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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Next year, the Joint Venture of Cilacap Refinery is Formed

Cilacap's Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) project will begin. PT Pertamina (Persero) and Saudi Aramco will soon form a joint venture to develop the Cilacap RDMP refinery project next year.

Saudi Aramco Refinery

PT Pertamina Corporate Secretary Syahrial Mukhtar said that Saudi Aramco as a partner in the Cilacap RDMP project was still consistently building the project with Pertamina. Aramco and Pertamina also target to be able to immediately form a joint venture company.

"We must start next year," he said.

Regarding share ownership in a joint venture, according to Syahrial, there will be no change, Pertamina still holds control of 55% of shares and Saudi Aramco for 45% of the shares. Although currently Pertamina and Saudi Aramco are still in the discussion stage regarding spin-off assets, the two companies have not yet agreed on the calculation of Pertamina's assets in the Cilacap RDMP project.

"That's normal. They count, we also count. This will be found at what number will be agreed upon, "Syahrial said.

Just so you know. The investment value for the Cilacap RDMP project is estimated at US $ 5.5 billion. According to the plan, the capacity of the Cilacap RDMP project will increase to 400,000 barrels per day (blah) with products that meet Euro V specifications, basic petrochemicals, and Group II Base Oil for lubricants.


Tahun Depan, Joint Venture Kilang Cilacap Terbentuk

Proyek Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) Cilacap akan dimulai. PT Pertamina (Persero) dan Saudi Aramco segera membentuk perusahaan patungan (joint venture) terhadap pengembangan proyek kilang RDMP Cilacap tahun depan. 

Corporate Secretary PT Pertamina Syahrial Mukhtar menyebutkan, Saudi Aramco sebagai mitra di proyek RDMP Cilacap masih konsisten membangun proyek tersebut bersama Pertamina. Aramco dan Pertamina pun menargetkan bisa segera membentuk perusahaan patungan.

"Pada tahun depan harus bisa kami mulai," ungkap dia.

Mengenai kepemilikan saham di perusahaan patungan, menurut Syahrial, tidak akan ada perubahan, Pertamina tetap memegang kendali sebanyak 55% saham dan Saudi Aramco sebesar 45% saham. Meski sekarang ini Pertamina dan Saudi Aramco masih dalam tahap pembahasan terkait spin off aset kedua perusahaan belum juga sepakat tentang perhitungan aset Pertamina di proyek RDMP Cilacap. 

“Itu kan normal. Mereka hitung, kami juga hitung. Ini akan ketemu di angka berapa yang nanti disepakati," ujar Syahrial.

Asal tahu saja. Nilai investasi untuk proyek RDMP Cilacap diperkirakan mencapai US$ 5,5 miliar. Menurut rencana, kapasitas proyek RDMP Cilacap akan bertambah menjadi 400.000 barel per hari (blah) dengan hasil produk yang memenuhi spesitikasi Euro V, petrokimia dasar (basic petrochemical), dan Group II Base Oil untuk pelumas.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, Dec 18, 2018

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