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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

During 2019 Pertamina EP Drill Target 94 Wells

PT Pertamina EP, a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero) as well as Cooperation Contract Contractors (KKKS) under the coordination of SKK Migas, is committed to pursuing oil and gas production in 2019. One strategy is drilling 94 wells and 243 Workover wells throughout Indonesia.

Nanang Abdul Manaf, President Director of PT Pertamina EP, said that the company targets 82,500 BOPD of oil and 768 MMSCFD of gas in 2019. The company's strategy is to pursue the lifting by making production earlier.

"We believe that maximizing the use of time can provide better results," he said.

PT Pertamina EP has a very wide working area in Indonesia and is supported by reliable human resources. The area of ​​work is a challenge and an opportunity for Pertamina EP to be able to maximize production according to the agreed work plan.

"We continue to remind you to run operations with excellence and zero accident. For us, safety is priority. All workers and partners "must work by paying attention to work safety rules," he explained.

Director of Operation and Production of PT Pertamina EP, Chalid Said Salim, said that for the strategy to achieve employment in 2019, his party focuses on executing the drilling work program. They also synergize the functions of both core business functions and their support.

"We continue to monitor integrated procurement processes, monitor physical progress and costs regularly, as well as cost effectiveness," Chalid added.


Selama 2019 Pertamina EP Target Bor 94 Sumur

PT Pertamina EP, anak usaha PT Pertamina (Persero) sekaligus Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) di bawah koordinasi SKK Migas berkomitmen mengejar produksi migas di tahun 2019. Salah satu strategi melakukan pengeboran 94 sumur dan 243 sumur Workover seluruh Indonesia.

Presiden Direktur PT Pertamina EP Nanang Abdul Manaf mengatakan pihaknya mentargetkan minyak sebesar 82.500 BOPD dan gas 768 MMSCFD di tahun 2019 ini. Adapun strategi perusahaan untuk mengejar lifting tersebut dengan melakukan produksi lebih dini.

“Kami percaya dengan memaksimalkan penggunaan waktu dapat memberikan hasil yang lebih baik,” ujarnya. 

PT Pertamina EP mempunyai wilayah kerja yang sangat luas di Indonesia dan didukung dengan sumber daya manusia handal. Luas wilayah kerja menjadi tantangan dan peluang tersendiri bagi Pertamina EP agar mampu memaksimalkan hasil produksi sesuai rencana kerja yang disepakati.

“Kami terus mengingatkan untuk menjalankan operasional dengan excellent serta zero accident. Bagi kami, safety is priority. Seluruh pekerja dan mitra
wajib bekerja dengan memperhatikan kaidah keselamatan kerja,” jelasnya.

Direktur Operasi dan Produksi PT Pertamina EP, Chalid Said Salim mengatakan untuk strategi pencapaian kerja di 2019, pihaknya fokus mengeksekusi program kerja pemboran. Mereka juga melakukan sinergi antar fungsi baik fungsi core business maupun supportnya.

“Kami terus melakukan monitoring terintegrasi proses pengadaan, monitoring progress fisik dan biaya secara rutin, serta cost effectiveness,” imbuh Chalid.

Radar Gresik, Page-5, Thursday, Jan 3, 2019

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