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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Six Oil and Gas Projects Start Production

Investment Value of Rp. 4.35 Trillion

The supply of oil and gas has the potential to increase. The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) noted that there are six upstream oil and gas projects that will be operational this year. Its total production capacity reaches 15.5 thousand bopd (barrel oil per day) and 105 mmscfd with an investment value of USD 300 million or Rp 4.35 trillion.

Head of SKK Migas Program and Communication Division Whisnu Prabawa Taher said the project was spread. Three projects in Sumatra, 2 projects in Java, and 1 in Kalimantan.

"Based on operate; 4 Pertamina and 2 Medco" he said.

Projects that will be onstream (producing) in Sumatra are gas projects. Namely, optimization of the East Musi SKG Flare LP owned by PT Pertamina EP. The EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) investment value of USD 1 1.3 million with an estimated peak production of 15 mmscfd has been onstream in March 2018.

Project Built by PT Medco

Then, the Block A project built by PT Medco Blok A. The EPC investment value is estimated at USD 253.7 million. Its production facility capacity is 3,100 bopd and 55 mmscfd. The project has been fully operational in November 2018. Medco through PT Medco EP Indonesia is also optimizing the Lica field production facilities. The EPC investment issued reached USD 8.5 million with a production facility capacity of 4,000 bopd. Meanwhile, the estimated peak production of 3,700 bopd,

"The onstream estimate is December 2018. Currently the employment status reaches 94 percent," Wisnu said.

On Java, the project that will operate is the PT PHE ONWJ SP field with EPC investment of USD 50.7 million. The capacity of the project's production facilities reaches 30 mmscfd with estimated peak production in the same figure. Then, the PT Pertamina EP Poleng Asset 4 Field subsea pipeline development project with EPC investment worth USD 16.1 million.

"The production facility capacity is 700 bopd with an estimated peak production of 700 bopd already onstream on September 13, 2018," he said.

In Kalimantan there are oil and gas projects that have been operating in November 2018, namely Nibung Gathering Station.


Enam Proyek Migas Mulai Produksi

Nilai Investasi Rp 4,35 Triliun

Pasokan minyak dan gas bumi berpotensi bertambah. Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) mencatat, ada enam proyek hulu migas yang akan beroperasi tahun ini. Total kapasitas produksinya mencapai 15,5 ribu bopd (barrel oil per day) dan 105 mmscfd dengan nilai investasi USD 300 juta atau Rp 4,35 triliun.

Kepala Divisi Program dan Komunikasi SKK Migas Whisnu Prabawa Taher mengatakan, proyek tersebut tersebar. Tiga proyek di Sumatera, 2 proyek di Jawa, dan 1 di Kalimantan. 

"Berdasar operate; 4  Pertamina dan 2 Medco" ujarnya.

Proyek yang akan onstream (berproduksi) di Sumatera adalah proyek gas. Yakni, optimasi LP Flare SKG Musi Timur milik PT Pertamina EP. Nilai investasi EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) sebesar USD 1 1,3 juta dengan estimasi produksi puncak sebesar 15 mmscfd sudah onstream pada Maret 2018.

Lalu, proyek Blok A yang di bangun PT Medco Blok A. Nilai investasi EPC diperkirakan sebesar USD 253,7 juta. Kapasitas fasilitas produksinya sebesar 3.100bopd dan 55 mmscfd. Proyek tersebut telah beropersi penuh pada November 2018. Medco melalui PT Medco EP Indonesia juga melakukan optimasi fasilitas produksi lapangan Lica. Investasi EPC yang dikeluarkan mencapai USD 8,5 juta dengan kapasitas fasilitas produksi sebesar 4.000 bopd.
Adapun, estimasi produksi puncak sebesar 3.700 bopd, 

”Estimasi onstream pada Desember 2018. Saat ini status pekerjaan mencapai 94 persen," kata Wisnu.

Di Jawa, proyek yang akan beroperasi adalah lapangan SP PT PHE ONWJ dengan investasi EPC sebesar USD 50,7 juta. Kapasitas fasilitas produksi proyek tersebut mencapai 30 mmscfd dengan estimasi produksi puncak di angka yang sama. Kemudian, proyek pembangunan subsea pipeline Lapangan Poleng PT Pertamina EP dengan investasi EPC senilai USD 16, 1 juta. 

"Kapasitas fasilitas produksi sebesar 700 bopd dengan estimasi produksi puncak sebesar 700 bopd sudah onstream pada 13 September 2018," katanya.

Di Kalimantan terdapat proyek migas yang telah beroperasi pada November 2018, yakni Gathering Station Nibung.

Jawa Pos, Page-6, Saturday, Dec 15, 2018

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