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Tuesday, December 4, 2018

SKK Requested to Increase Oil and Gas Reserves

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has determined Dwi Soetjipto to become the head of the new Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas). Dwi replaced the role of Amien Sunaryadi who had previously sat in the chair since 2014.

ESDM Minister Ignasius Jonan who inaugurated directly left various things, including encouraging the exploration of new or old oil and gas working areas. SKK Migas was also asked to measure and extend the work area so that it is expected that domestic oil and gas reserves will continue to grow.

"(Extension) That requires the surrender of definite work commitments that have reached US $ 2 billion for the next 10 years, for exploration," Jonan said.

Jonan also asked Dwi to coordinate with the ESDM Ministry, in this case the Directorate General of Oil and Gas, to conduct oil and gas working area (WK) auctions. Because, there is a termination of the Work Area (WK) that needs to be completed with a maturity of up to 2023. 

     To support the government's program in the use of domestic goods, SKK Migas is also expected to participate in encouraging the use of domestic component level (TKDN). Although not easy, higher TKDN in the national industry is believed to have a positive impact on the economy.

Meanwhile, former head of SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi said, this institution must work hard in increasing oil and gas reserves or production. Because, currently Indonesia needs giant discovery efforts. This means that both state-owned companies, namely PT Pertamina, and other oil and gas companies are working together in exploration.

Amien pointed out, oil demand in Indonesia is now very high, but domestic oil production is small. The increase in oil production has so far only been able to reach 300 thousand barrels per day (bpd).

"Indonesia needs around 1.5 million bpd. Since ancient times no Indonesian company has ever discovered a size of giant discovery," Amien said.

Receiving this input, Dwi ensured that he would immediately hold an internal coordination meeting. At least, there are 11 important points that Dwi wants to convey to all colleagues at SKK Migas in increasing oil and gas reserves. It is expected that the points can be translated properly in the next three months. Eleven points included what should be done by SKK Migas in 2019, as well as on plan of development (PoD).

The Malesa block

"The Malesa block and IDD (Indonesia Deepwater Development) project are included. The important thing is of course it must be immediately (discussed)," Dwi said.

The IDD project has so far been in the stage of discussing the revised POD that Chevron has submitted without including the Makassar Strait Block into part of the project. Regarding the increase in oil and gas reserves, Dwi said, there should be exploration activities, including new investments in a number of working areas. The investment that has been made this year is likely to be felt next year.

the Makassar Strait Block

To that end, SKK Migas will soon hold a meeting with stakeholders, including contractors, so that the work program prepared can be started according to plan, including in increasing the investment in the oil and gas sector.

"Later in this one-two-week basin mapping, we want to find out which ones have the greatest potential. Later the data that has been understood will be studied more deeply," he said.


SKK Diminta Tingkatkan Cadangan Migas

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) telah menetapkan Dwi Soetjipto menjadi kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) yang baru. Dwi menggantikan peran Amien Sunaryadi yang sebelumnya duduk di kursi tersebut sejak 2014.

Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan yang melantik secara langsung menitipkan berbagai hal, termasuk mendorong adanya eksplorasi wilayah kerja migas yang baru ataupun lama. SKK Migas pun diminta melakukan pengukuran dan perpanjangan wilayah kerja sehingga diharapkan cadangan migas dalam negeri tetap tumbuh.

"(Perpanjangan) Itu mewajibkan penyerahkan komitmen kerja pasti yang sampai sekarang mencapai 2 miliar dolar AS untuk 10 tahun ke depan, untuk eksplorasi," ujar Jonan.

Jonan pun meminta Dwi agar berkoordinasi dengan Kementerian ESDM, dalam hal ini Direktorat Jenderal Migas, untuk melakukan lelang wilayah kerja (WK) migas. Sebab, ada Wilayah Kerja (WK) terminasi yang perlu diselesaikan dengan masa jatuh tempo sampai 2023. Untuk mendukung program pemerintah dalam pemakaian barang dalam negeri, SKK Migas pun diharapkan ikut serta mendorong penggunaan tingkat komponen dalam negeri (TKDN). Meski tidak mudah, TKDN yang lebih tinggi dalam industri nasional diyakini bisa berdampak positif bagi perekonomian.

Sementara itu, mantan kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi menuturkan, lembaga ini harus bekerja keras dalam meningkatkan produksi ataupun cadangan migas. Sebab, saat ini Indonesia membutuhkan upaya giant discovery. Artinya, baik perusahaan milik pemerintah, yaitu PT Pertamina, maupun perusahaan migas lainnya berupaya bersama-sama dalam melakukan eksplorasi.

Amien mencontohkan, kebutuhan minyak di Indonesia sekarang sangat tinggi, tapi produksi minyak dalam negeri sedikit. Peningkatan produksi minyak sejauh ini hanya mampu mencapai 300 ribu barel per hari (bph).

"Indonesia butuh sekitar 1,5 juta bph. Sejak Zaman dulu tidak satu pun perusahaan Indonesia pernah discovery seukuran giant discovery," kata Amien.

Mendapat masukan ini, Dwi memastikan, akan segera melakukan rapat koordinasi internal. Sedikitnya, ada 11 poin penting yang ingin disampaikan Dwi kepada seluruh rekan kerja di SKK Migas dalam meningkatkan cadangan migas. Diharapkan poin-poin itu bisa diterjemahkan secara baik dalam tiga bulan ke depan. Sebelas poin itu termasuk apa yang harus dilakukan SKK Migas pada 2019, serta mengenai proposal pengembangan (plan of development/ PoD). 

"Blok Malesa dan proyek IDD (Indonesia Deepwater Development) termasuk di dalamnya. Yang penting ini tentu harus segera (dibahas)," ujar Dwi.

Proyek IDD sejauh ini masih dalam tahap pembahasan revisi POD yang sudah diajukan Chevron tanpa memasukkan Blok Makassar Strait ke dalam bagian dari proyek. Terkait peningkatan cadangan migas, Dwi mengatakan, memang sudah selayaknya ada kegiatan eksplorasi, termasuk investasi baru di sejumlah wilayah kerja. Investasi yang telah dilakukan tahun ini pun kemungkinan baru bisa dirasakan tahun depan.

Untuk itu, SKK Migas dalam waktu dekat akan melakukan pertemuan dengan para pemangku kebijakan, termasuk para kontraktor, agar program kerja yang disusun bisa dimulai sesuai rencana, termasuk dalam meningkatkan investasi sektor migas.

"Nanti dalam satu dua minggu ini mapping cekungan, kita ingin mencari mana yang potensinya besar-besar. Nanti data yang sudah dipahami akan dipelajari lebih dalam," kata dia.

Republika, Page-15, Tuesday, Dec 4, 2018

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