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Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Pertamina EP Finds 100 Million Barrel Oil and Gas Sources

PT Pertamina EP managed to find oil and gas sources in Jatibarang, lndramayu West Java and Matindok, South Sulawesi with a total potential of 100 million barrels. The discovery of this reserve is expected to be able to hold back the rate of decline in the company's oil and gas production going forward.

Matindok Field, South Sulawesi 

"The finding of this new oil and gas source is significant to maintain production for the next few years in Jatibarang and in Matindok. The potential is around 100 million barrels per day," Director of Exploration and New Discovery of Pertamina EP Alian Husein said, quoted by Antara.

Allian said, in the near future it will begin the drilling process in the first quarter of 2019 in Matindok Field. While the oil and gas drilling process in Jatibarang Field will only begin at the end of 2019 due to long land preparation and licensing. At present, the field in Jatibarang can deliver very significant oil and gas to 2,500 barrels per day and gas of a dozen million cubic feet per day (million standard cubic feet per day / MMSCFD).

While in Matindok, it can produce oil up to 200 bpd or greater by 20-360% from the initial projection. Although succeeding in increasing oil and gas reserves, Alfian noted that the oil production target charged by the government in 2018 is still not fulfilled. As of early December, Pertamina EP posted oil production of 78.46 thousand bpd, equivalent to around 95% of the target of 82.7 thousand bpd. While gas production was recorded at 1,021 MMSCFD or 3% higher than the target of 987 MMSCFD.

"The calculation process has not been completed. At the end of December, we will calculate the possibility of not reaching the target, "he said.

Previously, Pertamina EP President Director Nanang Abdul Manaf said, so far, his party had realized drilling of 71 wells and carried out the re-work of 136 wells. For exploration activities, it has completed 2D seismic covering an area of ​​680 kilometers (km) and seismic 3D 344 square kilometers.

At the same time, it is also working on six projects at once. The six projects are enhanced oil recoveify / EOR development projects in Ramba, the EOR Development Project in Jirak, the Jatiasri Complex Development Project, the Big Bamboo and Acacia Good Development Project, and the Tapen Development Project.


Pertamina EP Temukan Sumber Migas 100 Juta Barel

PT Pertamina EP berhasil menemukan sumber minyak dan gas di Jatibarang, lndramayu  Jawa Barat dan Matindok, Sulawesi Selatan dengan total potensi 100 juta barel. Penemuan cadangan ini diharapkan dapat menahan laju penurunan produksi migas perusahaan ke depannya.

“Temuan sumber baru migas ini signifikan untuk mempertahankan produksi hingga beberapa tahun ke depan di Jatibarang dan di Matindok, Potensinya sekitar 100 juta barrel per day,” kata Direktur Eksplorasi dan Penemuan Cadangan Baru Pertamina EP Alian Husein, sebagaimana dikutip Antara, akhir pekan lalu. 

Dikatakan Allian, pihaknya dalam waktu dekat akan memulai proses pengeboran pada kuartal pertama 2019 di Lapangan Matindok. Sedangkan proses pengeboran migas di Lapangan Jatibarang baru akan dimulai pada akhir 2019 karena persiapan lahan dan perizinan yang panjang. Saat ini, lapangan di Jatibarang dapat mengalirkan minyak dan gas yang sangat signifikan sampai 2.500 barel per hari serta gas belasan juta kaki kubik per hari (million standard cubic feet per day/MMSCFD).

Sementara di Matindok, pihaknya dapat menghasilkan minyak hingga 200 bph atau lebih besar 20-360% dari proyeksi awal. Meski berhasil menambah cadangan migas, Alfian mencatat target produksi minyak yang dibebankan pemerintah pada 2018 masih belum terpenuhi. Hingga awal Desember, Pertamina EP membukukan pproduksi minyak sebesar 78,46 ribu bph atau setara sekitar 95% dari target 82,7 ribu bph. Sementara produksi gas tercatat mencapai 1.021 MMSCFD atau lebih tinggi 3% dari target 987 MMSCFD.

“Proses penghitungan belum selesai. Pada akhir Desember, lalu akan kami hitung kemungkinan tidak akan mencapai target,” katanya.

Sebelumnya, Presiden Direktur Pertamina EP Nanang Abdul Manaf menuturkan, sejauh ini, pihaknya telah merealisasikan pengeboran 71 sumur dan melaksanakan kerja ulang sumur sebanyak 136 sumur. Untuk kegiatan eksplorasi, pihaknya telah merampungkan seismik 2D seluas 680 kilometer (km) dan seismik 3D 344 kilometer persegi.

Pada saat yang sama, pihaknya juga sedang menggarap enam proyek sekaligus. Keenam proyek ini adalah proyek pengembangan pengurasan produksi tahap lanjut (enhanced oil recoveify/EOR) di Ramba, Proyek Pengembangan EOR di Jirak, Proyek Pengembangan Komplek Jatiasri, Proyek Pengembangan Bambu Besar dan Akasia Bagus, serta Proyek Pengembangan Tapen.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesday, Dec 11, 2018

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