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Monday, December 3, 2018

Petronas Adds Oil Well in East Java

The Java Bali Nusa Tenggara Special Oil and Gas Work Unit [SKK Migas Jabanusa] targets the East Java Region oil and gas production to increase in 2019. This is due to Petronas' plan to open a new well.

"God willing, 2019 in Petronas will add to the well so that it can increase production. We hope that all licensing matters and other matters can also be completed on time so that East Java Oil and Gas can increase production, "said Ali Masyhar, Head of SKK Migas Jabanusa, in between the East Java provincial government stakeholders at Four Point Hotel Surabaya.

One speaker, Bayu Wahyudiono, Head of Sub-Directorate for Development of Non-Conventional Oil and Gas Working Areas of the Directorate of Upstream Oil and Gas Business Development said East Java in 2018 according to the records of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources experiencing a decline in production but in 2019 East Java will have a gas surplus because some well development will produce.

"East Java is also the only lucky area because besides being rich in natural gas potential, it already has a gas pipeline network so that 100 percent of the natural gas produced by KKKS is different from other regions where the gas is sold out because there is no gas network infrastructure," explained Bayu.

Furthermore, Bayu explained that currently the gas contained in East Java is around 4.66 Trillions of Standard Cubic Feet of gas [TSCF] while the gas that has been exploited is around 628.66 MMCFD.


Petronas Tambah Sumur Minyak di Jatim

Satuan Kerja Khusus Minyak dan Gas Jawa Bali Nusa Tenggara [SKK Migas Jabanusa] mentargetkan produksi migas Wilayah Jatim akan mengalami peningkatan di tahun 2019. Hal ini tidak lepas dari rencana Petronas yang akan membuka sumur baru.

“Insya Allah 2019 di Petronas ini akan menambah Sumur sehingga bisa menambah produksi. Kami berharap semua urusan perizinan maupun urusan yang lainnya juga bisa diselesaikan tepat waktu sehingga Migas Jawa Timur bisa bertambah lagi produksinya," kata Ali Masyhar, Kepala SKK Migas Jabanusa, di sela kegiatan silahturahmi dengan pemangku kepentingan Pemprov Jatim di Hotel Four Point Surabaya.

Salah seorang pembicara, Bayu Wahyudiono, Kepala Subdirektorat Pengembangan Wilayah Kerja Minyak dan Gas Bumi Non Konvensional Direktorat Pembinaan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi mengatakan Jatim di tahun 2018 ini menurut catatan Kementerian ESDM mengalami penurunan produksi tetapi di tahun 2019 Jatim akan surplus gas karena beberapa pengembangan sumur akan menghasilkan.

"Jatim juga menjadi satu-satunya daerah yang beruntung sebab selain kaya dengan potensi gas bumi. Sebab sudah memiliki jaringan pipa gas sehingga 100 persen hasil gas bumi yang diproduksi KKKS. Berbeda dengan daerah lain yang gasnya dijual keluar karena belum ada infrastruktur jaringan gasnya," jelas Bayu.

Lebih lanjut, Bayu memaparkan saat ini gas yang terkandung di perut bumi Jatim ini sekitar 4,66 Trillions of Standard Cubic Feet of gas [TSCF) sedangkan gas yang sudah di ekploitasi sekitar 628,66 MMCFD.

Surya, Page-3, Friday, Nov 30, 2018

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