the rupiah exchange rate weakened against the US dollar. At least, the discovery of natural gas reserves will reduce the oil and gas trade balance deficit in the next few years, which is after the oil and gas field begins to enter the production phase.

Zohr Field

The Indonesian government needs to replicate the success of the Egyptian Government which fully supports upstream oil and gas investors when they find potential large-scale oil and gas reserves in Zohr Field. Since 2003, Indonesia has officially become an oil importer because domestic production cannot meet the consumption of fuel oil (BBM) in the country.

In fact, the oil and gas trade deficit continues to expand. This is due to the downward trend in oil production (lifting), while the consumption trend BBM continues to rise along with economic growth. With an average economic growth of 5% per year, fuel consumption also increases. Based on several surveys, every 1% of economic growth, energy demand will increase by 1.5%.

The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) estimates that oil lifting is only 281,000 barrels per day (bpd) in 2030. However, with enhance oil recovery / EOR technology method, oil lifting is expected to be able to survive in the range of 520,000 bpd by 2030.

Amien Sunaryadi, in his farewell remarks as Head of SKK Migas, revealed that the oil and gas balance deficit would be even wider in the coming years. The only solution is to resist the increase in the oil and gas balance deficit by conducting oil and gas exploration and finding
large scale field.


The President of the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Tumbur Parlindungan said that the rise of the national oil and gas upstream would have a double impact on the economy. Not just talking about increasing state income, but the might of a country's upstream oil and gas is a driving factor for the economy.

"Once the upstream oil and gas sector is strong, the petrochemical industry is more independent, supporting industries are growing and others are emerging."

According to him, the potential for oil and gas subsurface in the country remains promising, but needs to be supported by increasing national upstream oil and gas competitiveness. In the perspective of oil and gas investors who are not only focused on one of the regions, the return calculation and profit is certainly a priority.

If Egypt, which in the 2011-2013 period experienced internal crisis, and could rise by reforming the oil and gas sector, Indonesia could do the same. Moreover, there are no internal problems that make the national business atmosphere deteriorate. In the last 3 years, there have indeed been hundreds of policies cut to make the atmosphere of the national oil and gas investment more concise. At least nearly 200 policies in the energy and mineral resources sector were cut by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

Seeing this, Tumbur admitted that the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources had carried out its main tasks and functions properly. However, in investing in Indonesia, licensing is not only entered in one ministry / institution.

"Regulatory trimming and simplification is important, but investors also need how long it will take to complete all that," he said.

 The President Joko Widodo 

With the many permits needed, the command of the Head of State is important. President Joko Widodo needs to take a stand and ensure that his assistants simplify the flow of upstream oil and gas investment. How can I not, the government's anxiety about the oil and gas balance deficit, especially coupled with the weakening rupiah exchange rate against the US dollar, has become a challenge for policy makers.

It must be admitted, indeed for the past 4 years, discussions in an effort to encourage the ease of investment in upstream oil and gas are minimal. Moreover, by providing a red carpet for upstream oil and gas investors to enter. The government's success encourages equal distribution of infrastructure or rolling out village funds, seems to be able to be implemented in the upstream oil and gas sector.

The President needs to intervene directly, supervise and look for solutions to make it easier for investors to carry out exploration in the country. It's time for Jokowi to enter the upstream oil and gas sector. The direct intervention of the President in the upstream oil and gas sector is considered necessary considering that the government does not have sufficient budget to carry out exploration or study in the search for oil and gas reserves in open areas.


Saatnya Jokowi Mulai Blusukan ke Sektor Hulu Migas

Eni S.p.A., perusahaan minyak dan gas bumi dari Italia, bisa dibilang menjadi perusahaan migas yang ketiban durian runtuh pada 4 tahun lalu, yaitu pada 2015. Setelah memulai kegiatan eksplorasi migas di Laut Mediterania pada 2015, perusahaan asal Italia itu akhirnya menemukan cadangan gas bumi sebanyak 30 triliun kaki kubik (trillion cubic feet/tcf) atau setara dengan 5,5 miliar barel ekuivalen minyak (barrel oil of equivalent/boe).

Setelah menemukan cadangan migas di Lapangan Zohr pada Agustus 2015, Eni  langsung mengajukan rencana investasi untuk pengembangan lapangan yang disebut memiliki cadangan raksasa tersebut. Dalam waktu sekitar 6 bulan, yaitu sampai Februari 2016, Eni sudah mendapatkan kepastian dari otoritas migas di Mesir untuk dapat melanjutkan temuan cadangan tersebut ke tahap eksploitasi atau produksi.

Dari keberhasilan Eni dan BP di Mesir, tidak bisa disangkal bahwa dukungan pemerintah, menjadi faktor penentu investor masuk dan mencari potensi cadangan migas. Bisa dibayangkan, besarnya dampak yang dihasilkan ketika lapangan migas sekelas Zohr di temukan di wilayah Indonesia. Ekspor gas bumi akan bertambah sehingga meningkatkan devisa negara. 

