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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

The Gross Split Scheme Attracts Investors

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) said that the gross split scheme is still attractive to investors. This was marked by the signing of the Sengkang and East Sepinggan work area contracts (WK) which used the gross split scheme from the beginning with the cost recovery scheme.

"This is one proof that investors or contract contractors (KKKS) regard gross split as attractive and profitable," said ESDM Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar to the press after witnessing the signing of the Sengkang and East Sepinggan WK contracts, at the Ministry Office ESDM, Jakarta.

Arcandra said that until now more than 30 KKKS have used gross split schemes to run their businesses.

ENI Italy

"Italian companies and Pertamina have moved from cost recovery to gross split. Gross split makes the process simpler and more effective, "explained Arcandra.

He continued, although from the perspective of the government the gross split scheme was very attractive, the government remained open to input from contractors.

Arcandra Tahar

"The government accepts all inputs and criticisms of the gross split concept," said Arcandra.

ESDM Ministry Director General of Oil and Gas Djoko Siswanto said that the Sengkang WK ​​profit sharing contract is an extension contract with 100% of the holders of Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang) Pty Ltd participation. The Sengkang WK ​​profit sharing contract will be valid for 20 years, effective from October 24, 2022.

Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang) Pty Ltd

Estimated investment value from implementing the first five-year definite work commitment (KKP) of US $ 88 million and a signature bonus of US $ 12 million. The interest participation owned by Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang) includes 10% interest participation that will be offered to regional-owned enterprises (BUMD).

Meanwhile, the East Sepinggan WK profit sharing contract was the first cost recovery scheme to be converted into a gross split schemma contract in accordance with the proposal of the contractor, one of the considerations being the effectiveness of the development of the East Sepinggan WK.

Eni East Sepinggan Limited

"The holders of the participation of WK East Sepinggan are 85% Eni East Sepinggan Limited and 15% PT Pertamina Hulu Energi East Sepinggan with Eni East Sepinggan Limited will act as operators," Djoko concluded.


Skema Gross Split Menarik bagi Investor

Kementerian Energi dan Summber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menyampaikan skema bagi hasil (gross split) masih menarik bagi investor. Hal tersebut ditandai dengan penandatanganan kontrak wilayah kerja (WK) Sengkang dan East Sepinggan yang menggunakan skema gross split dari semula dengan skema cost  recovery.

“Ini merupakan salah satu bukti bahwa investor atau kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) menganggap gross split menarik serta menguntungkan,” ujar Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar kepada pers seusai menyaksikan penandatanganan kontrak WK Sengkang dan East Sepinggan, di Kantor Kementerian
ESDM, Jakarta. 

Arcandra menyebutkan hingga saat ini sudah 30 lebih KKKS menggunakan skema gross split untuk menjalankan bisnisnya. 

“Perusahaan Italia dan Pertamina telah pindah dari cost recovery ke gross split. Gross split membuat proses lebih simpel dan efektif,” terang Arcandra.

Dia melanjutkan meski dari perspektif pemerintah skema gross split ini sangat atraktif, pemerintah tetap terbuka terhadap masukan dari para kontraktor. 

“Pemerintah menerima semua masukan dan kritik terhadap konsep gross split,” tegas Arcandra.

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto menyampaikan kontrak bagi hasil WK Sengkang merupakan kontrak perpanjangan dengan pemegang partisipasi interes Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang) Pty Ltd sebesar 100%. Kontrak bagi hasil WK Sengkang akan berlaku untuk 20 tahun, efektif sejak 24 Oktober 2022.

Perkiraan nilai investasi dari pelaksanaan komitmen kerja pasti (KKP) lima tahun pertama sebesar US$ 88 juta dan bonus tanda tangan US$ 12 juta. Partisipasi interes yang dimiliki Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang) tersebut termasuk partisipasi interes 10% yang akan ditawarkan kepada badan usaha milik daerah (BUMD).

Sementara itu, kontrak bagi hasil WK East Sepinggan ialah kontrak skema cost recovery pertama yang beralih menjadi kontrak skemma gross split sesuai dengan usul kontraktor, yang salah satu pertimbangannya ialah efektifitas pengembangan WK East Sepinggan.

“Pemegang partisipasi interes WK East Sepinggan ialah Eni East Sepinggan Limited sebesar 85% serta PT Pertamina Hulu Energi East Sepinggan sebesar 15% dengan Eni East Sepinggan Limited akan bertindak sebagai operator,” pungkas Djoko.

Media Indonesia, Page-14, Wednesday, Dec 12, 2018

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