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Monday, December 3, 2018

Pertamina EP Chases Lifting Target

PT Pertamina EP will evaluate production patterns, following the lifting target this year. One of them records the well that can be directly explored in early 2019. President Director of PT Pertamina EP, Nanang Abdul Manaf said, the strategy pattern prepared included fulfilling all licensing and exemption processes to record wells that could be drilled immediately in the beginning of the year.

"We want to start drilling on January 1, 201. If other people are still preparing, we will try to work immediately," said Nanang Abdul Manaf.

He explained, the achievement of lifting targets was influenced by several factors. Among them is the gap between strategy and implementation in the field.

"The strategy and implementation in the field is not operating well. There are many problems so that from the beginning of the year the well can produce backward until the second quarter has just produced. "Even wells that have entered Semester II have just been produced," he explained.

He added, the aggressive attitude at the beginning of the year was believed to be a surefire step in realizing the lifting target. Nevertheless, he realized that the costs incurred could be disbursed at the beginning of the year.

"That has become our risk because the budget has not yet been decided. But it doesn't matter. What is certain is that we are targeting the Semester I / 2019
the lifting target has been realized at least 60 percent, "he said,

In the same place Fatariani Abdul Rohman, Operations Deputy of the Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Special Task Force, noted that during 2018 six KKKS did not reach the target.

They are Chevron Indonesia, which only reaches 210,839 bpd, and the target is 213,551 bpd. PT Pertamina EP 78,485 bpd, while the target is 85,869 bpd. PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM), amounted to 43,193 bpd, while the target was 48,271 bpd Then, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ Ltd was 29,580 bpd, the target even though 33,000 bpd.

There is also Medco E & P Natuna of 17,017 bpd. Even though the target is 18,600 bpd. Finally, PT Bumi Siak Pusako-Pertamina Hulu's BOB is 10,262 bpd, whereas the target is 10,366 bpd.

"We have warned Pertamina EP to evaluate its performance, one of which is by offering an alternative technology. They want, hopefully in 2019 the lifting target can be achieved, "he said.


Pertamina EP Kejar Target Lifting

PT Pertamina EP akan mengevaluasi pola produksi, menyusul belum terealisasinya target lifting tahun ini. Salah-satunya mendata sumur yang bisa langsung di eksplotasi awal 2019 mendatang. Presiden Direktur PT Pertamina EP, Nanang Abdul Manaf mengatakan, pola strategi yang disiapkan di antaranya memenuhi semua proses perizinan dan pembebasan hingga mendata sumur-sumur yang bisa langsung dibor awal tahun.

"Kami ingin mulai 1 Januari 2019 sudah ngebor. Biar saja orang lain masih prepare, kami upayakan langsung kerja,” kata. Nanang Abdul Manaf.

Dijelaskan, tidak tercapainya target lifting dipengaruhi beberapa faktor. Di antaranya adanya gap antara strategi dan implementasi di lapangan. 
“Strategi dan implementasi di lapangan kurang beroperasi dengan baik. Banyak masalah sehingga dari yang awalnya awal tahun sumur bisa berproduksi mundur hingga kuartal II baru menghasilkan. Bahkan ada sumur yang sudah memasuki Semester II baru saja bisa diproduksi,” jelasnya.

Ditambahkan, sikap agresif di awal tahun, diyakini sebagai langkah jitu dalam merealisasikan target lifting. Kendati demikian dia menyadari biaya yang timbul bisa dicairkan pada awal tahun.

“Itu sudah menjadi resiko kami karena anggaran belum diputuskan. Tapi tidak menjadi masalah. Yang pasti kami mentargetkan pada Semester I/2019
target lifting sudah terealisasi minimal 60 persen,” katanya,

Di tempat yang sama Deputi Operasi Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas), Fatariani Abdul Rohman mencatat, sepanjang 2018 ada enam KKKS tidak mencapai target. 

Mereka adalah Chevron Indonesia yang hanya mencapai 210.839 bph, dan target 213.551 bph. PT Pertamina EP 78.485 bph, sementara targetnya 85.869 bph. PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM), sebesar 43.193 bph, sementara targetnya 48.271 bph Kemudian, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ Ltd sebsar 29.580 bph, targetnya padahal 33.000 bph. 

Ada juga Medco E&P Natuna sebesar 17.017 bph. Padahal targetnya 18.600 bph. Terakhir, BOB PT Bumi Siak Pusako-Pertamina Hulu sebesar 10.262 bph, padahal targetnya 10.366 bph.

“Kami sudah Peringatkan Pertamina EP agar dievaluasi kinerjanya salah satunya dengan menawarkan alternatif teknologi. Mereka mau, semoga tahun 2019 target lifting bisa tercapai,” ujarnya.

Radar Gresik, Page-4, Friday, Nov 30, 2018

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