Hal itu akan mengurangi defisit neraca migas yang ramai diperbincangkan akhir-akhir ini ketika nilai tukar rupiah melemah terhadap dolar Amerika Serikat. Setidaknya, penemuan cadangan gas bumi itu akan mengurangi defisit neraca perdagangan migas dalam beberapa tahun depan, yaitu setelah lapangan migas mulai masuk tahap produksi.

Pemerintah Indonesia perlu meniru keberhasilan Pemerintah Mesir yang mendukung sepenuhnya investor hulu migas ketika menemukan potensi cadangan minyak dan gas bumi skala besar di Lapangan Zohr. Sejak 2003, Indonesia resmi menjadi importir minyak karena produksi dalam negeri tidak dapat memenuhi konsumsi bahan bakar minyak (BBM) di Tanah Air. 

Bahkan, defisit perdagangan migas terus membesar. Hal itu disebabkan oleh tren penurunan produksi minyak (lifting), sedangkan tren konsumsi BBM terus naik seiring dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi rerata 5% per tahun, konsumsi BBM pun ikut meningkat. Berdasarkan beberapa survei, setiap 1% pertumbuhan ekonomi, permintaan energi akan meningkat  1,5%.

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) memperkirakan bahwa lifting minyak tinggal 281.000 barel per hari (bph) pada 2030. Namun, dengan metode teknologi produksi minyak lanjutan (enhance oil recovery/EOR), lifting minyak diperkirakan mampu bertahan di kisaran 520.000 bph pada 2030.

Amien Sunaryadi, dalam sambutan perpisahan sebagai Kepala SKK Migas, mengungkapkan bahwa defisit neraca migas akan semakin lebar pada tahun-tahun mendatang. Satu-satunya solusi untuk menahan peningkatan defisit neraca migas itu dengan melakukan eskplorasi migas dan menemukan lapangan skala besar.


Presiden Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Tumbur Parlindungan mengatakan bahwa kebangkitan hulu migas nasional akan memberikan dampak ganda untuk perekonomian. Tidak sekadar bicara tentang meningkatnya pemasukan negara, tetapi keperkasaan hulu migas suatu negara menjadi faktor pendorong perekonomian. 

“Begitu hulu migas kuat, industri petrokimia lebih mandiri, industri pendukung bertumbuh dan yang lainnya muncul."

Menurutnya, potensi kandungan di bawah permukaan (subsurface) migas di Tanah Air tetap menjanjikan, tetapi perlu didukung dengan peningkatan daya saing hulu migas nasional. Dalam perspektif investor migas yang tidak hanya fokus di salah satu regional, hitung-hitungan balik modal
dan laba tentu menjadi prioritas.

Jika Mesir yang dalam kurun waktu 2011-2013 mengalami ktisis internal, dan dapat bangkit dengan melakukan reformasi di sektor migas, Indonesia pun dapat melakukan hal serupa. Apalagi tidak ada permasalahan internal yang membuat atmosfer bisnis nasional memburuk. Dalam 3 tahun terakhir, memang sudah ada ratusan kebijakan dipotong untuk membuat atmosfer investasi migas nasional lebih ringkas. Setidaknya nyaris sebanyak 200 kebijakan di sektor energi dan sumber daya mineral dipotong oleh Kementerian ESDM.

Melihat hal tersebut, Tumbur mengaku bahwa Kementerian ESDM sudah menjalankan tugas pokok dan fungsinya dengan baik. Namun, dalam berinvestasi di Indonesia, perizinan tidak hanya masuk di satu kementerian/lembaga saja. 

“Pemangkasan dan penyederhanaan regulasil menjadi penting, tetapi investor juga memerlukan berapa lama waktu yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan semua itu,” tuturnya.

Dengan banyaknya perizinan yang diperlukan, komando Kepala Negara menjadi penting. Presiden Joko Widodo perlu mengambil sikap dan memastikan bahwa para asistennya mempermudah arus investasi hulu migas. Bagaimana tidak, kegamangan pemeritah melihat defisit neraca migas, apalagi ditambah dengan kondisi melemahnya nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dolar Amerika Serikat, menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi pemangku kebijakan.

Harus diakui, memang selama 4 tahun ke belakang, pembahasan dalam upaya mendorong kemudahan investasi hulu migas minim dikemukakan. Apalagi, dengan memberikan karpet merah bagi investor hulu migas untuk masuk. Kesuksesan pemerintah mendorong pemerataan infrastruktur ataupun menggulirkan dana desa, sepertinya dapat diimplementasikan di sektor hulu migas. 

Presiden perlu turun tangan langsung, mengawasi dan mencari solusi untuk memudahkan investor melakukan eksplorasi di Tanah Air. Saatnya, Jokowi masuk ke sektor hulu migas. Campur tangan langsung Presiden di sektor hulu migas dinilai perlu mengingat pemerintah tidak memiliki anggaran yang cukup untuk melakukan eksplorasi atau studi pencarian cadangan migas di wilayah terbuka.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Monday, Dec 17, 2018

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