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Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Oil Prices Continue to Decline

Pertamina starts drilling wells in Blora

Weakening global economic growth affected the decline in the price of Indonesian crude oil (ICP) in November 2018. The November 2018 ICP also fell in the figure of USD 62.98 per barrel or down by USD 14.58. ICP is the lowest for a period of 6 months.

The Head of the Communication, Public Information Services and Cooperation Ministry of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Agung Pribadi explained that US policies that provide exceptions to eight countries to import crude oil from Iran resulted in over supply.

"Stocks of crude oil are abundant on the global market," he said.

Another impact that resulted in oversupply was the abundance of Saudi Arabian crude oil production due to anticipation of sanctions against Iran. and, an increase in the supply of US crude oil by 24.5 million barrels in November 2018. The excess supply is in accordance with the November 2018 International Energy Agency (IEA) publication which states that OPEC crude oil production in October 2018 increased by 127 thousand barrels per day.

In addition, this year's non-OPEC crude oil supply projection increased 170 thousand barrels per day to 60.3 million barrels per day compared to the previous month's projection.

On the other hand, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) projects world economic growth in 2018 to slow down to 3.7 percent. Down 0.2 percent compared to the previous month's projection.

"In the Asia-Pacific region, the decline in crude oil prices is influenced by several factors," he said.

Among other things, the slowdown in China's economic growth due to trade wars with the US and the weakening demand for crude oil and crude oil products from Japan and Korea.

Meanwhile, PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field has begun drilling the North Kedungtuban exploitation well (NIC1-01 TW) in Blora, Central Java. The drilling is targeted to produce 9 MMSCFD gas. Cepu Acting Officer Field Manager Aley Hildan stated that the NKT-01TW well has enormous oil and gas potential.

"The drilling target is about 9 MMSCFD of gas. At present Cepu Field gas production is at 68 MMSCFD," he said.

Drilling of the well took 69 days with a final depth of 2,909 meters. The production of oil and gas Pertamina EP Asset 4 as of November 23, 2018 has reached 17,235 BOPD (barrel oil per day) or around 121.65 percent above the target. The subsidiary of PT Pertamina EP targets the company's oil and gas production this year to reach 14,032 BOPD.

PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field

Significant increase in asset 4 performance is a positive contribution from each field. For example, Cepu, Poleng, Papua, Donggi Matindok, and especially Sukowati Field. The biggest contributor to the increase in production at asset 4 is the Sukowati field with service in several wells, especially for repairing bonding cement.

As of November 29, 2018, Sukowati field oil production has reached 9,697 BOPD. That number exceeded the field's oil production target this year of 8 thousand BOPD. Gas production in asset 4 also reached 184.17 MMSCFD. That figure is more than 13 percent of the gas production target of 157.59 MMSCFD.


Harga Minyak Terus Melorot

Pertamina Mulai Bor Sumur di Blora

Pertumbuhan ekonomi global yang melemah mempengaruhi penurunan harga minyak mentah Indonesia atau Indonesian crude price (ICP) pada November 2018. ICP November 2018 pun anjlok di angka USD 62,98 per barel atau turun USD 14,58. ICP merupakan terendah selama kurun waktu,6 bulan.

Kepala Biro Komunikasi, Layanan Informasi Publik, dan Kerja Sama Kementerian ESDM Agung Pribadi menjelaskan bahwa kebijakan AS yang memberikan pengecualian kepada delapan negara untuk mengimpor minyak mentah dari Iran mengakibatkan over supply.

"Stok minyak mentah melimpah di pasaran global," ujarnya.

Dampak lain yang mengakibatkan kelebihan pasokan adalah melimpahnya produksi minyak mentah Arab Saudi akibat antisipasi sanksi terhadap Iran. serta, peningkatan pasokan minyak mentah AS sebanyak 24,5 juta barel pada November 2018. Kelebihan pasokan itu sesuai dengan publikasi International Energy Agency (IEA) November 2018 yang menyebutkan produksi minyak mentah OPEC pada Oktober 2018 mengalami peningkatan 127 ribu barel per hari. 

Selain itu, proyeksi pasokan minyak mentah negara-negara non-OPEC tahun ini meningkat 170 ribu barel per hari menjadi 60,3 juta barel per hari jika dibandingkan dengan proyeksi bulan sebelumnya.

Di sisi lain, International Monetary Fund (IMF) memproyeksikan pertumbuhan ekonomi dunia 2018 mengalami perlambatan menjadi 3,7 persen. Turun 0,2 persen jika dibandingkan dengan proyeksi bulan sebelumnya.

"Di kawasan Asia-Pasifik, penurunan harga minyak mentah dipengaruhi beberapa faktor,” katanya. 

Di antaranya, perlambatan pertumbuhan ekonomi Tiongkok akibat perang dagang dengan AS serta melemahnya permintaan minyak mentah dan produk minyak mentah dari Jepang dan Korea. 

Sementara itu, PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field telah memulai pengeboran sumur eksploitasi North Kedungtuban (NIC1-01 TW) di Blora, Jawa Tengah. Pengeboran tersebut ditargetkan dapat menghasilkan gas 9 MMSCFD. Pejabat sementara Cepu Field Manager Aley Hildan menyatakan, sumur NKT-01TW memiliki potensi migas yang sangat besar. 

"Target pengeboran ini adalah gas sekitar 9 MMSCFD. Saat ini produksi gas Cepu Field berada di angka 68 MMSCFD," katanya.

Pengeboran sumur itu membutuhkan waktu 69 hari dengan kedalaman akhir 2.909 meter. Produksi minyak dan gas bumi Pertamina EP Asset 4 per 23 November 2018 telah berhasil mencapai 17.235 BOPD (barrel oil per day) atau sekitar 121,65 persen di atas target. Anak usaha PT Pertamina EP tersebut menargetkan produksi migas perseroan tahun ini bisa mencapai 14.032 BOPD.

Peningkatan signifikan kinerja aset 4 merupakan kontribusi positif dari setiap lapangan. Misalnya, lapangan Cepu, Poleng, Papua, Donggi Matindok, dan terutama Lapangan Sukowati. Kontributor terbesar peningkatan produksi di aset 4 adalah lapangan Sukowati dengan adanya servis di beberapa sumur, terutama untuk perbaikan bonding cement.

Per 29 November 2018, produksi minyak lapangan Sukowati telah mencapai 9.697 BOPD. Angka itu melampaui target produksi minyak lapangan tersebut tahun ini sebanyak 8 ribu BOPD. Produksi gas di aset 4 pun mencapai 184,17 MMSCFD. Angka itu lebih dari 13 persen dari target produksi gas 157,59 MMSCFD.

Jawa Pos, Page-6, Monday, Dec 10, 2018

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