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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

3 Oil and Gas Blocks Auction Again

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) will auction off three oil and gas blocks that were not sold in 2018. The three blocks are the Selat Panjang (WK) Working Area, Makassar Strait, and West Kampar.

ESDM Ministry's Director General of Oil and Gas Djoko Siswanto said the auction for the working area in 2019 still refers to the experience of last year which was divided into three stages. According to him, the government's desire to continue auctioning the WK that failed to be auctioned was considered reasonable.

"Now there are still three stages, which I remember that must have been auctioned [this year] that Makassar Strait is not yet, then the Long Strait, and West Kampar," he said.

For the Kampar Riau Block, the ESDM Ministry actually auctioned it on September 19 to October 22, 201. Unfortunately, investors have not been interested in the block which has an estimated reserve of 8.3 MMSTB (oil and condensate). Initially the block was managed by PT Sumatera Persada Energi (SPE). Then on December 28, 2008, Oilex Ltd purchased management rights of 45% of PSE. On the way, at the end of December 2016, PSE was in bankruptcy.

The production contract for the Kampar Riau West Block was signed in October 2005 with a contract period of 50 years. Termination of the SPE contract as manager of the Kampar Block is realized through a letter from the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources with Number 2974/2018 signed on August 15 2018. Similar to West Kampar; The Long Strait Block, located in Riau, will be terminated on September 5, 2021 and attempted to be auctioned again.

Because, Petroselat Ltd, which is a subsidiary of PT Sugih Energy Tbk., As the operator, was declared bankrupt on July 5, 2017, so the government again auctioned off the oil and gas block.

Especially for the Makassar Strait Block, there are actually investors who are interested in managing this working area. In the conventional oil and gas working area Phase II 2018, Eni Muara Bakau B.V has submitted a proposal. 

ENI from Italy
  Then, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources rejected the proposal because the KKKS (contractor of cooperation contract) ENI from Italy did not meet the requirements provided by the government.

ENI from Italy

At that time, the ESDM Ministry thought the Italian ENI investor proposal contained strategic requirements that made Eni's offer fail. But from the commercial side, such as cooperation bonuses and definite work commitments, Eni's proposal was deemed feasible. 

ENI from Italy

   Djoko ensured that the three blocks would be re-auctioned, considering the government had conducted an evaluation, specifically related to the Makassar Strait Block. The government has successfully auctioned 36 oil and gas blocks using gross split schemes.


3 Blok Migas Dilelang Lagi

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) kembali akan melelang tiga blok minyak dan gas yang tidak laku pada 2018. Ketiga blok tersebut adalah Wilayah Kerja (WK) Selat Panjang, Makassar Strait, dan West Kampar.

Dirjen Migas Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto mengatakan, lelang wilayah kerja pada 2019 tetap mengacu seperti pengalaman tahun lalu yang dibagi menjadi tiga tahap. Menurutnya, keinginan pemerintah untuk tetap melelang WK yang gagal dilelang dianggap wajar.

“Sekarang tetap tiga tahap, yang saya ingat yang pasti dilelang [tahun ini] itu Makassar Strait kan belum, kemudian Selat Panjang, dan West Kampar,” tuturnya.
Untuk Blok Kampar Riau , sebenarnya Kementerian ESDM telah melelangnya pada 19 September - 22 Oktober 2018. Sayangnya, investor belum tertarik pada blok yang memiliki estimasi cadangan sebesar 8,3 MMSTB (minyak berikut kondensat) tersebut. Awalnya blok tersebut dikelola oleh PT Sumatera Persada Energi (SPE). Kemudian pada 28 Desember 2008, Oilex Ltd membeli hak kelola sebesar 45% dari PSE. Dalam perjalanannya, pada akhir Desember 2016, PSE dalam kondisi pailit.

Kontrak bagi hasil Blok West Kampar Riau ditandatangani pada Oktober 2005 dengan jangka waktu kontraknya selama 50 tahun. Pemutusan kontrak SPE sebagai pengelola Blok Kampar diwujudkan melaui surat Menteri ESDM dengan Nomor 2974/2018 yang ditandatangani pada 15 Agustus 2018. Serupa dengan West Kampar; Blok Selat Panjang, yang berlokasi di Riau, akan terminasi pada 5 September 2021 dan berupaya kembali dilelang. 

Pasalnya, Petroselat Ltd yang merupakan anak usaha dari PT Sugih Energy Tbk., sebagai operator telah dinyatakan pailit pada 5 Juli 2017, sehingga pemerintah kembali melelang blok migas tersebut.

Khusus untuk Blok Makassar Strait, sebenarnya ada investor yang tertarik untuk mengelola wilayah kerja ini. Dalam wilayah kerja migas konvensional Tahap ll 2018, Eni Muara Bakau B.V telah memasukkan proposal. Kemudian, Kementerian ESDM menolak proposal karena KKKS (kontraktor kontrak kerja sama) ENI dari Italia tersebut tidak memenuhi persyaratan yang diberikan pemerintah.

Saat itu, Kementerian ESDM beranggapan proposal investor ENI Italia tersebut mengandung persyaratan strategis yang membuat penawaran Eni gagal. Namun dari sisi komersial, seperti bonus kerja sama dan komitmen kerja pasti, proposal Eni sudah dianggap layak. 

   Djoko memastikan bahwa tiga blok tersebut akan dilelang ulang, mengingat pemerintah sudah melakukan evaluasi, khususnya terkait dengan Blok Makassar Strait. Pemerintah telah berhasil melelang 36 blok migas dengan menggunakan skema gross split. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-3, Thursday, Jan 3, 2019

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