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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

3 The company is interested in Block Corridor

PT Pertamina (Persero), Repsol S.A., and Conoco Phillips are interested in managing the Corridor oil and gas working area located in Musi Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra. 

Repsol S.A.

    Head of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Dwi Soetjipto said that his party had not yet decided who would manage the block because it was still in the evaluation stage. However, Dwi targets, the evaluation of the Corridor Block will be completed including the scenario for developing the working area to next week. .

"This is intended to provide certainty because the block contract expires in 2023. Hopefully there will be a decision soon," he said.

In September 2018, Director General of Oil and Gas, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Djoko Siswanto said that Pertamina had officially submitted a proposal to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to manage the Corridor Block after the contract expired in 2023.

Djoko said that he had just received a Pertamina proposal which he called very thick. However, he could not disclose the details of the contents of the proposal.

"Pertamina told me to submit a proposal. I just received it, "Djoko said.

Pertamina has also obtained permission to access data on the Corridor Block. Besides Pertamina, the contractor existing in the block, namely ConocoPhillips Indonesia, has expressed interest in continuing to manage the Corridor Block after the contract expires. The giant oil company from the United States has written to the ESDM Ministry about its interest.

With the proposal from Pertamina, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources will compare the ConocoPhillips and Pertamina proposals as they did at the Rokan Block, namely between PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia and Pertamina.

PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia

Based on Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 23/2018 concerning Management of Oil and Gas Working Areas that End Work Contracts, the government opens opportunities for anyone to apply for management of oil and gas blocks, from existing and Pertamina operators.

The regulation confirms that the government will appoint the termination block management operator that has the best program and definite commitment, especially to encourage exploration in increasing Indonesia's oil and gas reserves and production.

Arcandra Tahar

Related to the extension by ConocoPhillips, Deputy Minister of ESDM Arcandra Tahar said that his side had not yet received a complete proposal. According to him, the proposal from ConocoPhillips is still being processed at SKK Migas.

"While at SKK Migas, it has just been discussed. To the team leader yet. "The process is SKK Migas first after that the team," said Arcandra.

Corridor Block is one of the terminated oil and gas working areas which has a large production capacity. The average crude oil production in the region reaches 13,700 barrels per day (bpd). Based on SKK Migas data, production is ready to sell or lift natural gas in the Coridor Block as of July 31, 2018 amounting to 828.11 million cubic feet per day / MMscfd or has reached 102.3% of this year's target.

Based on data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Conoco Phillips manages three oil and gas fields in Indonesia, namely the Corridor Block in South Sumatra with a 54% share participation, Talisman Corridor Ltd. 36%, and Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Corridor 10%.


Conoco Phillips also manages the South Jambi Block by controlling 45%, along with 30% PetroChina working partners, and 25% Pertamina. In addition, the company from the United States also manages the Kualakurun oil and gas working area in Central Kalimantan with 100% participating shares. The South Jambi block will expire on January 18, 2020. ConocoPhillips has chosen to leave this block.


3 Perusahaan Meminati  Blok Corridor  

PT Pertamina (Persero), Repsol S.A., dan Conoco Phillips berminat untuk mengelola wilayah kerja minyak dan gas bumi Corridor yang belokasi di Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin, Sumatra Selatan. 

    Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Dwi Soetjipto mengatakan bahwa pihaknya belum memutuskan siapa yang akan mengelola blok tersebut lantaran masih dalam tahap evaluasi. Namun, Dwi menargetkan, evaluasi Blok Corridor selesai termasuk skenario pengembangan wilayah kerja tersebut pada ke pekan depan. .

“Ini dimaksudkan untuk memberi kepastian karena kontrak blok tersebut berakhir 2023. Mudah-mudahan segera ada keputusan,” katanya.

Pada September 2018, Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Djoko Siswanto mengatakan bahwa Pertamina telah resmi mengajukan proposal ke Kementerian ESDM untuk mengelola Blok Corridor setelah habis kontrak pada 2023.

Djoko menuturkan, pihaknya baru saja menerima proposal Pertamina yang disebutnya sangat tebal. Namun, dia belum bisa mengungkapkan detil isi proposal tersebut. 

“Pertamina ke saya mengajukan proposal. Saya baru saja  menerimanya,"  ujar Djoko.

Pertamina juga sudah mendapatkan izin untuk mengakses data di Blok Corridor. Selain Pertamina, kontraktor eksis di blok tersebut, yakni ConocoPhillips Indonesia, telah menyatakan minatnya untuk tetap mengelola Blok Corridor setelah kontrak habis. Perusahaan minyak raksasa dari Amerika Serikat itu sudah menyurati Kementerian ESDM mengenai minatnya tersebut. 

Dengan adanya pengajuan proposal dari Pertamina, Kementerian ESDM akan membandingkan proposal ConocoPhillips dan Pertamina seperti halnya yang dilakukan di Blok Rokan, yakni antara PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia dan Pertamina.

Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 23/2018 tentang Pengelolaan Wilayah Kerja Migas yang Berakhir Kontrak Kerja Samanya, pemerintah membuka peluang bagi siapapun untuk mengajukan permohonan pengelolaan blok migas, dari operator eksis maupun Pertamina.

Regulasi itu menegaskan bahwa pemerintah akan menunjuk operator pengelola blok terminasi yang memiliki program dan komitmen pasti paling bagus, terutama untuk mendorong eksplorasi dalam meningkatkan cadangan dan produksi migas Indonesia.

Terkait dengan perpanjangan oleh ConocoPhillips, Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar menuturkan bahwa pihaknya hingga kini belum mendapatkan proposal lengkap. Menurutnya, proposal dari ConocoPhillips masih diproses di SKK Migas. 

“Sedang di SKK Migas, baru saja dibahas. Ke ketua tim belum. Prosesnya SKK Migas dulu setelah itu tim,” kata Arcandra.

Blok Corridor merupakan salah satu wilayah kerja migas terminasi yang memiliki kapasitas produksi cukup besar. Rerata produksi minyak mentah di wilayah itu mencapai 13.700 barel per hari (bph). Berdasarkan data SKK Migas, produksi siap jual atau lifting gas bumi di Blok Coridor per 31 Juli 2018 sebesar 828,11 juta kaki kubik per hari/MMscfd atau sudah mencapai 102,3% dari target tahun ini.

Berdasarkan data Kementerian ESDM, Conoco Phillips mengelola tiga lapangan migas di Indonesia, yakni Blok Corridor di Sumatra Selatan dengan bagian saham partisipasi 54%, Talisman Corridor Ltd. 36%, dan Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Corridor 10%.

Conoco Phillips juga mengelola Blok South Jambi dengan menguasai 45 %, bersama mitra kerja PetroChina 30%, dan Pertamina 25 %. Selain itu, perusahaan dari Amerika Serikat itu juga mengelola wilayah kerja migas Kualakurun, Kalimantan Tengah dengan saham partisipasi 100%. Blok South Jambi akan habis masa kontraknya pada 18 Januari 2020. ConocoPhillips memilih meninggalkan blok ini.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-22, Thursday, Dec 27, 2018

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